The first taboo in the world

Chapter 665 The Origin of the Moon

Chapter 667 The Origin of the Moon

After that sigh, the Black Mist Mountains calmed down again.

But the outside world once again set off a storm. After many years, the divine sword struck again and killed an unfathomable immortal demon in an instant.

This was an extremely terrifying event, with blood pouring down from heaven and earth, and violent winds roaring. This was a vision of heaven and earth that would only occur if a true immortal fell.

All living beings were shocked. This divine sword hanging in the sky killed immortals and demons like a dog. It was simply shocking.

Today, a true immortal-level powerhouse used his life to explain that what the female monk in green was saying was true.

Anyone who dares to cause trouble to Kyushu will be killed!

It is conceivable that after this incident, some alien creatures who gradually became restless would calm down again and would not dare to make any mistakes.

On the other side, Xu Zifan saw the faceless evil god slaying him and the Xuanyuan Sword showing off its power. Knowing that it was the female demon in green who had taken action, he bowed in the direction of the Kyushu Continent from afar.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that he was really lucky this time, just in time to catch up with the green-clothed female demon Xuanjian Tianwai to frighten the immortals and demons in other worlds. He was worried that the faceless life-lock for a long time would be broken again due to other reasons, and the faceless evil god would be killed.

At the same time, he also had some lingering fears. This time, the faceless life-locking left a deep impression on him.

The faceless evil gods at the level of immortals and demons are too terrifying. Normally, when a real immortal encounters them, they will definitely not be treated favorably and may be killed.

In particular, his attacks against the divine soul were unpredictable and impossible to guard against. If he hadn't been protected by the five-color fairy light, his soul might have been cut off long ago, and his body and soul would have disappeared.

At the same time, he had some speculations about the past generations of strong men who practiced the Hun Tian Body Refining Technique and died quickly in the face of the Faceless Life Lock. Perhaps their souls were cut off.

For a person who specializes in physical arts, the soul is considered a weakness, and when he encounters the faceless evil god who is good at attacking the soul, it makes perfect sense that his soul is suddenly cut off.

However, he felt that something was wrong with this speculation, because the strong men who had practiced the Hun Tian Body Refining Technique for generations had a common feature after being beheaded when they were killed without a face, and that was the disappearance of facial features.

This situation is a little weird and a little scary!

The disappearance of the facial features means faceless, and the faceless evil god will execute the order of the faceless.

Could it be that the Faceless Evil God just did it casually? I'm afraid it's more than that.

Xu Zifan shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, the faceless life-threatening situation belonging to the immortal and demonic realm has passed. The next time he comes again will be above the immortal and demonic realm, which corresponds to the stage of destruction.

Now he doesn't have much idea about how to enter this stage, and it's useless to think too much.

What's more, the catastrophe of the heavens is imminent, and the most terrifying catastrophe in all eternity is about to come. Maybe he has no hope of reaching that stage.

Xu Zifan sighed, then quickly adjusted his mentality and looked at the Mingyue Immortal Artifact not far away.

At this moment, the bright moon hangs in the starry sky of the universe. The moonlight is soft and continuous like water, shining in the dark universe, making the surrounding starry sky shine brightly.

Vaguely visible, above the bright moon, there is the White Jade Moon Palace, and there are even laurel trees that emit jade light all over their bodies.

And in front of the White Jade Palace, under the laurel, there is a figure standing, white clothes than snow, peerless elegance.

At this moment, the figure in white in front of the White Jade Palace also looked at Xu Zifan with a smile on his face.

"Friend Xu Xian, do you want to come here?"

Xu Zifan smiled and nodded, took a step forward, and the five-colored fairy light appeared under his feet, already above the bright moon.

He knew something about this Mingyue Immortal Artifact through the Immortal King. It was an immortal artifact of the same level as the Nine Immortal Soldiers. There were seven Xiuyue Sons on it, holding the Seven Moon Xiubao, which could be combined with the Mingyue Immortal Artifact to unleash an unparalleled combat effectiveness.

"Xu Xianyou!"

The figure in white clothes is a woman. She is extremely beautiful, with snow-white skin. Her whole body is spotless, and her whole body exudes a holy light. She is an extraordinary person at first glance.

The most special thing is that between his eyebrows, there is a wisp of moon lines, which is the flow of the lunar spirit, making it even more otherworldly.

Xu Zifan stepped forward and curiously looked at the surrounding scenery. He couldn't help but sigh. There was a unique beauty above the bright moon, which he had only seen in his life.

