The first taboo in the world

Chapter 675: The Beginning Preacher

Chapter 677 The Beginning Preacher

Deep in Guixu, time and years seemed to have lost their meaning here. Xu Zifan had been sleeping for who knows how long. On this day, he was finally woken up by a dull "snoring" sound.

As he woke up, the snoring in his ears gradually became clearer. The sound was very high, which could be described as thunderous and deafening. Moreover, the whole snoring was actually very rhythmic, ups and downs, and endless.

He followed the sound and saw a dilapidated brick house not far away, and the snoring came from the room.

Through the window sill, you can see that the room is very simple, with a few pieces of old furniture with a sense of age. There is a wooden bed by the window. There is a pale, fat man on it, who looks very old. The man lay on his back, snoring and murmuring from time to time. He didn't know what he was talking about in his sleep.

The moment he saw this man, Xu Zifan felt an unknown fire in his heart and wanted to rush forward and beat him up.

Although it was his first time to see this person, he always felt that this person had great karma with him, including intimacy, alienation, and most importantly, nameless anger towards this person.

Especially when he saw that he was still sleeping soundly, Xu Zifan's heart was filled with unknown anger, as if this person had a sworn hatred for him and blocked his way.

Moreover, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his subconscious mind. If this person hadn't been so slack, he would definitely not be like this at this moment. Perhaps he would have truly transcended, become invincible in the world, and experience the glorious life of Independent Cloud Summit.

"Lao Deng, you are still sleeping. Even the donkeys in the production team dare not rest like this!"

Xu Zifan roared, rushed forward, and slapped the same dilapidated window vigorously, trying to wake up the man sleeping on his back in the room.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a loud noise all over the windows, and the old windows began to shake under Xu Zifan's hard slaps.

At this moment, the snoring in the room suddenly stopped, but the sleeping man finally woke up.


The man who woke up shouted while holding the bed with one hand, tilting his body slightly, and struggled to get up. His whole body seemed to be stiff, and he finally sat up in a very unnatural posture.

Xu Zifan's eyes narrowed. He had never seen someone who had such difficulty getting out of bed. Could this person be ill?

Although he had such a guess, because he felt an inexplicable anger towards this person in his heart, he was not polite when he spoke.

"Lao Deng, it's broad daylight and you're still sleeping soundly and being so lazy. No wonder you live in such a shabby house. You really deserve it!"

When the man in the house heard Xu Zifan scolding him outside the window, his eyes widened and he looked a little angry. He said to Xu Zifan: "You are blind, you are the old man, I am still a young man, in my prime!" "

At this point, the man in the room had already gotten out of bed, hunched his back, opened the door to the room, and walked slowly towards Xu Zifan, with an inexplicable murderous intent in his eyes.

Xu Zifan saw the fierceness in the other person's eyes and was instantly alert, but he was not afraid. He pointed at the other person and said:

"What are you going to do? You are the kind of person who is poorly dressed, walks slowly, has difficulty getting up, and walks with a hunchback. I am not afraid of you."

Perhaps seeing the vigilance in Xu Zifan's eyes, or perhaps recognizing his physical condition, the man walking out of the room stopped and looked at Xu Zifan with complicated eyes.

"You still dare to laugh at me? I'm ill, and aren't you also a remnant of my soul? We're in love with each other!"

When Xu Zifan heard this, he paused in his heart, his eyes were a little confused, and he asked in confusion: "What remnant soul?"

When the person walking out of the room saw this, he chuckled and continued to speak, saying:

"Do you know who you are?"

"Do you still remember your past?"

"Why did you come here? Do you still know?"

After asking three questions in a row, Xu Zifan's eyes became even more confused. At this time, he finally discovered the problem. He had forgotten everything in the past, and he couldn't even remember who he was.

He only remembered that he fell into this place from a gray passage. During this period, he saw countless incredible scenes and the arrangement and combination of mysterious characters. Finally, in the endless gray, he fell into a deep sleep and did not wake up here until today. .

"Do you know everything about me?"

Xu Zifan looked at the hunchbacked man in front of him and asked.

"of course I know!"

The hunchbacked man spoke and looked at Xu Zifan with an inexplicable smile.

"Then can you tell me?"

Xu Zifan spoke again, a little eagerly. He wanted to find his past, but he had a feeling that his past was unusual.

"Okay, but you have to pay something!"

The hunchbacked man smiled even more, and his teeth were white and crystal clear, which made Xu Zifan feel horrified.

"what would you like?"

Xu Zifan spoke, feeling extremely vigilant.

"Hey, don't be afraid!"

The hunchbacked man looked at Xu Zifan, smiling so fat that his face was almost deformed, even a little vulgar, which made Xu Zifan even more alert.

"Of course it's your origin!"

The hunchbacked man spoke quietly, and a large pen that was as thick as a baby's arm and three feet long appeared in his hand. Then the pen moved like a dragon and a snake, and a string of mysterious characters emerged from the tip of his pen, imprinted in the void, flashing with a strange light. light.

