In reality, in an empty parking lot in an unknown province or city.

Chen Chong slowly opened his eyes, looked at the familiar car roof in front of him, and sighed with mixed feelings.

Survived again.

Not only that, the trial reward also got a second A-level talent.

[Talent obtained: City Defense (A), Warrior professional talent, when using shield skills, all defense effects are increased by 25%]

In addition to the two initial talent slots, players with 1600 points have two additional talent slots, which can be replaced.

Chen Chong silently replaced his last C-level talent with the latest A-level talent.

In this way, his talent configuration suddenly changed from the middle and lower level of 1A2B1C to the middle and upper level of 2A2B.

In the current segment distribution, it can be considered very outstanding to get this talent configuration in the early 1600s, at least it can ensure that he has more confidence and a higher survival rate in the next few trials.

"Cheng Shi... As expected, all big guys like to show off..."

He shook his head and laughed, then casually took a bottle of beer from the wine box stacked on the passenger seat and gulped it down his throat.

The wine overflowed and flowed down, soaking his clothes, but he didn't care. He drank four bottles in a row before he burped and tilted his head on the back of the seat.

"Oh, damn world, it's better to dream."

Chen Chong smiled bitterly and threw the bottle out of the car window.

After the bottle was thrown out, it did not break into pieces after close contact with the ground, but instead made a ding-ding crisp sound.

Looking towards the sound, he saw that the huge parking lot was already filled with mountains of wine bottles.

Compared with the name of a parking lot, a garbage dump may be more vivid.

A garbage dump for recycling wine bottles.

Chen Chong has never been a person who needs to drink two bottles of wine to help him sleep.

He drank two boxes.

What he asked for was not sleep aid, but... paralysis.

"Let this fucking world end soon."


Reality, in an apartment in an unknown province or city.

Cao San Sui stared at the pocket watch in his hand in a daze and had not yet come to his senses.

The trial ended 1 hour earlier than ever before, and he had no idea what this change meant.

But he knew one thing, that is, the moment he left the trial, he saw Cheng Shi's smile.

"What is he laughing at? Why is he not afraid? Did he know that the trial would end earlier?"

Cao San Sui's expression became more suspicious.

He has always believed that time will not lie, after all, he has opened the time battlefield in the trial.

But the question is, even if time will not lie, can people not?

If there is a person who can deceive everyone and tamper with time...

Then he can only give everyone Coke...

Cheng Shi!


Cao Sansui suddenly widened his eyes, ran to the desk, used tools to disassemble the dial of the pocket watch, and began to look carefully with a magnifying glass.

As expected, after a while, he found a trace of incomplete fingerprints on the back of the watch hands.

There were three traces of fingerprints in total, which together formed a subtle expression:



Time really doesn't lie.

But someone lied to time.

Cao Sansui figured it out instantly, and he suddenly laughed with relief while holding the pocket watch.

The trial was not advanced, but the time in his hand was advanced.

"Cheng Shi... Awesome."


Reality, in a basement in an unknown province or city.

Nangong sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the half-piece of beef patty in his hand, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"I'm alive again... So good."

Her score was as low as ever, and even with the score of this trial, the ladder was just over 1400.

This score is not easy to get as the trial becomes more difficult as time goes by.

But she is not dissatisfied. It is not easy to survive under the gaze of [Decay].

"You could have lived a little easier. Accelerating the decay of others is also a tribute to Him."

The hoarse voice echoed in the dark and damp basement. Looking around, there was no one else except Nangong.

This was actually a voice from nothingness.

But Nangong seemed to have been accustomed to its existence. She took out the dagger and shook her head firmly:

"I can't hurt anyone."

"Stupid, embracing decay is the fate of all living beings."

"I can't hurt anyone."

"... Stupid, forget it, let's start today's sacrifice."

Nangong was slightly stunned and said: "Didn't we just offer sacrifices?"

"The sacrifices in the trial were all dedicated to Him. Now, it's my share."

Nangong's face changed slightly. She gritted her teeth, took off her pants, and took the dagger to cut a deep cut on her thigh.

This cut was a stroke of the word "正", and such a "正" almost covered her legs.

Blood instantly gushed out of the deep red wound, and the blood quickly gathered towards the dagger, and Nangong's face became paler.

When her body temperature began to drop, the dagger stopped sucking and hummed with satisfaction.

"Are you done?"

"Well, you can heal yourself."

Nangong forced herself to give herself a healing spell, and then took out a small notebook from under a rotten wooden bed and solemnly wrote down a name.

Cheng Shi.

"You still want to repay him? Ridiculous, the gods will not let you meet again."

"Write it down, just in case!"

Nangong turned the pages, and the tattered little notebook was filled with densely packed names, each of which was someone who had helped her.

"I have also helped you, why don't you write down my name."

"I have already given you your reward..."


Reality, in a park in an unknown province or city.

Song Yawen looked at his trial score, stunned.

【The Ladder of Audience +3】

"Mr. Duo? 3 points? The Ladder of Audience can add 3 points??"

He looked at it again and again in disbelief, and then jumped around in place with a weird cry.

"Fuck! I got 3 points! Brothers! I got 3 points for the Ladder to Audience!"

Other players in the park heard the noise and looked at him as if he was crazy, but this did not affect Song Yawen's enthusiasm. He ran around his living area again and again, shouting as he ran:

"Just to ask if you are awesome, I got 3 points! Just to ask if you have ever seen someone get 3 points!"

Finally, someone got annoyed by his shouting and cursed:

"Song Yawen, you are fucking sick, the Ladder to Audience can only get 2 points at most, you are dreaming of getting 3 points!"

Song Yawen Without stopping, he continued to yell:

"What do you know? How could I have read the reward panel wrong? A big guy took me flying, and I could directly meet the real god with my ultimate. I am no longer on the same level as you guys, understand?"

"Is there really a big guy? What's his name? What profession do you believe in?"

"Nonsense, I'm telling you... I'm telling you shit, do you think you can know the big guy's name?"

After saying that, regardless of how people around him looked at him, he continued to yell to himself until he had vented all his excitement and joy of surviving the disaster, and then he calmed down and sat back in his tent.


Continued to type in various channels:

"I got 3 points for the audience ladder, brothers, do you think I am awesome?"

"Haha, no."


Reality, in a single-family villa in an unknown province or city.

A snow-white figure was vaguely outlined in the broken dressing mirror.

If you focus your eyes, you can vaguely see a hand covered with calluses, hesitantly reaching out to the pair of slender legs.

"Cheng Shi..."

The whispering sounded, and [Birth] blossomed.

He gazed at this place again, dispelling the frost on the believer's face and giving her a new blessing.


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