After all, as a believer of the Truth who tends to uphold the right path, Ji Yue did not mix anything else into this invitation.

After hearing the roar and hiss from afar, everyone went into the void without saying a word.

Ji Yue glanced at the place where Mo Wu disappeared, and after stabbing him again with hatred, he stepped into the void.

Home again...

Cheng Shi looked at the endless darkness in front of him, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

I go in and out so frequently, He, won't be annoyed with me?

He thought so, and silently recited the prayer of praise in his heart again.

Neither named nor biased, anyway, the two could hear it, so they just regarded it as worshiping together.

Unlike Cheng Shi's "frankness and calmness", Bai Ling had obviously never been to the void. When she stepped on the "ground" of nothingness, she instinctively reached out and held Cheng Shi's arm.

"If you keep holding me like this, I'll charge you.

This is the VIP girlfriend position."

Bai Ling was stunned, then hugged him tighter, licked her lips, and fell into self-fantasy.

"How much is it charged, by the day?

Then I'll pay for one day first!

Well, a one-day girlfriend is not bad.

But you have to make it clear that a one-day girlfriend can't be only one day..."


Cheng Shi was confused.

I am honest and often feel out of tune with you [dirty] because I am not perverted enough.

Not only Cheng Shi, everyone's eyes were on this "pretending to be ignorant" [dirty] believer, and she lowered her head in shame.

Ji Yue looked at Bai Ling with a playful look for a moment, then turned to Fang Shiqing and Cheng Shi, and explained before they asked:

"It's not that I don't want to walk in the void, but this is not the place where [Truth] shines after all.

Besides, my talent only allows six people to ascend to the void at most. You should know that before finding the No. 69 experimental field, it is meaningless even if you come to the void for refuge.

Because the high wall of truth outside the void experimental field will not allow anyone to enter at this moment!

So even if we come up, we won't Find what we want, not only that, but we may even encounter believers of [Chaos] who can walk in the void.

These people are much more difficult to deal with than the Knights of the Death Bell. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, only Cheng Shi listened to it with a strange look on his face, curled his lips and said:

"It's useless to say all this, it's your impotent rage that attracted the lunatics of the Knights of the Death Bell."


Ji Yue's tone stagnated, her hands clenched, her eyes began to become cold, and anger obviously gathered between her eyebrows.

"I'm curious, you are obviously a scholar of [Truth], how can you be like the reckless men of [War] and can't control your temper? "

Her expression became colder and colder, and her eyes that squinted at Cheng Shi almost blew out a whistling cold wind!

"Look, based on this expression, do you think I'm right?"

"Good, very good."

Ji Yue's face darkened, and she drew out a spear and raised her hand to stab, but at the moment she stabbed, Fang Shiqing moved closer and took her hand like Bailing.

This touch made Ji Yue calm down suddenly.

Her furious eyes cleared instantly, and then she took a long breath and threw the spear to the ground.

"Smart, you figured it out."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and said inwardly that it was true.

From the first meeting, he felt that this knowledgeable scholar of the void matter and energy system was a little bit wrong.

According to previous observations, the characteristics shown by the believers of [Truth] are mostly calm, calm, witty and good at discovery, just like Fang Shiqing, she is like a true believer of [Truth].

But Ji Yue is different. Although she has strong insight and quick brainpower, she is also irritable, irritable, and even slightly aggressive.

However, this kind of irritability and anger is not as obvious as some reckless men. It is obviously "integrated" into her own characteristics, that is, cold and her mood changes very quickly.

This kind of personality is like mixing a few pieces of broken carbon into a pile of white sand. Although it cannot be said that there is a sense of tearing, it is at least very inharmonious.

Could it be that she has also begun to "integrate"?

And the integration is still [Truth] and [War]?

Otherwise, how to explain that a believer of [Truth] collected so many lances?

Shouldn't they prefer rulers and chalk heads?

Cheng Shi didn't ask the question, but Ji Yue had already understood it. She didn't seem to hide her meaning and poured out her "secret" very cleanly.