On the opposite side, Xu Zifan secretly thought something was wrong and quickly retreated back. At the same time, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable shock. The mysterious characters produced by the hunchbacked man's pen tip were familiar to him, and they were the same as the characters in the gray channel.

And at this moment, several extremely terrifying eyes penetrated the infinite void and shot over from that supreme and inexplicable place, looking at these mysterious characters.

When observers appear, the original Tao of the world is collapsing.

The next moment, the magical characters imprinted in the void glowed brightly, and then turned into a picture of light and shadow. In the picture, it was the scene of the hunchbacked man and Xu Zifan at this time.

At the same moment, Xu Zifan only felt that there was a special energy connecting him to the mysterious characters coming from the pen tip of the hunchbacked man.

"I have been waiting for countless years, and finally you are the source of taboos and weirdness, and I can be freed from it!"

The hunchbacked man with white teeth looked at Xu Zifan and sighed.

At the same time, Xu Zifan saw countless blood-colored light spots floating out of his body in the light and shadow scene in the void, and then landed on the hunchbacked man and entered his body.

Everything in the light and shadow scene also happened simultaneously in reality. Xu Zifan had a feeling that he and everything around him were like puppets on strings. Under the influence of some special energy, he and everything around him had to be in harmony with the string puppets. Everything in the light and shadow scene stays in sync.

At this moment, as countless blood-colored light spots floated out from his body, Xu Zifan felt that his eyelids became heavy, his whole person felt dizzy and in a trance. In the daze, he felt that he was illusory, and the light and shadow in the picture Everything was real, but soon, he felt that he was the real one, and everything in the light and shadow pictures was illusory.

His spirit became more and more drowsy, and his vision seemed to be shrouded in fog. Xu Zifan became more and more confused. After all, he still couldn't tell which side was reality and which side was illusion, or both sides were illusions.

On the other side, as countless blood-colored light spots entered the hunchbacked man's body, the hunchbacked man's originally pale face gradually turned rosy, and his face full of fat gradually became thinner. Although it was not yet sharp and angular, It looks a lot more normal.

The most obvious thing is that his originally hunched back has gradually straightened up, and his whole person has become much more energetic. He is no longer sick. Although he is not that energetic yet, he finally looks like a normal person.

"Haha, I have finally recovered. I no longer have to be looked down upon by others, I no longer have to be disliked by others, and I no longer have to sleep in sleep. I am finally back to normal!"

After all the blood-colored light spots in Xu Zifan's body were absorbed, the man who was no longer hunched looked up to the sky and laughed. He was so happy that tears flowed out. He had waited for this day for too long. He was already desperate and his life was gloomy. At this time, he returned to normal, as if he was in a dream, which made him extremely excited and happy.

However, at this time, Xu Zifan had once completely transformed into something strange, and the power of the taboo was already part of his soul. Therefore, after losing the power of the taboo, the remaining trace of his soul was about to dissipate, and his entire body became transparent. It's about to turn into light and go away.

At this moment, those terrifying eyes staring at the mysterious characters turned here, annihilating infinite time and space along the way. It can be seen that behind these eyes are extremely terrifying existences, and these terrifying existences are now hunchbacked. The man became angry at what he did, and then an extremely cold and angry voice came from there.

"Planning for eternity, planning for eternity. As the evangelist of the beginning, you have failed in your duty. Now that you have woken up from a deep sleep, how can you devour the origins of others for your own sake?"

At this point, the cold voice turned into disappointment and said again: "So, how are you different from those despicable blue beasts?"

When the man who was no longer hunched over heard this, he first bowed his hands towards the inexplicable place and saluted, then showed his snow-white teeth and said with a smile:

"Brothers, don't be angry, how could I forget my original intention like those despicable blue beasts?

As a preacher of the Taichu, in the endless years, I have already condensed a ray of Taichu Hongmeng Purple Qi with the power of your mind and the origin of Guixu, which is enough to allow him to return to his original state, and hopefully go one step further with the taboo and complete it. Take control, finally truly transcend, and come to the latitude world where we are. "

After hearing what the man who was no longer hunched over said, the many terrifying eyes that shot from the eternal and inexplicable place finally softened a lot.

"I hope it's as you said. Although this world was created by your preaching, it was also developed by us. You can't act recklessly!"

The man who was no longer hunched over once again bowed his hands towards the eternal inexplicable place, with a serious face, and said:

"I have been sleeping for an eternity and have just woken up now. I am extremely ashamed. From now on, only the brilliant starry sky and the brilliant gentlemen cannot be let down!"

After saying this, the terrifying existence from the eternal and inexplicable place finally believed him for the time being. He said no more, and his terrifying eyes finally softened completely.

Upon seeing this, the man who was no longer hunched over bowed his hands again and bowed to the eternal and inexplicable place. Then he lowered his head and looked at Xu Zifan, who was lying not far away and had lost his taboo origin.

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