After the initial shock and emotion, Cheng Shi gradually adapted to his new identity in the next few days.


And he was a gambler who was "not very good at lying".

In order to test the fun created for him by [Fraud], he kept lying in an empty corner, and soon he found the pattern of "honest clown".

The "tense movements and flaws" mentioned in this talent are actually not complicated. There is only one movement, that is, once Cheng Shi lies, he will touch his nose uncontrollably, just like a clown kneading his nose to rub his nose tip.

This movement is too obvious, so obvious that anyone who pays attention can see Cheng Shi's intentions and reactions after two or three times.

Now... the clown may no longer be a profession, but a real thing.


My Lord, you are really good.

Cheng Shi really wanted to pray for a trial to ask [Fraud] what he was planning, but as soon as this idea came to his mind, he was denied by himself.

Because he had almost foreseen the difficulty of the trial and his clownish behavior in the trial.

He would definitely not miss such a fun, and he who gave up his oath from [Fraud] would definitely become the source of that fun.

This was not a prophecy made by Cheng Shi after he put on the singer's mask, but the most appropriate guess he made from the perspective of [Fraud].


Oh, I won't be fooled, I can bear it, because [Fate] taught me that I must be patient!

Praise [Fate]!

The most pious episode!

But in addition to this, he still thought of a way to meet [Fraud], but in this "daring" method, "people" might get hurt.

Cheng Shi thought about it for a long time and decided to give it a try.

But he couldn't try it now. He had to wait for a suitable opportunity. The next special trial might be one of these opportunities.

After several days of thinking and exploring, he also completely recognized and accepted the fact that he had become a believer of [Destiny], and in the process of constantly experimenting with new talents, he saw clearly the path he would take next.

"Destiny Loom" is a very useful talent. The operation described in this talent, "fastening the masks of all beings to the face", does not make Cheng Shi really wear a mask. The mask disappears at the moment of fastening.

In this way, Cheng Shi does not need to explain too much about the mask on his face.

But the way to take off the mask is simpler and cruder. You only need to make a picking action, and then with the affirmation of consciousness, the effect of the career switch will end directly, and Cheng Shi will be turned back into a fate weaver.

These details on the activation of the talent really give Cheng Shi a lot of room for operation.

And this talent, when paired with "small wins big tricks", will make Cheng Shi extremely strong to a certain extent, such as...

From today's warrior to daily warrior.

But it still has limitations, just like "Lie Like Yesterday", this talent of changing identity is limited by the basic rules of the [Faith Game] and can only be used once in each trial.

But there are always loopholes in the rules, just like [Order] will always be broken.

You should know that the concept of using once is a combination of putting on and taking off, so before entering the match with the [Destiny] faith, Cheng Shi has already thought of how to use the bugs in the rules and exploit the loopholes in the rules.

If I enter the trial wearing a mask, does it save me an action of "wearing a mask" in the trial? Does that mean that when I take off the mask, I can wear another mask again?

After all, taking off + putting on = putting on + taking off, this is the "truth" that even elementary school students understand.

However, the above is just a guess. Whether it can succeed depends on whether "Order" gives face. At least when this routine was used to experiment with "Lie Like Yesterday", it failed...

After thoroughly studying his own talents, he no longer paid too much attention to the changes in himself, but paid more attention to the chat channel with more information.

Since switching back to [Destiny], his chat channel has naturally switched back to [Destiny], and as Cheng Shi puts on different masks, he can even "peek" at the chats of other professional channels.

This wave can be called a blood profit, but the only thing that makes him feel painful is that the masks accumulated in the early stage may still be a little less under such rapid consumption.

He looked at the rows of masks in the warehouse and put them all into the portable space.

Since [Destiny] has forgiven and accepted himself, then He will definitely not let his destiny be interrupted halfway, so before the masks are used up, there must be a new wayLet him get the mask. As for what this method is, Cheng Shi has some ideas, but he dare not guess deeply...

Speaking of the chat channel, the chat channel of [Fate] is much more lively than the [Fraud] channel, but the useful information is also limited.

If the liars chat with lies, then the charlatans chat with riddles.

If you don't know, you might think that the Lantern Festival Riddle Conference is being held in the channel. Nine out of ten speeches have to be guessed, and the remaining one is the answer to the guess of others.

This is very [Fate].

It seems that to integrate into this new group, you must learn to be a riddler.

The chat styles of other professional channels are also different:

The warrior channel is full of violent arguments such as "Let's fight", "I'm better at commanding than you", "Counterattack is the best attack";

The mage channel is more varied, with discussions of all kinds. At first glance, you might think you have entered the [Truth] channel, with all kinds of inferences and speculations emerging one after another;

Cheng Shi didn't pay much attention to the priest's main job;

The hunter channel is unexpectedly pragmatic, and the players are enthusiastic about communication. Compared with subjective expressions, they seem to prefer objective facts, and the information contained in a few words is the most. It seems to be a good place to obtain intelligence;

The assassin channel is more lively than you can imagine. Unlike the stereotype of assassins being taciturn, this group of people tells Cheng Shi what "the contrast of the killer" is with a screen refresh frequency that is almost invisible to the naked eye;

As for the singer channel, it is more normal, but it is the kind that you don't have much impression after just one glance.

So this also shows one thing, that is, if you want to impress people, at least you can't be too normal.

Cheng Shi took a quick look and then quit the chat.

He began to regret it, thinking that it was quite stupid to waste a mask just to take a look at the chat channel.

But people's curiosity is like this, once it comes up, it can't be stopped.

He laughed at himself and opened the audience ladder of [Destiny].

When he opened the faith ranking, the interface that required filling in personal ID for a long time popped up again. Cheng Shi thought for a moment and wrote down the unchanging name again:

I never lie.


[The Ladder of Audience (Existence-Time)/(Nothingness-Destiny)]

1. Lao Deng (Time) 214

2. The Gods Forgot Me (Time) 209

3. I Saw You (Destiny) 204

4. Xun (Time) 198

5. Fortune Telling for 50 Cents (Destiny) 197


42. Announce the Time on Time at 8:00 (Time) 168

43. I Never Lie to People (Destiny) 166

44. Blame It on (Destiny) 165


The style of ID selection of the followers of [Destiny] is exactly the same as that of [Fraud], but what he didn't expect is that the mentality of the followers of [Time] seems to be more lively than that of the followers of [Memory], so Cheng Shi's ID is not too abrupt here.

He looked at the "I Saw You" on the leaderboard and thought that this should be the "blind man" who made the prophecy in the mouths of the chosen gods.

Interesting, a blind player, but his ID is called "I see you", the contrast is really played by you people.

Cheng Shi studied for a long time and found that the number of [Destiny] believers among high-level players is significantly less than that of [Time]. He couldn't help but think that perhaps those who believe in "Destiny" have been silently defeated by "Destiny".

Think about it this way, destiny is really...

Wait! Stop.

When I was not a [Destiny] believer, I might curse with you, but when I became a [Destiny] believer myself...

Hold a little, I think you may want to blaspheme my Lord. If you don't stop, then I can only regretfully inform you that you will probably have to meet the adult on the Fishbone Hall. Well, I will send you there personally.

Cheng Shi thought and laughed, and then threw the destiny dice in his hand down. The dice rolled on the ground for a long time and then stopped at 1.

However, although it was 1 point, at the moment when the dice stopped, Cheng Shi was filled with divine power.

Because today he wore a mask of all living beings from a warrior.

So today Cheng Shi was very brave.

"Friendly reminder to those who want to blaspheme my Lord, don't say I didn't warn you."


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