Cheng Shi made another deal with Xie Yang.

He asked for another corpse and settled the debt.

Now, the two were even.

Cheng Shi first quickly sent a message to the master on the bone seat, saying that he would soon offer enough sacrifices.

Then he immediately picked up the dice in his hand and began to contact his benefactor.

There was a big problem, and the opponent began to bribe.

Master, please answer the phone quickly, if you are any slower, I can't resist the temptation of the sugar-coated bullet!

Cheng Shi called [Fraud] to the dice while looking at this exquisite ring made by [Memory].

Memory Sea Floating Dream (SSS): From the relic of the gods, a ring forged by [Memory], can witness 3 times [Existence], after using any effect 3 times, the ring will no longer [Exist].

Special effect [Foam of Sea Dream]: You can activate the ring and start counting. After the counting ends within 24 hours, all the traces you left during the counting period will not become the memory of others.

Special effect [Tide of Turbulence]: When a memory has been engraved in the sea of ​​memory and becomes history, and you are in this history, you can activate the ring and reasonably change it. All the traces left during the period will become new history.

He looked at the ring with a faint light and pursed his lips tightly to prevent his saliva from flowing down.

This is a semi-artifact that can tamper with memory, or even history!

In other words, Cheng Shi, who got the ring, now has three chances to be invisible, or three chances to change history!

Or, use it three times in free permutations and combinations!

[Fraud] secretly changed a piece of history, [Memory] found out, so He chased after him.

However, not only did He not get angry, and did not punish the person who was covered with graffiti, but instead gave him a... SSS semi-artifact.

This kind of solicitation, this kind of means, who wouldn't shudder in their hearts when seeing it?

What virtue and ability do I have...

If you don't abandon me...

Ahem, no! Lu Shi! Be reserved!

Cheng Shi's mind was in a mess. Seeing that he hadn't called his benefactor, he put down the dice and began to think about what happened that he didn't know about, which made [Memory] so generous to give such a perverted thing to him who opposed his faith?

He thought for a long time but couldn't get the point. He only remembered what his benefactor had said.

"In return, the [Memory] God's Chosen who entered my trial will not have a good life either."

[Fraud] punished the [Memory] God's Chosen, and [Memory] rewarded the [Fraud] believers.

Comparing the two...

That's really...

I didn't say anything, I just thought about it casually.

But to be honest, [Memory]'s methods are really dirty.

If there are such dirty methods in the future, please...

Give me more!

I can bear it!

Cheng Shi laughed at himself and casually opened the audience ladder ranking list that had not been opened for a long time.

He wanted to see where the "Sincerity" who had just been ranked was at this time.

Why did this trickster lose points so madly?

Unexpectedly, the moment the ranking list appeared in front of him, Cheng Shi instantly understood why [Memory] brought not anger, but kindness...

No, Lord Benefactor, you play it this way, right?

Is this the so-called "not easy"? ? ?

【The Ladder to Audience (Existence-Memory)/(Nothingness-Fraud)】

1. The pattern is too small, brothers (Fraud) 206

2. This feeling can wait (Memory) 203

3. It's like a dream (Memory) 200

4. Look, fun↓ (Fraud) 199

5. Li Jingming (Fraud) 197

6. Look, fun↑ (Memory) 197


58. Oh, the slave of two surnames, Lv Jingming (Memory) 167

59. I never lie (Fraud) 166

60. Anti-fraud pioneer (Fraud) 166

61. Sincere and sincere (Fraud) 164



So there really is someone who changed his surname to Lv? ? ?

Cheng Shi suddenly understood!

Okay, okay, it has to be you, my lord.

How did you come up with this trick of pulling the opponent's [God's Chosen] to your own camp?

Can you teach me?

After seeing your [God's Choice] and your operation, I found that my understanding of [Fraud] is still insufficient.

My imagination is not big enough, my thinking is not jumping enough, and my logic is not broken enough. I need to learn it urgently.

No wonder [Memory]'s calculations are all on my head. If you do this, can He tolerate it?

Oh my god, the greatest fun of this century is coming outIt's here!

Come and see!

[Chosen] of [Memory] has abandoned his oath and become a believer of [Fraud]!

Cheng Shi looked at this incredible ranking list and quickly opened the chat channel.

As expected.

The faith channel of Fraud has exploded.

Countless messages were swiping the screen frantically, and all the comments were the same:

"Welcome the Dragon King back to his throne!"

"Welcome the Dragon King back to his throne!"

"Welcome the Dragon King back to his throne!"


Cheng Shi pulled up the chat history. Wow, there has been no other comments in the Fraud channel since the end of the last trial.

These crazy people have been swiping the same sentence for a whole week!