"The basis of cooperation is to understand each other. Since we have walked on the same road, I will naturally not hide anything from my partners.

Yes, I have been contaminated with [War]" "As soon as the voice fell, Cheng Shi and Fang Shiqing frowned. Cheng Shi frowned, of course, because the direction of his guess was right, but the details were wrong. She did not merge the divinity, but was contaminated by it. The so-called contamination is different from the various "containment methods" of divinity described earlier. If [divinity] and human carriers are compared to "items" and "lockers", then: Sealing is storage, containing is painting, and contamination is not only not placing the "items" in the locker, but the items placed next to the locker have a negative impact on the locker itself. Cheng Shi was very curious about how she was contaminated by the divinity of [war], so he said nothing at this time, quietly Waiting for the answer.

Looking at Fang Shiqing again, she frowned but not for this.

She was thinking back, Ji Yue had never been as "frank" as she said in the previous four days of trials.

As for the reason, it was easy to guess, it was nothing more than because their strength was too weak, resulting in no resonance between the knowledgeable scholars above 2400 and those below 2400.

Thinking of this, she showed a slightly self-deprecating smile on her face, but her expression was obviously more serious than before.

Obviously, this fire bearer was also very interested in the news of [War].

Ji Yue did not procrastinate, she continued:

"There are many research directions in the Tower of Matter, but there are very few school concepts that can be truly used on the battlefield.

Especially scholars of the Void Matter and Energy Department, they may be superior in communicating with the void, but their talent in combat is almost zero.

This lack of actual combat may not be obvious in the low-level segments, but in the high-level segments, research and discovery can only be used as auxiliary means, and cannot replace confrontation and struggle.

Therefore, as early as when I was promoted to 2000 points, I began to prepare for a rainy day.

However, the method to make up for this shortcoming is also simple, just learn.

As a scholar of the Tower of Principle, I have never lacked learning methods, and the believers of [War] are the most easily available learning templates.

So I began to imitate them, and tried every means to combine their fighting methods with the inciting of the void. "

Hearing this, Cheng Shi suddenly realized.

No wonder I have never seen a learned scholar raining guns from the sky before, it seems that this is something they have researched themselves.

"After groping for a long time, I finally found the inspiration to combine the power of the void and the sharpness of the cold weapon into one.

But this method still has problems, because I don't have so many cold weapons to collect.

I believe you can also see that this method is to win by quantity. If the quantity is not enough, there is no victory.

So, after being blocked by the difficulties that mortal power cannot do, I prayed to my Lord for a solution.

And the guidance He gave me was...

A trial of [war]. "

When Ji Yue said this, her expression became strange again. She seemed unwilling to recall the trial, but somehow, she still endured the discomfort and continued:

"That was a legendary battle about the founding of the country of [war]. I persisted in that battle for three days and finally won the trial.

The team I led was the last to climb the bloody wall in the blazing fire and the setting sun. Looking at the mountains of corpses and seas of blood outside the city, I finally understood why He guided me.


I moved the entire battlefield, which was in ruins, into the void that belonged to me.

Since then, this battlefield overflowing with the divinity of [War] has been affecting me all the time..."

Cheng Shi's face changed slightly, and he was horrified.

Sister, are you really not afraid? What's the difference between you and carrying a virus source?

But then, he frowned again.

That's not right. At that time, Ji Yue had not been affected by [War]. How could she do such a stupid thing that anyone with a discerning eye knew would have huge side effects?

Especially since she is a learned scholar, it is even more impossible...


A learned scholar!?


No, sister, are you really just after the weapons on that ground?

You don't want to use this to study [War], do you?

Fuck, learning the fighting methods of the war believers can no longer satisfy you, so you start to study their benefactors directly, right!?

Looking at the shock that flashed across Cheng Shi's eyes, Ji Yue actually smiled with "relief".

"You are really smart. No wonder Fang Jue was fooled by you.

Yes, I do study Him.”


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