"What a believer of Chaos!"

After listening to Bailing's story, Ji Yue not only did not have any doubts, but also had a flash of admiration in her eyes.

She actually admired the behavior of an enemy!

Bailing and Cui Qiushi were both a little confused. Fang Shiqing frowned and thought for a while, but seemed to understand what Ji Yue meant.

Ji Yue looked at the petals in Bai Ling's hand with burning eyes, and explained quickly:

"He has obviously taken away everything, but he is still willing to hand over such a precious "trophy" to you.

This is not charity, nor is it a joke, but... aiding the enemy!

The Void Experimental Field has been captured, and we are probably the only ones who are still resisting.

Look, these lunatics have begun to use human lives as shields to forcibly dismantle my lance barricades. I believe they will rush to us soon.

Facing thousands of enemies, it is difficult for us to hold on, but with these two petals, resistance becomes hopeful.

So he left these two petals not for our life or death, but to make this chaos last a little longer.

Conjugate Light The language contains the power of combining the real and the unreal, so its petals must be... at least for me, they must be a priceless treasure that increases the affinity of the void.

This masked Chaos believer, no, he is not an ordinary believer. He can sneak into the laboratory under our noses, take away all the results in our blind spots, and disappear calmly in front of everyone. He must be a favored god of Chaos!

Whether it is the Death Bell Knights or the Doomsday Corps, at least this masked master must be one of the rulers.

Of course, Chaos has never been in power. When I say in power, I mean that he is closer to... His will.

A friend of mine from Order once said that according to the understanding of the believers of Order about their enemies, the incarnation of There are roughly three types of chaos:

One is the chaos of self-exile.

This kind of chaos is just a superficial imitation, the purpose is nothing more than to gradually understand His will, but this behavior is too deliberate and cannot get His attention.

The second kind is the chaos of conspiracy and order.

This kind of chaos can spread His will through the hands of others, which is a chaos that can please Him and be appreciated by Him.

The last kind is the chaos of disorder in nature.

This kind of chaos is His will. At present, no human being should be able to do this.

So, the second kind of chaos is already the limit of human beings.

This is also the reason why my friend [Order] is on guard against some [Chaos] players.

Because the influence of the second kind of [Chaos] believers on reality is too great, no matter Whether it is the reality we are in or the reality of the Island of Hope, it is the same.

And the masked man who left petals for us is obviously the second type of person!

He set up an irresistible conspiracy for us now!

Once we accept this "goodwill", it means that we have taken the initiative to walk into his trap.

Because he is looking forward to getting entangled with us in this way, so as to witness the birth of new chaos and the continuation of old chaos through this entanglement.

But the problem is that we really can't refuse it in the current situation!

So this person will never be an unknown person in history, wait for me to come back..."

At this point, Ji Yue suddenly paused, she came back to her senses and found that this was not a review meeting after the victory.

Now that powerful enemies are surrounding them, everyone's situation is still dangerous. Even if the cavalry's barricades slow down the enemy's advance, they should not waste too much time here to communicate.

What's more, the fire is blazing, and the void will collapse if they continue to talk!

You know, this fire that burned in both reality and illusion turned into a sun that destroyed the world in the real Gasmera, and in the void, it triggered a tsunami of void collapse.

No one knows whether this "tsunami" that shook even the [void] occurred before or after the giant tree burned out, so at this time, in addition to saving time and focusing on defending against the enemy, everyone present should also pray that this collapse recorded in history will not come early.

Otherwise, I am afraid that no one can walk out of this trial alive.

Fang Shiqing saw Ji Yue's embarrassment, she sorted out her thoughts and took over her words attentively.

"If we can refine the potion you need now, Ji Yue, then we will have a better chance to hold on until the end of the trial."

The scholar looked at the poet with a burning gaze, and shook his head solemnly with a serious face.

"To be honest, I have prepared all the materials, but I am missing a whispering petal.

I also simulated the process of making medicine countless times to prevent wasting this precious material because of my lack of skill.

IEven here, in this laboratory where Conjugate Whispering blossoms and bears fruit, the twin potions can be extracted at an extremely precise time...