Are you crazy?

Cheng Shi was stunned, and then quickly typed in the channel:

"Welcome the Dragon King back to his throne!"

Ah, it feels good.

When I think of so many people who are as crazy as me, I have an inexplicable sense of collective belonging.

Just as Cheng Shi was watching the channel screen with a silly smile, the familiar void wave suddenly descended on his head.

His heart skipped a beat, and before he could struggle, his consciousness was dragged into the darkness.

It was still the eyes with upturned corners, and the spiral circles.

When he saw these eyes, Cheng Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not a dirty thing.

This time it was really home.

"Praise you, the great God of [Fraud], it is you who made..."

"Okay, let's talk about the flattery later. You have been calling me for so long. What do you want to report? Hurry up and say it. I am in a hurry."

Do you know that I have been calling you for so long?

I thought you couldn't hear it.

His eyes turned twice and seemed to see through Cheng Shi's thoughts. He chuckled.

"There are countless prayers echoing in my ears every moment. If I listen to every word patiently, it would be too boring.

But you are right about one thing. I can't hear your prayers."


Cheng Shi was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was not pious enough?

That shouldn't be the case. Those empty flattering words would make others spit them out once they heard them. Is this not pious?

He scratched his head to show that he was innocent.

The eyes smiled again, with a playful smile.

"You called my name to the dice?"



After hearing this, Cheng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he always felt that something was going to go wrong.

"Well, that's right, because your prayers will only echo in His ears. Even if I can hear them, they are His...impatient retellings."


Cheng Shi was dumbfounded.

He looked at the benefactor in front of him in disbelief, as if he suddenly knew that he was adopted.

No, I was adopted in the first place.

In any sense...


"So, I said that every time you issue an edict, it is a blasphemy against Him.

Because His ears echoed with the piety of countless [Destiny] believers, but there was only one sentence mixed in:

Lies like yesterday, sneers today.


Forget about praying, but don't say the word "sneers", it's so hurtful~"



Cheng Shi's face turned black and he couldn't speak.

This prayer comes with the talent "Lies like yesterday", which means that it was personally set by the benefactor in front of him, [Fraud].

Now that I think about it, He wouldn't change the prayer specifically for his own predicament, right?


Just for fun, is it that serious, benefactor?

If my profession is a clown, I must be a clown, right?

Haha, I am really a clown.

"Okay, tell me what you want to say. I have a fight to fight, and I can't waste too much time here."


Cheng Shi's tone of questioning stagnated, swallowed the complaints in his heart, and honestly told the story of the audience with [memory].

His memory is very clear, the language is very clear, and he said it very clearly.

But he felt that even if he didn't say it, the benefactor should know about it.

Sure enough, when he finished saying all this, the look in his eyes became meaningful.

He looked at Cheng Shi, with both relief and regret in his eyes.

Relieved that he didn't lie.

Regret that he didn't lie.

Regret that he didn't lie.

"Got it, what else?"

"?" Cheng Shi was stunned, he asked back, "Don't you have any objection, he... has poached people here."

"No problem, I often poach people from him.

If you want to go, go ahead, I have no objection."


Cheng Shi looked at the pair of eyes that were flashing brighter and brighter in disbelief, and asked back:"No oath-breaking curse?"

"Of course not."


Haha, guess whether I believe it or not.

"You are testing me, I will not be fooled, I am a devout [Fraud] believer, no one can change my faith!

This has nothing to do with you, this is my lifelong pursuit!"

He turned his eyes and seemed to sneer, he looked at Cheng Shi and said with a smile:

"It is not that the louder the voice, the more sincere the words are.

Remember this sentence, okay, this time it is not an audience, I just came to take a look, go back."

Cheng Shi was anxious, he stretched out his hand and said:

"Wait! Lord Benefactor, I met your [God's Chosen], just in the trial just now, in the trial of [Destiny]. Did you send her here?"

"Oh? Interesting.

Did you meet the elder sister or the younger sister?"


"Zhen Xin has a sister?"

"Well, that's my sister.

It's a pity that you missed it.

Okay, go back, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't think what you shouldn't think, just lie honestly."

After saying that, a huge force hit Cheng Shi's head, and it happened to hit his hand.

His consciousness fell into darkness again. When Cheng Shi woke up again, he found that his hand with "Yi Hai Fu Meng" was broken.


Isn't this a personal revenge?

Besides, you are a [God], what does it mean to bully the ring?

However, with this, Cheng Shi also guessed the attitude of the benefactor.

That is, the ring can be used, and there is no need to be taboo.

Praise [fraud]!

Cheng Shi gave himself a healing spell, and a happy arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Since the stupid opponent sent firepower, I have to use these things to deceive people!


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