The first taboo in the world

Chapter 90 Silver Pattern

In the field, Xu Zifan fought alone against Master Yuankong and the golden Arhat and the Bronze Man. At this moment, the auras between the three were powerful and the energy was boiling. The whole place was rioting, and the wind was howling, sweeping in all directions.

The Crazy Blade Evil Monk condensed his golden true energy sword into the battlefield, and was knocked out instantly. This incident is shocking, and it is terrifying to think about it carefully. You must know that the Crazy Blade Evil Monk is a peerless master who has been famous for a long time. , with profound skills, walking in the martial arts world, he can give orders no matter where he is.

But such a great master, who has been in the peerless realm for decades, would be injured by the aftermath of the battle at Bie Rao. This was unimaginable before. If such rumors spread in the world, , will definitely be laughed at, and no one will believe it.

At this moment, the golden light in the field was boiling, the purple energy was majestic, the wind was howling, the void was trembling, and the fierce battle between the three became more and more intense.


The purple divine sword was surrounded by purple divine light and covered with purple mist. When it was swung out, a large piece of sword energy surged out like a sea wave, unstoppable.


The powerful strike of the golden Arhat Bronze Man was blocked again, but then the golden light exploded, and the golden ocean of true energy gathered.

The "Nirvana Stick" strikes again, with even greater power. It strikes from top to bottom with a powerful force, as if it can explode the earth and destroy mountains and rivers. Its power is unstoppable.


The two sides collided again, and the ocean of energy aroused flooded the surrounding area. Strong winds swept in all directions. The ground under Xu Zifan's feet shattered and smoke and dust rushed.

"Thum! Thug! Thumb!"

In this fight, Xu Zifan actually took three steps back. This was the first time Xu Zifan was knocked back since the two sides fought today.

Upon seeing this, Master Yuankong made a seal in his hand, and the golden lion became more solid. The lion roared toward him, majestic and shocking. He now tried his best to fight Xu Zifan with the golden lion hand seal. He transformed into golden light and was fast. To the extreme, it was violent and fierce, not like an old man at all, but like a furious lion. Pieces of golden and purple light erupted between the two sides, gorgeous and terrifying, the earth was shaking and the air was roaring.

Master Yuankong is worthy of being the number one master of the righteous path decades ago. He has fought against Xu Zifan for hundreds of times and he still does not fall behind.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's magical skills are unfathomable and unfathomable for all to see, and Master Yuankong is the only one who can fight with Xu Zifan today without losing. The heroes outside the field all lamented the depth of his martial arts. Someone said: "Yuankong Master, it is indeed unfathomable. Today, you may be able to eliminate the devil. If word spreads, it will be a good story."

"I don't think so. The martial arts of the Huashan Sword Demon is so deep that it is immeasurable. Master Yuankong only teamed up with the Eighteen Arhats Bronze Man to temporarily tie the Huashan Sword Demon." Someone said sarcastically because he was not interested in Shaolin Temple.

"It's not a temporary tie. Didn't you see that the Sword Demon from Caishan Caishan was defeated just now?" someone retorted.

"Yes, the Huashan Sword Demon is indeed very strong, but now everyone has seen his limit, and he has begun to lose!" someone agreed.

"He can't leave Songshan Mountain today!" someone asserted, gritting his teeth with hatred.

In the field, a few meters away from Xu Zifan, Mu Gaofeng was filled with a cold and mysterious aura at this moment, with a faint red zhenqi lingering around him. There was a trace of red light flashing in his eyes, which was strange and terrifying. One of his hands tightly held the long hair in his hand. Jian was observing the situation on the field. When he saw Xu Zifan was knocked back three steps, the corners of his mouth curved upward slightly, revealing a strange smile, which happened in a flash.

"Nirvana stick!"

A loud shout was like a thunderbolt, deafening, and the golden light surged, flooding the entire sky.