I can't guarantee what kind of effect I will experience when I drink it. It may increase my combat power, but it may also make me unable to fight for a certain period of time.

This has never been recorded in any history.


Even if the duration of the extraction process is controlled more accurately, it takes time, and this time is not short.

After you lose my help, relying on this Knight of Order alone, you probably can't... hold on. "

Ji Yue's words were sincere, and Fang Shiqing frowned after listening to them.

While listening, she was also sorting out everything that happened between the Firebearers and Ji Yue, hoping to re-examine whether this temporary teammate was trustworthy and whether it was worth the three Firebearers to gamble their lives.

And the thing that made them let go and gamble was nothing else but the... unashamed mask hidden in Cui Qiushi's body.

Yes, the effect of [Sea Dream's Foam] is to prevent the traces left by Cheng Shi from becoming the memory of others, rather than physically erasing the traces he left.

Therefore, at the moment the effect is activated, the power of [Memory], based on [Memory's] own aesthetics, completes this incomplete memory stored in the minds of the "Firebearers" in a reasonable way.

So, the memories in the minds of Fang Shiqing and the other two, It became another look:

While keeping watch for the large army, Fang Shiqing's mask summoning failed.

The long-awaited forgotten doctor puppet did not revive in the summoning of the bone soldiers, and the mask that should have shattered did not shatter, but instead transformed into a new mask with a defense amplification effect.

Too many accidents made her realize that she was deceived, deceived by the forgotten doctor who had rejected her.

But what is the meaning of him using a defensive mask to disguise as a summoning mask?

Is he trying to tell himself that every face has a second face?

Just like he said he was a bad guy, but in fact he was not bad?

The memories continued, and this little episode did not waste too much of the poet's time.

The failure of the "priest" summoning made the situation seem to be heading towards collapse, but fortunately Fate did not seem to abandon them. On the way back to the team, they found a lone priest of the Knights.

But when they returned to the ruins camp with the priest named "Lyer", they happened to see Ji Yue expose the identity of the traitor and kill the quartermaster in the team.

This was a small matter, but no one expected that Griffith's death would stimulate other [Chaos] believers hidden in the team.

They abandoned their disguises at the same time and began to create chaos blatantly.

So, the rebellion with the death of the quartermaster as the horn finally buried this exhausted team. The fire bearers fought in the chaos until the last moment, struggled to the end, and followed Ji Yue into the void.

And this scholar of the void matter and energy system unexpectedly discovered by chance. He discovered his creation [Laughter and Taunting], and brought them into the laboratory through the power of [Deception]!

In the end, after paying the price of the death of two teammates, they "luckily" got two "enemy-aided" conjugate whispering petals.

Everything is so reasonable.

Except that the two petals in Bailing's hand are a bit "too easy to come by".

But putting these aside, this Wugui Mask is always one of the few trump cards in the hands of the current "fire spreaders".

With Cui Qiushi's talent, plus the bonus of this mask, the Holy Light Great Wall can last for a very long time.

As long as they can defend until Ji Yue succeeds and split the second Ji Yue during this period, then with two 2600-point scholars joining the battlefield at the same time, they may indeed survive for half a day.

In any case, this plan must have a greater chance than the current four people's rigid defense.

So Fang Shiqing, who sorted out all her memories, made a decisive decision in her heart.

She decided to take a gamble.

It was strange. She had always been a steady person, but today, for some reason, she just wanted to trust Ji Yue once and take a gamble.

As a believer in [Truth], the quality of decisiveness without regret was completely activated at this moment.

"Qiu Shi, Bai Ling, prepare to defend to the death.

Ji Yue, whether we can survive depends on whether you can succeed!"

As she said this, Fang Shiqing handed a petal of the Conjugate Whisper to Ji Yue with a solemn expression.

Ji Yue clenched his fist and nodded solemnly.

"With this contract, I swear to [Truth] and with this willingness to die, I dedicate it to [War].

I, the VoidJi Yue, a mass-energy scholar, will definitely live up to your trust! ”


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