The first taboo in the world

Chapter 72 Brother Xu, please stay

At this moment, the scene was full of weirdness and terror. Dozens of pairs of ears fell on the ground, and red blood spattered, which looked very dazzling.

The surrounding heroes once again felt that Xu Zifan's skills were unfathomable. You must know that there are three first-class masters in this Songshan sect. One of them alone is no worse than the leaders of other sects.

"Ah... my ears. Someone in the audience shouted in horror and covered their ears with their hands, but there was still blood seeping out from between their fingers."

At this time, everyone in the Songshan Sect looked at Xu Zifan with shock and fear. Just now, they formed a formation to defend against the enemy, but they did not touch the enemy's clothes at all. They only felt an afterimage flashing around them, and a group of them had already lost their arms. Ear.

At this moment, Xu Zifan was like a demon king in their eyes, bloody, ruthless, cold and cruel, and did not listen to their explanation at all.

Lu Bai, Ding Mian, and Fei Bin were the first to react, hurriedly picked up the ears on the ground, and led the disciples to evacuate Liu Mansion in embarrassment.

The moment they withdrew from Liu's Mansion, a piece of tattered clothes flew over like a phantom and covered Lu Bai's head before he could react.

"Give me back your clothes!"

The indifferent voice resounded in the hall, although it was not high, but in the ears of the Songshan Sect disciples, it was like a demonic voice filling their ears. They were horrified and quickened their pace.

At this time, Crane Hand Lu Bai, a generation of senior masters and first-class masters, no longer had the coldness and arrogance that he had when he ruthlessly killed people from the Liu family, but only humiliation, unwillingness and horror.

He didn't even know that a piece of clothing was missing from his back, and this piece actually covered his head with the blood stains from Xu Zifan's wiped sword.

Looking at the piece of tattered clothes in his hand, Lu Bai's eyes flashed with hatred, and with a look of humiliation, he fled the Liu Mansion with a group of Songshan Sect disciples.

"Thank you, Master Nephew Xu, for saving Liu's child. Liu is grateful here."

Liu Zhengfeng saw a group of Songshan sect members fleeing. He knew that the disaster was temporarily over, and that he, his daughter, and his son could save their lives thanks to Xu Zifan's rescue. Therefore, this word of thanks came from the bottom of his heart and was extremely sincere.

At this moment, Liu Jing could no longer hold on. Her beautiful and white face was filled with tears. After bowing to Xu Zifan, she turned around and hugged her mother who was lying in a pool of blood and cried loudly. Her voice was sad and heartbreaking. The sadness.

At this moment, in the hall, a group of martial arts people looked at the tragic situation in the Liu Mansion. They were silent, but they didn't know what to say. After all, no one of them came out to prevent the tragedy from happening.

And he couldn't leave like this at this moment. It was wrong not to help him just now. If he didn't help and participate in the next funeral, it would be really unjustifiable.

Of course, there were also some people who had little friendship with Liu Zhengfeng. They could no longer stay at this moment and left in twos and threes.

Everyone either left or stayed to help clean up the mess. Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng had arrived at Xu Zifan's side. Later, Xu Zifan was invited by Liu Zhengfeng to sit down at the main seat in the inner hall, and tea and wine were served one after another.

"Liu Zhengfeng thanks Master Nephew Xu again for his help."

At this moment, Liu Zhengfeng bowed his hands and bowed, solemnly expressing his gratitude.

"Uncle Liu, there is no need to be polite, please show my condolences!" Xu Zifan responded. After a pause, he spoke again, "What are Uncle Liu's plans for the future?"

"To be honest with my nephew, Liu has seen through the grudges and vendettas in the world, and is ready to retreat to the mountains and forests, and seal the sword in the world." Liu Zhengfeng looked a little forlorn, and thought for a while before saying.

"Perhaps Master Liu, you have seen through all the grudges and vendettas in the world and can let go of your hatred, but can the Songshan sect let Master Liu go? Master Liu, if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the children, right?" Xu Zifan looked into Liu Zhengfeng's eyes and said seriously .

At this moment, Liu Zhengfeng thought about the tragic death of his wife's disciple, and also thought about the character of the Songshan sect. He knew that the hatred was over, and the other party would not let his whole family go, and would definitely eradicate it.

Thinking of this, he clenched his hands into fists, and his knuckles clenched. But then he thought that he was weak and was no match for the Songshan sect. His clenched fists gradually loosened, and his face He showed a sad and helpless expression, his eyes dimmed, full of confusion, unable to see the future, and he suddenly seemed to have aged ten years.

Looking at Liu Zhengfeng's expression, Xu Zifan knew that he understood, and then spoke again, saying: "Actually, there is a way to solve the matter. It can fulfill your dream of returning to the world and save your children."

Hearing what Xu Zifan said, Liu Zhengfeng looked at Xu Zifan, his eyes gradually regained their luster. He understood that perhaps this nephew was the only one who could help him now, so he said, "I would like to hear the details."

"Uncle Master and Qu Yang have met each other, singing harmoniously with each other and communicating with each other. Now that you want to take your family and Qu Yang to hide in the world, I have a suggestion. There are several main peaks in our Huashan Mountain that are currently uninhabited. Uncle Master, take your family and Qu Yang has gone into seclusion there, so others don't dare to go wild there. In addition, I'm also very interested in music, and it's convenient for me to ask Master Liu for advice in my spare time." When Xu Zifan said this, he saw Liu Zhengfeng's thoughtful expression and said: " I wonder what Uncle Master thinks?"

After Liu Zhengfeng listened to what Xu Zifan said, he was thinking and considering the feasibility. After a moment, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes and said: "Master Nephew Xu, I promise you, but regarding all the disputes in the Jianghu in Huashan, I forgive Liu. participate."

"Okay! In terms of music, I will ask Uncle Liu for more guidance in the future." Xu Zifan said with a smile on his face.

"Don't take it seriously. If you have any questions about music, feel free to ask." Liu Zhengfeng replied, with a look of relief on his face. At this moment, he only felt a lot more relaxed all over his body, but when he thought of his wife's disciple who died tragically, he couldn't help but feel sad. hurt.

After chatting some more, Liu Zhengfeng left and he had to arrange the funeral.

After Xu Zifan drank a cup of tea, he was ready to go back to the guest room to check the progress of Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng's practice of the evil-fighting sword manual.

"Brother Xu, please stay!"

At this moment, a sweet and pleasant voice sounded, with a crying tone and a bit of strength, from the door of the inner hall.

The person who came was none other than Liu Jing, the daughter of Liu Zhengfeng. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old. She had a beautiful appearance and crystal-clear skin, but her beautiful face exuded a heroic spirit. At a glance, everyone would admire her as a good heroine with heroic appearance.

At this moment, Liu Jing's beautiful face was filled with tears, like a crystal pearl, sparkling and arousing pity.

"Sister Liu, what's the matter?"

Xu Zifan looked at the person who came and saw it was Liu Jing. Then he smiled and asked.

Liu Jing raised her head and looked at Xu Zifan. This man with unparalleled martial arts skills and his savior when he was about to be killed gave people the impression of being cold and ruthless, frightening thousands of heroes. But at this moment, he was looking at her with a smile. She suddenly I felt inexplicably nervous, my mind went blank, and I had forgotten the purpose of coming. At this time, a touch of red clouds flew up on my fair cheeks.

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