In the morning, white mist curls up and the fog rolls. Xu Zifan was riding a motorcycle and driving all the way. He was on his way to the mine.

The mine was where the bus stopped for a rest on his way home from Sioux City.

After discovering that the stone ring could absorb the "divine substance" of the sky-blue stone, he planned to come here. Maybe he could solve the mystery of the stone ring here. This was the only way he could think of at the moment.

In order to understand the role of this Tianbao, he has tried it in the past few days by soaking it in water, burning it, hammering it, etc. He even tried it with blood according to what was written on the Internet. However, the stone ring is like a real stone, without any reaction.

The only extraordinary thing is that it is hard enough. He tried hitting it with a hammer, with increasing force, but the stone ring did not break or even suffer any damage.

He came here this time to look for sky blue stones.

"Maybe after 'absorbing' enough sky blue stones, the stone ring will change!" Xu Zifan thought as he walked.

After riding for more than three hours, it was almost noon, and Xu Zifan finally arrived at the entrance of the mine, where the bus resting place was.

He parked his motorcycle in front of a nearby private hotel, said hello to the store owner and asked someone to look after the motorcycle, and then headed into the mountain with a backpack, a long gun wrapped in a cloth belt and a sapper shovel.

There is a mine more than a thousand meters away from this resting place. Someone started mining here more than ten years ago. Later, due to national policies, the mine stopped mining and has been abandoned ever since.

Xu Zifan observed his surroundings while walking into the mountains. Everything was different after the sudden change in the world.

It's autumn now. In previous years, at this time, the trees all over the mountains have begun to lose their leaves, and the grass has begun to wither and turn yellow. But now, the trees are lush, the grass is prosperous, and the chirping of insects can be heard from time to time.

The grass on the surrounding meadow is now half as tall as a man, and Xu Zifan used his engineer shovel to clear the way.

Not long after, he had reached the place where he dug the blue stones a few days ago, which was already covered by other weeds.

Continuing to walk inside, Xu Zifan observed and searched as he walked. He was looking for the extremely beautiful blue flowers from last time.

After climbing over a small slope and walking forward for about a thousand meters, we could still vaguely hear the honking of vehicles occasionally passing by on the road behind us.

The trees in the surrounding mountains and forests are prosperous. After the change in the world, many trees have grown taller and thicker. The green leaves are lush. The mountain breeze blows, and the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of herbs comes to face, making Xu Zifan feel refreshed without realizing it.

Suddenly, wisps of floral fragrance came, and Xu Zifan was shocked. Looking around, through the fog diagonally in front of him, he could vaguely see a cluster of blue flowers blooming in the grass, swaying in the wind.

The flowers are blue, mixed in the grass, the size of an adult man's fist, crystal clear, with a misty blue mist, like a dream, the fragrance of the flowers is astonishing, and the fragrance is refreshing.

Xu Zifan used his engineers to clear the way and walked to the cluster of flowers. It was exactly the same as the last time he saw it. It was the blue flower he was looking for.

When I pushed aside the grass, I could see blue flowers swaying in the wind. There were a few trees around that only had flower branches. Judging from the fractures, they must have been broken away by someone.

Looking closely at the surrounding ground, there are traces of manual digging, and there are still residual leaves on the ground. Yes, after the sudden change in the world, many people have begun to go into the mountains to hunt for treasures. How can they not be attracted to this kind of flower that is obviously a different species?

Xu Zifan put down his backpack, put aside his homemade spear, and dug into the ground with the roots of blue exotic flowers with an engineering shovel. He hoped to find the same sky-blue stone as last time. 【 # iQi Literature is better and updated faster】

Not long after, after digging about a foot deep, a blue light flashed through the soil.

Xu Zifan searched carefully and found two sky-blue stones. They were about the size of a little finger, as light as anything, and extremely hard. The whole stone shone with blue light and felt warm to the touch, but it was not very transparent. There were occasionally white magazines inside the stones, and he thought they had passed by. It was formed naturally over many thousands of years.

Xu Zifan put the stone ring and the sky-blue stone together and watched carefully. It was not obvious for the first few minutes. After about five minutes, a wisp of light particles and mist-like material as thin as a gauze could be seen floating towards the stone ring.

The stone ring looks like a stone tool from an ancient primitive tribe. The simple lines on the surface are criss-crossed, mottled and ancient, with deep and shallow shapes. It looks like a natural formation or an artificial carving.

After absorbing the mist of light particles, which was as thin as a gauze, Xu Zifan noticed that some of the lines on the stone ring near the outer ring were lit up with a slight golden light, but it flashed away and returned to calm, just like what happened just now Everything is like an illusion.

He looked at the two sky-blue stones, which had turned into a gray powdery substance, slipping from between his fingers. As the mountain wind blew, they slowly drifted into the air and returned to dust.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan was not only not unhappy, but also very happy. He had found the right method. Sure enough, the stone ring responded.

He packed up his backpack, picked up his spear, used engineers to clear the way, and continued searching.

Next, he found three more clusters of blue exotic flowers along the way, and only dug a total of three sky-blue stones in the soil at the roots of two clusters of exotic flowers.

"It seems that not all exotic flowers have sky-blue stones at their roots. Is there no inevitable relationship between the growth of these flowers and the sky-blue stones?"

Xu Zifan dismissed the thoughts in his mind. After the changes in the world, there were too many strange things that could not be understood by common sense. Even this sky blue stone, has anyone ever seen it?

After walking along the mountain road for more than a thousand meters, Xu Zifan found an artificial building in front of him.

It was the abandoned mine. The entrance was now locked with a steel door and was half-blocked by vines hanging down from the mountain.

The steel door has been rusted by wind and rain in the mountains for more than ten years. The seals posted by the state in previous years can be vaguely seen on it, but now the handwriting has been blurred.


Xu Zifan was surprised to find many blue exotic flowers growing on the flat ground outside the steel door of the cave. They were like a dream, with blue mist floating in them, extremely beautiful and swaying.

Xu Zifan dug up more than twenty sky-blue stones here, which surprised him. I couldn't help but think: "Is the sky blue stone related to the minerals here?"

This time, a large number of sky blue stones provided the stone ring with a large amount of light particle mist that was clearly visible to the naked eye. Xu Zifan could also clearly see the flash of golden light on the outermost ring of the stone ring.


Suddenly, a faint sound came from the grass a few meters away.

Accompanied by the rustling sound in the grass, Xu Zifan held the engineer shovel tightly in his hand and looked into the grass. Under the cover of the hazy mist, a gray shadow flashed past with a long tail.

"What is that?" Xu Zifan was shocked and confused, with cold sweat dripping from his back. He thought he had seen it wrong, but when he thought about the changes in the world and the alienation of all things, it became strange.


There was another sound of animals trampling on the grass, and two gray animals ran out of the grass and appeared in Xu Zifan's field of vision.

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