
After confirming that Mu Zhen was not capable of fighting, the Warring States gave an order, and dozens of navies suddenly stepped forward and captured him.

“Has this guy been hiding his strength all these years? What a terrible little ghost. ”

Sengoku looked at the captured Mu Mark with an incredulous expression, and was secretly surprised in his heart.

You must know that if Sakaski could not defeat Mu Mark before, he would have to take action himself, after all, there were more and more people gathered around here, and any further delay would only make others laugh at the navy.

“Teacher, can you intercede for Brother Muchen later?”

Seeing that Mu Chen was caught, Mu Na was powerless to save herself, so she had to pin her hopes on Zefa, and at this moment she was pulling Zefa’s arm and seriously pleading.

“I try.”

Zefa nodded his head.

He didn’t want Mu Zhen to be fine, but Mu Zhen killed the Draco, there was no reason to talk about it, only death, even if he was highly respected, he could not change.

But…… Mu Zhen is Zefa’s beloved disciple, and he will still try to fight for it.

“Mu Chen, I’m sorry, the horror of promising to teach you armed color domineering can’t fulfill the promise, if I could teach you earlier, maybe today you will show stronger strength.”

Zefa shook his head slightly, his face full of apologies.

Karp next to Zefa stared at the captured Mu Mark without saying a word, his heart was complicated, very unpleasant, he knew what it meant to be caught by Mu Scar.

There is no other way but to die.

And he had already treated Mu Chen as his own grandson, and he had thought of coming back this time to get together with this little ghost, who knew that such a thing would happen.

He hadn’t even been able to say a word to Mu Xin.

How his heart is a taste.

On the other side, Sakaski, who was frowning and angry, couldn’t wait to blast Mu Mark into slag with a punch now, stared at Mu Mark deadly, gasped for breath, and finally endured this violent anger in his heart.

Not far behind him, on a large rock, Kuzan was leaning against the stone, a battle in which he did not participate.

The reason is also very simple, in his opinion, Mu Zhen is not worthy of his hand.

However, seeing that now, his heart has finally changed, and the strength displayed by Mu Chen is far beyond his imagination, especially the overlord domineering reveal, and the sudden outbreak of strength that comes from the two generals facing each other.

Finally, Kuzan was impressed by the pastoral marks.

“If this little devil continues to be in the navy, if it goes on like this, he will be above me in the future.” Looking at Mu Xin, who fell to the ground and gasped, Kuzan said secretly in his heart.

And the Warring States also spoke at this time: “Bring back the Hundred Beast Kaido and Mu Trace together, we… Return to the headquarters immediately. ”


The navy shouted in unison, that momentum … Shake the earth!

As the words of the Marshal of the Warring States fell, this vigorous battle for the fruit of “pudding” finally ended successfully with the victory of the navy.

All navies … Back to the headquarters.

In the crowd on the side of the week, Xia Qi looked at the Mu Mark who was taken away and asked Rayleigh on the side, “How?” Don’t you appreciate that kid, don’t you want to save it? ”


Renly touched his beard and laughed: “Appreciation is appreciation, but now is not our time, this body to coat the pirate ship is okay, but there is no energy to fight with such a young guy, but…”

Speaking here, the words changed, Reilly narrowed his smile, his face became very serious, and continued: “However, I believe that a man who awakens the qualification of a king will not fall so easily. ”


Mu Mark this side.

The original idea was to use the [Space-Time Capsule] to leave safely, but in the end, I gave up the idea.

First, after suffering severe injuries from Sakaski and Borusalino, Mu Xin forcibly overdrew his body for a long time, and at this moment, he was extremely injured.

If it weren’t for his specialization in physical skills, his physical strength would be much better than that of ordinary people, and this kind of regurgitation might only make the body unable to withstand it and die directly, or even explode his body.

Second, now he urgently needs a place to recuperate quietly, so whether it is the outside world or the deep-sea prison, the nature is the same, and there is no essential difference.

The most important thing is that this [Time and Space Capsule] is very precious, a fixed point movement, a point of immediate movement, are very important, now if Mu Mark is used, you can only choose to move at a fixed point, otherwise it will come immediately, if it happens to fall at the gate of the world government, how to die is unknown.

But there are only two [Time and Space Capsules] in total, and the fixed-point movement is even more precious, don’t have to do it, Mu Zhen doesn’t want to use it.

He vaguely remembered that even if the Navy headquarters executed a sea pirate criminal, it had to go through cumbersome official procedures before it could be executed, and this gap happened to be the recovery time of the pasture marks.

At that time, there is really no way to use the [Time and Space Capsule], but the current Mu Mark does not want to waste it.

In a word…… Being caught in a prisoner in the deep sea is a curse, but it is also a blessing.


Half a day later.

Deep Sea Great Prison, sixth layer, infinite purgatory!

Those who can be locked up here are some amazing sea thieves with a bounty of more than 100 million, and they are all imprisoned on this floor for doing extremely cruel things.

These guys… All of them are extremely ferocious, their strength is even stronger, and the cruelty of what they do is even necessary to erase them from history.

So much so that on the sixth level of the Deep Sea Great Prison, many people do not know its existence.


One of the youngest pirates appeared in this sixth layer of infinite purgatory, and he… It is the pastoral marks.


Mu Mark killed the Draco, and the severity of the matter was directly judged to the extreme, directly into the sixth layer of infinite purgatory, and personally escorted by Director Magellan, and General Sakaski followed, cutting off all possibilities for Mu Mark to escape.

You can imagine how miserable the end of the attack on Draco was.


Coming to the sixth floor, Mu Zhen was directly escorted into the cell, and then heard a “bang” sound, and the iron cell door was tightly locked.

Sakaski stared at Mu Xin and said coldly: “I don’t know what the relationship between your kid and Lieutenant General Karp is, if you don’t give him face, I will definitely ask you to try the most cruel torture.” ”

Karp told him that he could not torture the pastoral mark or lock him up, and although Sakaski said helplessly, he had to give face, because the man was Karp.


He snorted again and said, “But you don’t have to scream, after a few days of such a comfortable day, you will be executed, and enjoy the last prison time.” ”



When Sakaski shouted at Mu Chen, he heard a strange sound, and looked again… It turned out that Mu Xin was asleep.

“Mu Chen, you…”

Sakaski was suddenly half angry, glared at Mu Zhen fiercely, and immediately flicked his hand away.

(PS: This big melee has finally come to an end, if the little brothers like it, can you come to a wave of free flowers and evaluation votes to support it, thank you.) )

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