The first taboo in the world

Chapter 74 On the road

Qu Feiyan is an eccentric, lively and cute character. In Swordsman, she is just a supporting character. From the moment she appears to the moment she disappears, it only lasts a few episodes. The ending of the original novel has nothing to do with her.

She is like a meteor, falling in the sky above the rivers and lakes, leaving behind only the readers' melancholy, which is like smoke but not smoke. She is one of Xu Zifan's favorite characters in the original Swordsman. He is lucky enough to come to this world, and he happens to have the ability. He wants to change the fate of several characters and eliminate some of the regrets he had when he first read the original work.

"Brother Xu, my nickname is Fei Fei, just call me Fei Fei from now on."

Seeing Xu Zifan agree, Qu Feiyan looked very happy, smiled slyly, and said, his voice was ethereal, sweet, and very intoxicating.

"Okay, then I'll call you Fei Fei from now on." Xu Zifan agreed with a smile.

After saying goodbye, Liu Zhengfeng took his young son and set off for Huashan Mountain with Qu Yang, while Xu Zifan took Tian Boguang, Mu Gaofeng, Liu Jing and Qu Feiyan to Songshan Mountain.

Going to Songshan Mountain is related to the first step of Xu Zifan's plan in this world. Yue Buqun also needs some time to prepare on the Huashan Mountain side, so Xu Zifan is not in a hurry. Along the way, he can appreciate the scenery of the rivers and lakes, travel around the mountains and rivers, and see all the mountains and rivers. , so chic.

In the real world, there are changes in the world, weird things happen frequently, and bloody and horrific incidents may happen at any time. Xu Zifan's heartstrings are always tense.

When I came to the world of Swordsman, for the first ten years, I was either practicing martial arts or on the way to practice, and I didn't have much appreciation for the great rivers and mountains of this world.

But now, he should be invincible in this world. At least in this world, he has nothing to fear. During this period of time, he traveled around the mountains and rivers. He felt very uncomfortable. His mentality relaxed a lot. His state of mind was closer to nature and more complete.

And in this state of mind, his Zixia Divine Art has actually improved a lot. He has a feeling that the next breakthrough will definitely be able to reach the highest level of Zixia Divine Art.

Of course, he also maintained a certain amount of practice time every day and never slacked off.

It was summer at this time, the sun was scorching, and the weather was extremely hot. Everyone was walking around and resting in the shade under a big tree.

"Ah! I can't help it anymore..."

At this moment, Tian Boguang's eyes were red, his expression was ferocious, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was forcibly enduring something. At this moment, his aura around him was red, and his inner aura was moving around him in a very disordered manner. He was obviously possessed.


Xu Zifan's figure moved instantly and was behind him. He quickly stretched out a hand and pressed it on his back. Purple Qi was transmitted along Xu Zifan's arm into Tian Boguang's body, dissolving the chaotic aura in his body.

Purple Qi billows, overwhelming the sky and the earth, flowing into Tian Boguang's physical strength, continuously and densely, dissolving the foreign Qi and calming the chaotic inner breath.

After a while, Tian Boguang vomited out a mouthful of blood and fell straight to the ground. His whole body was sweating profusely and his face was sluggish. However, the chaotic atmosphere in his body had calmed down and he saved his life.

Xu Zifan finished his work, looked at Tian Boguang who fell on the ground, took out a pen and paper, and recorded the methods and results of Tian Boguang's attempt to practice the evil-repelling sword manual this time.

It has been half a month since Xu Zifan and his party left the Liu Mansion. This is the fifth time that Tian Boguang has tried different methods to practice the evil-fighting sword manual. Of course, the premise is that he does not have his own palace.

Every time he tried, it was extremely dangerous. It was Xu Zifan who relied on his profound skills and the special effects of Zixia's magical power to dissolve the alien energy to save the obsessed Tian Boguang.

