The first taboo in the world

Chapter 64 Deterrence

The faint purple mist shrouded the figure of Xu Zifan in the dark night, which was a little hazy, a little mysterious, and a little unpredictable!

In Hengyang City in July, it was a hot and dry time. A drizzle fell, and the irritating heat was extinguished a little. The world became refreshing, and the cool breeze blew, which should have made people comfortable and comfortable. It was refreshing, but at this moment, the Qian Wulin heroes on the field felt like a cold wind was blowing on their faces, from head to toe, and their backs were chilly.

In less than half a stick of incense, dozens of people were lying on their bodies, their bodies split open by a sword. The bluestone street was now covered with bloodstains. The red blood gathered together and flowed into the distance. The thick smell of blood filled the air. The air lingers for a long time and is particularly pungent. At this moment, this place is like Shura Hell, with a tragic scene and a heavy atmosphere.

Many martial arts heroes present had never seen dead people or bloodshed, but the scene in front of them still horrified them.

The people lying on the ground with their bodies here, their temples were bulging high, and there were calluses on their palms. They were obviously masters, but this group of strong men, numbering seventy or eighty people, in a short period of time, To be found out among thousands of people by the same person and kill them neatly is a bit scary, horrifying and shocking.

At this time, Xu Zifan was still standing quietly, with an indifferent expression, without saying a word, looking cold and ruthless.

When the heroes denounced him just now, he naturally knew that someone was secretly fueling the flames, and the purpose was self-evident. He would naturally not show any mercy to such people who framed him and were deeply hostile to him.

Taoist Master Tianmen, Master Dingyi, Liu Zhengfeng and other senior masters in the world turned to look at each other, and they all saw horror, solemnity, and even a touch of fear in each other's eyes.

At this time, their hearts were filled with shock and confusion. They evaluated in their hearts whether they could block the rainbow-like purple sword light if Xu Zifan had attacked them just now. The answer was: no.

How could a young man's martial arts be so high?

A faint purple mist filled the air, and Xu Zifan's body was wrapped in purple mist. It was mysterious and unpredictable. Even the martial arts practitioners standing in front of the crowd who were very close to him could not see his face clearly, and the surrounding air was getting colder and colder. , getting heavier and heavier.

At this moment, everyone focused their attention on Xu Zifan in the center of the field. At this moment, his figure holding a sword stood there. The aura around him was mysterious, vast, majestic, and powerful, making people feel like facing the vast sea, unfathomable and very oppressive. feel.

At this moment, an invisible aura spread out from Xu Zifan's body, suppressing everything, as if the void of the surrounding world and even every plant, tree, sand and stone were oppressed by its aura, and they did not dare to breathe and lost their voices.

At this moment, the surrounding world seemed to have undergone unknown changes due to the influence of Xu Zifan's breath. It became misty and hazy, and lost its voice. Many martial arts people were silent at this moment. Even the frogs often heard in summer evenings, The chirping of insects gradually disappeared and became silent.

The world here has changed. From a distance, there are faint purple mist threads looming in the sky and the earth within a few hundred meters, which is extraordinary and mysterious.

At this moment, the world of several hundred meters in this side seems to be a world of its own, independent of the big world. In this world, everything is blurred, as if everything is going to nothingness and disappear, and even the sound is gradually eliminated. , only the heavy and suffocating sense of oppression remains, not on the body, but on the mind.

The heavy and suffocating sense of oppression came and went quickly. The purple mist around Xu Zifan gradually returned to his body, and his figure was no longer hazy or blurry.

After a moment, a young man in black brocade clothes was seen in the field, holding a green-edged sword, standing quietly with an indifferent expression.

The cool breeze blew, slightly moving the corners of Xu Zifan's clothes. The whole world was no longer hazy and hazy, but became clearer. The unique croaking of frogs and insects on summer nights sounded loudly again.

At this moment, all the martial arts heroes present were shuddering when they were blown by the breeze, and cold sweat flowed from their foreheads.

Looking at the young men in black brocade clothes who still looked indifferent in the field, their eyes were filled with palpitations, and they felt like their hearts were beating with fear, as if they were facing a higher-level creature or a natural enemy, and they were suppressed from the spiritual point of view.

"Do you agree to those three conditions?" A faint voice sounded, with a bit of coldness. At this time, Xu Zifan opened his mouth and asked Mu Gaofeng, who still did not dare to get up.

At this time, all the heroes present, including Taoist Master Tianmen, Master Dingyi, Liu Zhengfeng and other senior martial arts masters, were all silent, and no one said anything to stop them.

"I do, I do!" Mu Gaofeng looked up at Xu Zifan, his body trembling, and said impatiently. At this moment, he was frightened to death. He could clearly see the situation just now.

From the way Xu Zifan acted just now, he understood that this was a master who was ruthless and didn't say much, but his martial arts skills were at the peak of his powers and extremely powerful. If he hesitated at all, he might be killed immediately.

Hearing Mu Gaofeng's promise, Xu Zifan ignored it and walked forward.

When many martial arts people around saw Xu Zifan approaching, they cheered and immediately moved out of the way. In the field were a group of Huashan disciples and a young, ugly, dirty hunchback, that is, Lin Pingzhi. .

Just now Xu Zifan rescued Lin Pingzhi from Yu Canghai. The Huashan disciples knew that he must have a deep meaning, so they took the little hunchback with them when they came out. Therefore, now the Huashan disciples are with Lin Pingzhi.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi was full of affection and awe for Xu Zifan. His family was suddenly wiped out, his parents were abducted by Yu Canghai, and his life and death were unknown. He was forced to live in the world, and his life suddenly changed from carefree to nothing.

He has gone through a lot of hardships in the world, enduring humiliation and burden, just for revenge and finding his parents. Only he knows the pain, and only Xu Zifan has helped him along the way.

Tonight, Xu Zifan not only rescued himself from Yu Canghai, but also easily defeated his biggest enemy Yu Canghai.

Moreover, in the blink of an eye, Xu Zifan's figure disappeared and flashed, and he quickly killed dozens of martial arts masters. He could see it clearly, and he couldn't help but not be grateful and awed.

Originally, he thought that Yu Canghai and his ilk were already among the best in the world. When he saw Xu Zifan take action just now, he realized that his vision was too low. Compared with Xu Zifan, Yu Canghai was like a firefly competing with the bright moon. There was nothing. Comparability.

At this moment, he looked at Xu Zifan approaching, his eyes full of gratitude and admiration, but also a little hopeful and nervous.

At this time, Xu Zifan walked step by step, and many martial arts people around him were silent. Even the Huashan disciples were frightened by Xu Zifan's momentum and iron-blooded killing just now. They lost their usual playful smiles and acted a little nervous and unnatural.

When they got closer, Xu Zifan greeted a group of Huashan disciples and explained some things. He turned to look at Lin Pingzhi and said: "Lin Pingzhi, I will take you to see your parents!"

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