I saw a golden pillar descending and striking Xu Zifan again. Its power was even more powerful, as if it could destroy everything and explode mountains and rivers. It was the golden Arhat bronze man who gathered the power of the Eighteen Arhat bronze men. At this time, he brought The invincible force once again attacked Xu Zifan, and the surrounding void began to tremble under the stick, and the golden energy boiled, shocking people's hearts.

Seeing this, Master Yuankong used the lion seal in his hand to the extreme. The golden light was shining, and the lion's roar was shocking. It was majestic and domineering, fierce and violent, and he opened and closed, and collided with Xu Zifan.

It is said that the most essence of the Shaolin Eighteen Arhat Bronze Figure Formation is the stick of nirvana. The word nirvana is not just used casually, it represents nirvana and death, but it also means living towards death and rebirth.

The Nirvana Stick also has a similar meaning. It is a blow that gathers the power of eighteen people and strikes it in a special way. This blow is not the sum of the power of the eighteen people, but far exceeds it.

Nirvana's stick is unparalleled in power. It can hit nine blows in total. One stick is better than the other. After nine hits, the Eighteen Arhat Bronze Man will be exhausted and fall to the ground. His whole body is weak and weak. Even a child can't do it. You can kill them with a sword. If you want to recover, you need to cultivate for at least three months.

So there is a method in the martial arts world regarding the nirvana stick, which is: nine strikes to eliminate demons, Nirvana will be reborn; if the demons are not destroyed, bliss will soar!

This is also the true meaning of the word Nirvana in Nirvana One Stick!

"The Huashan Sword Demon shouldn't be able to block this attack, right? After all, the last attack was too forced." The heroes outside the field sighed.

"The Huashan Sword Demon will kill himself if he commits many unjust acts. Now is the time to fall!" Someone said with a look of hatred on his face.

Of course, there are also many people who have remained silent, watching the battle and confirming their martial arts knowledge. After all, there has not been a master showdown like today in the martial arts for a long, long time.


With a loud noise, the golden divine pillar descended, bringing with it a bright golden light, causing the mountains to break, destroying the mountains and rivers, and came to kill.

The wind is howling and the ground is turbulent. At this moment, the bronze Arhat with a golden body is like a real Arhat general in the Buddhist world. His body is covered with golden light, dazzling and blinding, making it impossible to look directly at him. He carries supreme power, surpassing the power of the previous blow, and kills Xu Zifan.

The purple mist was vast, rolling, and dense. It was very thick at this time, covering a radius of ten meters without being invaded. There was a faint purple light in Xu Zifan's eyes, and a little joy was revealed at this time.


With a loud noise, Xu Zifan punched out, and the lion seal in Master Yuankong's hand shattered, and golden and purple rays of light came out, destroying everything around him.


Xu Zifan turned around very quickly, like a phantom, the purple sword in his hand was surrounded by purple divine light, and he resisted Nirvana's stick again.

"Thum! Thumb! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!"


Smoke and dust rushed out, and the ground exploded. This time he took six steps back.

While resisting the Nirvana blow, Xu Zifan only felt an extreme shock force transmitted into his body. His whole body was shaken, and his skin, membranes, bones, blood vessels, and five internal organs were all shaken.

Zixia's true energy, vast and dense, flows around the body. At this moment, it actually follows the body's veins and enters the skin, bones, blood and five internal organs, seeping into every cell in them, eliminating this shock.

At the same time, strands of purple energy are integrating into the bones all over his body. At this moment, if Xu Zifan can look inside, he can see that the silver lines on his bones are more complicated, and strands follow the lines on the bones. It spreads like runes, mysterious and mysterious.

When the silver lines appeared, Xu Zifan felt that the strength of his whole body was growing, and the hardness and toughness of his bones were further improved.

Although Xu Zifan didn't know why he had such a change, he understood that he was improving, which was a good thing, and the cause of his improvement turned out to be the supreme power of the golden Arhat bronze man's blow.

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