However, there are still many gains. Every time an attempt fails, Xu Zifan, Tian Boguang, and Mu Gaofeng participate in the research together to study the reasons for the failure, make a summary, and then consider what methods can be used to practice the evil sword without having to use the palace. Spectrum.

They have considered many methods, such as modifying the circulation route of inner breath, or the number of acupuncture points that the circulation route passes through, etc.

Xu Zifan's inner breath strength is absolutely unrivaled in this world. He has also seen a lot of martial arts and its routes. In this world, from the beginning, he has focused on building a solid foundation of martial arts. At this time At this moment, he is definitely a well-deserved martial arts master in this world.

Along the way, although Tian Boguang and Mu Gaofeng have been tortured by obsession, their martial arts knowledge has also increased greatly. Their own martial arts level has improved a lot compared to their previous ones. Now their strength is definitely not there. Yue Buqun fell into disgrace.

Therefore, now they are not only afraid of Xu Zifan, but also admire his martial arts knowledge and understanding.

Liu Jing and Qu Feiyan also began to practice martial arts under the guidance of Xu Zifan. Both of them were born in Jianghu and had certain knowledge of martial arts, so it was easier for Xu Zifan to teach them.

Liu Jing was still practicing Hengshan swordsmanship during this period, but after Xu Zifan took the exam, he found that his foundation was not very solid, so Xu Zifan now ordered him to focus on practicing basic swordsmanship, from point sword, sword collapse, sword raising, sword stabbing. , blocking the sword and waiting to start, this is her homework most of the time every day.

As for Qu Feiyan, although her weapons in the original work are a long sword and a short sword, after Xu Zifan's observation, testing and questioning, we found out that her favorite is swordsmanship, and she is very talented in practicing swordsmanship. .

Therefore, Xu Zifan taught students according to their aptitude and began to guide him in sword and martial arts. Similarly, he also started from the most basic basic sword skills, such as chopping, chopping, cutting, wrapping, lifting, hanging, stabbing, cutting, hiding, etc.

Similarly, Xu Zifan himself is also practicing basic martial arts in various departments, and he is also solidifying his foundation.

What Xu Zifan doesn't know now is that many years later, the legend of the swordsman and swordsman appeared in the world of Swordsman. With one sword and one sword, the heavenly sword shocked the world, the divine sword was unparalleled, and it defeated invincible opponents in the world. It shocked an era and amazed a period years.

Even in the further future, in the real world where weird things appear frequently, demons are rampant, and black hands emerge, the name of the swordsman will be spread. At that time, another legend will stay in the hearts of all living beings forever.

"Old Mu, it's your turn! Try another method we studied."

Xu Zifan rescued Tian Boguang, and after his inner breath stabilized, his eyes turned to Mu Gaofeng.

Mu Gaofeng's face was bitter at the moment. He was practicing the sword technique to ward off evil spirits. He also went crazy and failed four times. Each time he almost survived, and the pain was unbearable. At this time, he could only lament that his life was so miserable.

Then Mu Gaofeng began to practice the evil-proofing sword manual. The sword skills of the evil-proof sword manual were ordinary. What was strange was the supporting internal strength. Once he used the skills at this moment, Mu Gaofeng's evil fire rose and his body was burned with desire. Then he used the method they had studied earlier to change Internal flow route.

As time passed, a faint red aura emerged around his body, and the flow of energy in his body had deviated from the original path of the evil-fighting sword manual.

The faint red aura is steaming, with both a cold ghostly aura and a blazing evil heat attached to it, which is mysterious and weird.

At this moment, Xu Zifan carefully watched Mu Gaofeng's trial of the evil sword manual, and he could clearly sense the operating status of Mu Gaofeng's inner breath next to him.

The faint red zhenqi gathered in Mu Gaofeng's dantian. As Mu Gaofeng's technique moved around, more and more energy gathered. At a certain moment, it seemed to turn into substance. In Xu Zifan's perception, Mu Gaofeng's dantian felt like there was something there. A group of flames formed, which was formed by the gathering of true energy.

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