"Is this girl one of the seven Xiu Yue sons?"

Xu Zifan came not far from the woman in white and asked with a smile.

"Seventh Xiuyue Son?"

The woman in white was a little puzzled, but she soon realized it and said: "According to the human name, I think it is!"

"Thank you for your help, girl, I'm very grateful!"

Xu Zifan saluted. He had just fought against the Faceless Evil God. The Mingyue Immortal Weapon had given him a lot of help, and he needed to thank him.

"You're welcome!"

The woman in white is very beautiful, with a unique temperament and a clear voice, like bright jade striking each other, graceful and sweet.

"Is the girl feeling ill?"

Xu Zifan frowned slightly. He could see that the woman in front of him was not a true immortal. She was in the ninth level of the gods. It was just that her blood was weak, the energy in her body was weak, and her condition was very bad. Maybe a creature in the extraordinary realm was not her at this time. Can be dealt with.

The woman in white did not respond, but smiled slightly and invited Xu Zifan to enter the White Jade Palace behind her.

Xu Zifan looked up and saw a plaque on the White Jade Palace with three ancient characters written on it: Guanghan Palace.

In an instant, he was thinking a lot. Guanghan Palace played an important role in Chinese mythology. It was almost a household name and widely circulated. He never expected that he would be here today.

Moreover, according to legend, there is a stunning female fairy in Guanghan Palace. Could it be this woman in front of her?

Xu Zifan was confused, but followed the woman in white into Guanghan Palace.

In the Guanghan Palace, the lunar moonlight is extremely rich and condenses into mist. When you are here, your whole body is cool and your mind is much clearer. Even Xu Zifan is already a true immortal, and he has a clear feeling after entering here. This is the supreme holy place for practicing the true method of Taiyin.

The Guanghan Palace was full of twists and turns, with countless corridors. It passed six white jade halls that even the gods could not see through. Finally, the woman in white stopped at the door of the seventh hall.

At this time, he turned around slightly and showed a bright smile to Xu Zifan. Suddenly, the entire Guanghan Palace seemed like flowers in bloom, the clouds broke through the moon, and it was extremely beautiful.

However, facing this situation, Xu Zifan could no longer laugh, because as the woman in white walked along, he could feel that the life breath of the woman in white was still declining and decreasing. After walking here, her breath was almost All disappeared, not much different from mortals.

The woman in white still smiled beautifully, just like the fairy lotus blooming on the Tianshan Mountain, very pure. A white jade sword appeared in her slender hand at some point.

"Xu Xianyou, everything you need to know is here. I don't have time."

The woman in white had a clear and gentle voice. She handed the jade sword in her hand to Xu Zifan, then turned around, opened the door, and prepared to enter the seventh hall in front of her.

"Girl, if you need me to do anything, just ask, I will do my best!"

Xu Zifan took the jade sword handed over by the woman, and felt an unspeakable sadness in his heart, because the moment the woman in white opened the door of the hall, he saw only a white jade coffin lying in the hall.

Seeing that the life breath of the woman in white clothes in front of him was almost gone, he understood something at this time.

"I have five-color immortal blood and countless rare treasures. Maybe I can give it a try. Don't give up!"

Xu Zifan spoke again, feeling very uncomfortable.

The woman in white entered the hall, finally looked back, smiled softly, with a trace of relief in her beautiful eyes, and said in a soft voice:

"I came from the middle of the moon and I will go back to the middle of the moon. This is my destiny!"

After the woman in white said that, she turned around and walked towards the white jade coffin. At the same time, light rain flew out of her body, and her whole person began to change from reality to illusion.

Finally, at the moment when she was about to disappear completely, she spoke again, with a hint of pity in her voice, but also a blessing, saying: "I hope you can live, and maybe there will be a bright moon rising in the future!"

The light rain scattered, and finally the woman in white disappeared completely. Only her long snow-white dress slowly fell to the white jade coffin in front of her.

The next moment, the door of the main hall slowly closed automatically with a heartbreaking creaking sound.

Xu Zifan stood outside the hall door, holding the white jade sword handed to him by the woman in white. He was silent for a long time, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

It can be imagined that after he entered Guanghan Palace, the other six halls he passed in succession were like the hall in front of him, where the other six Xiuyue Seventh Sons withered.

In other words, Xiu Yue's seven sons all withered, and no one survived. Although they could fight against the true immortals with the help of the Mingyue Immortal Weapon, they were still deeply wounded due to their lack of realm and fell one after another.

