The first taboo in the world

Chapter 70 The Way of Chivalry Haha

A flash of green light, like lightning or floating light, came in the blink of an eye and saved Liu Zhengfeng's daughter Liu Jing, but then left suddenly, already dead.

At this time, many martial arts heroes in the Liu Mansion came to their senses and looked at the pillar that made a dull sound. On the pillar in the back hall, there was only an ordinary green leaf inlaid at the moment. The green leaf penetrated the wood for more than two centimeters, but it was No damage was done.


The sound of gasping air came from everyone, who did this? How high is the skill? It was just an ordinary leaf, but it turned out to be like a peerless hidden weapon. It first interrupted the long sword that struck Liu Jing. The sword owner's arm was twisted and injured as a result, but the remaining strength was still able to penetrate the wood. The skill of the person who struck out this leaf was simply unbelievable. It has reached a point that is beyond the reach of everyone.

In the rivers and lakes, there has always been a legend that flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people. It is said that after practicing the inner skill to the highest level, flying flowers and picking leaves, walking on the snow without leaving a trace, and many other methods can be used. However, many people have not even seen each other throughout their lives. I have never seen anyone with such power, let alone someone in this realm.

At this moment, the realm of the person who sent out this green leaf has obviously surpassed the realm where flying flowers and picking leaves can hurt people. It can be said that it has surpassed the legend and is a legend within a legend.

"Look, there is someone there? Was he what he did just now?"

Someone exclaimed, pointing to the wall three feet in front of the hall.

The heroes looked back and saw a figure in black clothing standing on the wall in front of the hall. The aura around him was misty, as if he was integrated with the heaven and earth.

Beside him, there was a leafy old branch growing out of the wall, and one of its branches was still shaking.

This person was Xu Zifan, who had just arrived here. He, Tian Boguang, and Mu Gaofeng walked all the way to the Liu Mansion. They were still guessing that Zuo Lengchan would send people to sabotage the Golden Pen Washing Ceremony because of his involvement in the plot of this world. What?

In the original work, in order to achieve the goal of merging the Five Mountains sects, Zuo Lengchan sent people to sabotage the Jinpen Washing Ceremony. One was to attack the Hengshan sect and reduce the strength of the Hengshan sect, and the other was to establish prestige and test the bottom line of the other four sects. reaction.

Just when Xu Zifan and others were approaching the Liu Mansion, they happened to see Master Dingyi leading a group of nuns away in a hurry. Looking carefully, they saw that Master Dingyi's breath was unstable and her inner breath was disordered. She was obviously suffering from internal injuries.

At this moment, Xu Zifan finally knew that Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin hand-washing meeting was still ruined.

Before he could think about it carefully, he knew that the matter was urgent, and then he moved his body skills at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, he had reached the wall outside the hall of Liu Mansion, and happened to see Liu Zhengfeng's daughter Liu Jing, who was about fourteen or fifteen years old. Even though he was young, at this critical moment, he still acted like a woman, showed no fear, and angrily rebuked everyone in the Songshan Sect.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan couldn't help but give this girl a thumbs up. Her courage surpassed that of many men.

At this moment, the Songshan disciple raised his sword and struck at Liu Jing. Seeing this, Xu Zifan picked off a leaf from the old tree next to him and threw it out, saving Liu Jing's life.

At this moment, the martial artist under Xu Zifan's wall realized when this young man in black appeared on the wall. He thought about it carefully, but he had no idea when he appeared. It was like he appeared out of thin air in an instant. Just appeared there.

Some martial arts people in the crowd had seen Xu Zifan show off his power last night, killing dozens of people in a cold and ruthless manner. In the end, thousands of martial arts heroes were oppressed by his momentum. Everyone was trembling with fear and dared not speak.

But there were also people who had never seen Xu Zifan, and looked suspicious, saying: "Who is this? He is so young, wasn't he the one who threw the leaf just now?"

There were people around him who knew Xu Zifan. When they heard what he said, they immediately left him far away and opened a distance, as if they were afraid of something and were afraid to avoid him.

There was also a friend who was covered in cold sweat. He pulled his sleeves and reminded him in a low voice: "Hush! Be silent, he is the Huashan Sword Demon."

The four words "Huashan Sword Demon" seemed to have some kind of magic power. The people who were doubtful just now also closed their lips tightly at this moment and did not dare to say any more words. Their faces were frightened. They glanced at Xu Zifan secretly, and then went deeper into the crowd. Retreat for fear of being seen by Xu Zifan.

At this moment, he was extremely scared. Didn't someone say bad things about this person last night and he was killed on the spot? He hates his mouth so much at this moment, what can he say?

"This must be Master Nephew Xu, right? Master Nephew Xu is indeed a genius with unparalleled martial arts skills. Please tell me about it."

At this time, Lu Bai, the Crane Hand of the Songshan Sect, changed his cold and decisive look, cupped his fists and cupped his hands towards Xu Zifan, and spoke with a smile on his face.


Xu Zifan's figure was so fast that everyone's eyes were blurred. They felt a strong wind blowing around them. When they looked again, the figure on the wall had disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in the hall, standing in front of Liu Zhengfeng's daughter Liu Jing. .

"Well, she's a pretty girl, she's very courageous!" A faint voice sounded, unhurried and unhurried. This was the first thing Xu Zifan said after entering the hall.

Liu Jing, who had just been rescued from the sword by Xu Zifan, had a heroic spirit and a different kind of beauty on her beautiful face. At this time, she also looked up at her savior, with curiosity in her eyes.

"Thank you Master Nephew Xu for your righteousness in rescuing your little girl. Liu Zhengfeng is very grateful." Liu Zhengfeng never expected that it was this Huashan disciple who saved his daughter.

"Master Nephew Xu, you are here at the right time. Liu Zhengfeng is colluding with the Demon Cult monsters. We, the chivalrous Taoists, should stop what he is doing." Lu Bai said again at this time.

"What do the martial arts heroes say about this matter?" Xu Zifan turned around and asked with an indifferent expression, looking at the martial arts people around him.

At this time, all the martial arts heroes in the hall were silent and lowered their heads. No one spoke. Everyone can see that this demon should be biased towards Liu Zhengfeng's family. When the Songshan sect launched a massacre of Liu Zhengfeng's disciples just now, no one came out to stop them.

"Master Nephew Xu, you may not know it when you first come here. Liu Zhengfeng colludes with the demon sect thieves and wants to harm the martial arts world. I have to stop him!"

Seeing that no one was talking around, Ding Mian, the burly second-in-command of the Songshan sect, wearing a yellow shirt, said with a smile on his face.

Xu Zifan did not respond to Ding Mian's words. He still looked at the crowd of heroes around him. After scanning for a few times, he saw that everyone still bowed his head and remained silent. He shook his head and said: "It turns out that they are all just a bunch of guys who are just eating but not doing anything. It's better to protect yourself wisely." Good hand, chivalrous way? Haha!"

At this moment, all the heroes could not tell that Xu Zifan was sarcastically mocking them, but they themselves had indeed done nothing just now, so at this moment, although their faces were red, none of them said anything to refute.

"Master Nephew Xu, you have misunderstood. All the heroes know what happened. Regarding Liu Zhengfeng, I will tell you one by one now!"

At this time, Lu Bai was still trying his best to save the situation, with a smile on his face, completely different from the fierce and cold look he had when he killed someone just now.

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