At this moment, Xu Zifan sighed. He was originally here to visit his immortal friends, but unexpectedly he encountered such a thing. It was sad and heartbreaking.

After the last battle between immortals and demons, he learned from the Immortal King that Xiu Yue's seventh son was severely injured and some died.

Today, the Mingyue Immortal Artifact once again helped him defeat the Faceless Evil God, and the last Moon Goddess also withered.

Xu Zifan was silent for a long time, thinking about the impending catastrophe, and sighed at the end. Maybe this is the prelude to the catastrophe of the heavens. Before it begins, people begin to die, which makes people feel sad.

It’s hard to imagine what it will be like when a real disaster strikes.

Perhaps it is the mountains of corpses and seas of blood that are endless as far as the eye can see. The world is shattered, the sun and the moon are drying up, and all living beings are dying in mourning...

Xu Zifan felt a little heavy in his heart, so he turned around and walked out of Guanghan Palace, came under a laurel tree, and sat cross-legged.

A white jade sword exuded gleaming jade light in his hand, like the most perfect work of art in the world, without any flaws.

As he put a trace of energy into the white jade sword, the white jade sword suddenly glowed brightly, suspended in the air, and shot out a spiritual thought from the sword body, which contained a large amount of information.

Xu Zifan began to read it carefully. Half an hour later, he finally read all the information with an increasingly surprised expression.

At this time, he finally knew the origin of the Mingyue Immortal Artifact, and at the same time he also knew the whereabouts of Xiu Yue Seventh Son.

This bright moon artifact turned out to be the moon, the former satellite of the earth.

Or to be precise, it is the core of the moon. The original broken appearance of the moon is just a disguise. Under the desolate and lonely appearance full of craters, it is the Mingyue Immortal Artifact.

As for its origin, it was a female fairy known as the Taiyin Goddess in the Kyushu world who took part of the star core of the Taiyin Star and refined it.

However, the Mingyue Immortal Artifact had not really taken shape at that time, and the great catastrophe of heaven and earth came. In the catastrophe, the Taiyin Goddess died and her soul was destroyed, while the Mingyue Immortal Artifact had been cultivated in the star shell and wandered in the starry sky and the universe.

Later, the great catastrophe subsided, and at the same time the heaven and earth changed drastically, the Kyushu collapsed, and China was evolved into the earth, suspended in the starry sky of the universe.

Thousands of years ago, the moon artifact wandering in the starry sky was captured by the earth, and then the earth had a satellite, which is the moon.

The Xiuyue clan on top of the Mingyue Immortal Weapon are life forms accidentally born from the infinite lunar essence contained in the lunar star core over thousands of years.

The Xiuyue clan was known as the Three Thousand Laurels in its heyday, with a clan number of 80,000 people.

They are all transformed from the essence of Taiyin, born holy, mastering the true method of Taiyin, and because they control the core key of the Mingyue Immortal Artifact, the Seven Treasures of Xiuyue, they are called the Xiuyue Clan.

In the last war between immortals and demons, the entire Xiuyue clan was almost wiped out. After decades, the remaining seriously injured people gradually withered away. Even the strongest Xiuyue Seventh Son died one after another. In the end, only one person survived to this day. But because the origin was severely damaged, it eventually withered.

This is the origin of the Mingyue Immortal Artifact and the footsteps of the Seventh Xiuyue Son.

Xu Zifan sighed, everything suddenly became clear.

In fact, before the heaven and earth changed, there were people on the earth who had various opinions about the origin of the moon. There are many incredible and difficult-to-understand things about the moon that have always been unsolved mysteries.

The most miraculous thing is that the moon seemed to appear suddenly and was not visible in the oldest history books. Only from a certain period of time, there was a bright moon in the sky, and its records began to be recorded in ancient books.

In addition, the Xiuyue clan also existed in ancient myths and legends, but it was very mysterious and almost unknown to outsiders.

At this time, through the spiritual thoughts left in the white jade sword, Xu Zifan finally solved the unsolved mystery that had troubled countless people for a long time.

Xu Zifan reached out and made a move, and the white jade sword suspended in the air returned to his hand again.

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall in his mind what the woman in white said before she withered:

"I came from the middle of the moon and I will go back to the middle of the moon. This is my destiny!"

The woman in white had a soft voice, exuding a holy aura from beginning to end.

"I hope you can survive, and maybe the bright moon will rise in the future!"

Xu Zifan looked sad, such a mysterious and holy clan was wiped out.

Almost no one knows about their appearance and withering, just like a small fairy lotus outside the world, beautiful and holy, blooming alone and withering alone, which makes people feel distressed.

"Maybe there will be a bright moon rising in the future?"

Xu Zifan smiled bitterly, is there still a future? The great catastrophe of the heavens is imminent, the slaughter and calamity are boundless, the world is about to be destroyed, where is the future?

Xu Zifan made the secret in his hand, and a strange Tao rhyme spread out from his fingers and spread in all directions.

Not long after, from the Guanghan Palace behind him, six rays of pure white jade light lit up one after another, and then flew towards him.

The method in his hand is exactly the method of summoning the Seven Treasures of the Moon that he just obtained from that spiritual thought.

At this moment, six rays of jade light flew in, all staying in the void in front of him, manifesting their original appearance.

They are white jade sword, white jade ring, white jade cup, white jade tripod, white jade bell and white jade seal.

In addition, the white jade sword in his hand happened to be the Seven Treasures of Xiuyue.

The magic formula in Xu Zifan's hand changed again, and all the Seven Treasures of Xiuyue flew up, and then burst out with bright light, fused together, and turned into a white jade ax the size of a palm.

"Jade Ax Xiuyue!"

At this moment, Xu Zifan couldn't help but think of this beautiful myth and legend.

The jade ax in Xiuyue's legend is exactly the ax in front of me.

Xu Zifan stretched out his hand, and a white jade ax appeared in his hand. This was the key to the Mingyue Immortal Artifact. It was the tool used by the Taiyin Goddess to chisel the Mingyue Immortal Artifact when she was refining it. It was also a necessary thing to control the Mingyue Immortal Artifact.

The Xiuyue clan all withered away, and from then on, the Mingyue Immortal Weapon, which was comparable to the Nine Immortal Soldiers, was under his control.

In the future, he will use this fairy weapon to slay the immortals and demons from other worlds, and become the goddess of Taiyin to avenge the Xiuyue clan.

Xu Zifan quickly refined the white jade axe, and then refined the Mingyue Immortal Artifact.

With this Mingyue Immortal Weapon, which is comparable to the Nine Immortal Soldiers, his combat power has been improved to a higher level. It can be said that his strength has been greatly increased. If he were to face the faceless evil god again at this time, he would definitely be able to win easily.

Next, Xu Zifan practiced on the bright moon, either to understand the secret of the body of destruction, or to deduce the forbidden path.

Although his current strength can crush most immortals and demons, he is not satisfied because he knows that if a catastrophe comes, this strength will not be enough.

Time passed by, and it was another twenty years. Xu Zifan was enlightening the Dharma on the bright moon, looking up at the movement of the stars in the universe, and looking down at the mountains and rivers of the Nine Provinces. Although his strength had not improved, there were many things that he had not understood before. He has thought a lot clearly, and it can be said that he has gained a lot. He can only wait to verify it in person in the future.

At the same time, in the past twenty years, the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become more intense. Especially in recent years, many wildernesses and mountains and rivers that seemed inconspicuous in the past have been transformed into caves and blessed places for cultivation.

The world of spiritual practice is prosperous, and many super masters have emerged. Whether they are from Kyushu or those who belong to all heavens and worlds, their Taoism has advanced by leaps and bounds, and all living beings in the world have generally made a qualitative leap.

On the Kyushu side, in the past twenty years, many creatures have entered the realm of gods, and masters have emerged in large numbers.

The descendants of all realms are equally terrifying. Many creatures who were originally in the early stage of gods have been promoted to the late stage of gods in just twenty years.

The most noteworthy thing is that the number of immortals and demons from other worlds has increased again. In the past twenty years, it is known that there are two alien creatures that have definitely broken through to the true fairyland. One of them once fought against Xu Zifan. , it is Fairy Zixia from Ziyun Fairy World.

The world of spiritual practice is prosperous, and everyone's hearts are full of hope for the future.

However, behind this prosperity, few people knew that a catastrophe was about to come.

The heavenly gemstone ring in Xu Zifan's hand almost disappeared, leaving only a stone ring imprinted on his wrist. It has been mediating creation on its own, reshaping the universe against the will of heaven.

In exchange, the concentration of spiritual energy in the Xiaoao Zhuxian world has also greatly increased, and it has always been consistent with the Kyushu world.

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