"Doctor Forgotten?"

Fang Shiqing looked at Cheng Shi with interest, and picked up the pocket watch on the table with a smile.

Others also picked up their pocket watches one after another, but the expressions on their faces were all wonderful.

They kept looking back and forth between Cheng Shi and Xu Lu, thinking that there was a reason why the clamp girl was afraid.

Even though he was in such a defensive posture, this Cheng Shi was still jumping up and down, afraid that others would not know that he and the clamp girl were in opposition.

Xu Lu obviously did not dare to take Cheng Shi's things. She compared the pocket watch to calibrate the time, and then pushed the pocket watch back.

"Doctor Forgotten is not a good answer in the trial of [Memory]. Cheng Shi, I hope you don't do anything to NPCs. Excessive acceleration will cause their memory to collapse. We may be trapped in the memory and unable to get out."

Cheng Shi shrugged indifferently, picked up the pocket watch and turned to leave.

He was going to practice [Enactment] in a deserted place.

The tavern was very large, with two floors.

The style is similar to that of medieval Northern Europe, with wooden decoration and wild animal fur decoration, which is very rough.

There are about dozens of tables up and down, almost full of people.

The sound of clinking glasses and roaring filled his ears. Cheng Shi could not hear the voices of other teammates after walking a few steps away.

There is also a hollow design on the bar in the middle, and the railings on the entire second floor are surrounded by a circle. You can easily see the whole picture of the first floor by sticking your head out.

Cheng Shi took two quick steps, turned a corridor, and took out his "Dice of Destiny" in a corner where no one could see.

[Yuxing] ended successfully, and he felt the favor of "time" on his fingertips and walked out with a smile.

It's time to start the investigation.

The trial of [Memory] is many times more "civilized" than [War]. There are rarely moments of fighting. Even if there are, they are generally limited to a small area and quickly resolved.

In the trial of [Memory], every scene is someone else's memory. If the memory picture is distorted too much, the memory is likely to collapse, causing people to be trapped forever.

The goal of the trial is to constantly find the "memory entity" in each scene of memory, that is, the real owner of this memory.

In the current scene, the memory owner must have been here and stayed here for a long time, so he has a deep memory of the layout of the tavern and the drinkers.

However, a person's memory has a focus. Where he pays attention, the "NPC" will be more active, and his behavior and logic will converge with normal people.

And where he ignores, there will often be some vague fragments.

The "NPC" restored from these fragments will have various "errors". Although these "errors" are not obvious, players must find them if they want to pass the trial.

The simplest and most brainless way to find the error is... to investigate.

That is, to chat up one by one.

However, there are skills in chatting up. Once the failure of chatting up leads to other troubles, the memory is likely to be distorted, resulting in a direct failure of the trial.

Cheng Shi is not very good at chatting up, but he is very good at lying.

He saw several bartenders coming out of a small room one after another. He slipped into the room while no one was around, quickly stole a set of waiter uniforms, put them on and slipped out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Fang Shiqing sneaking over here with the clip girl.

He smiled knowingly. What a coincidence. They thought of the same thing.

Seeing that Cheng Shi had already changed into waiter uniforms, Fang Shiqing's eyes lit up and she praised him in a low voice:


Cheng Shi was very pleased and smiled: "The boss's praise is the driving force for my progress."

Xu Lu hid behind Fang Shiqing, her eyes full of vigilance, and muttered in a low voice: "So fake."

Fang Shiqing smiled:

"I think you also know the [Decree] of my Lord. Share me a piece of knowledge, and the light of [Truth] will shine on you."

The [Decree] of [Truth] is to seek knowledge. Any unknown law or knowledge can bring the believers of [Truth] closer to "Truth".

As for the believers of [Truth] who have auxiliary or defensive skills, if they want to get his protection, they must share some knowledge with his believers.

Cheng Shi rolled his eyes and quickly shared a little knowledge.

"Putting your fingers into the anus and rotating and massaging for 30 seconds can effectively suppress hiccups."



As soon as Cheng Shi finished sharing, the two ladies in front of him froze in place.

The clip girl had a wonderful expression, and it was unknown whether she was afraid or disgusted. In short, the players of the opposing faith were too perverted and were indeed a threat to their own safety.

She slowly took two steps and moved closer to Fang Shiqing.

As for Fang Shiqing, she felt the light of [Truth] surging towards Cheng Shi, which meant that Cheng Shi was not talking nonsense, and this was indeed true.

"How...did you find out?"

"Ah, I'm a doctor,Practice makes perfect."

"A doctor in real life?"

Cheng Shi remained calm: "Don't you think so?"

Although Cheng Shi meant that he had practiced on others, Fang Shiqing couldn't help but keep looking at his butt.

"......Thank you, I'll teach you."

She forced a smile and went into the dressing room with the clip girl without looking back.

Cheng Shi left with a smile and began his own investigation.

Several players roughly divided the area, and Cheng Shi was assigned the entire east section of the first floor, which had about a dozen tables.

It's actually very boring to chat with people, especially for Cheng Shi, who has social phobia.

He took a plate and put a few bottles of wine on the tables of several drunken guests, and then started his job of delivering wine.

Every time he arrived at a table, he said in a serious manner that this was today's event and the wine was sent by the boss, and then asked the guests how they drank, whether they were happy, and if they were happy, could they tell some gossip, Just consider it as the fee for this bottle of wine.

To be honest, Bilius's wine is really not cheap. Seeing that the store is giving away wine, the drinkers are very happy and quickly share all kinds of gossip they have heard.

After all, they were bragging in the first place. It is so cost-effective to brag more and get a bottle of wine. It is really great.

So Cheng Shi became a gossip vacuum cleaner, sucking up gossip wherever he went.

In a short while, he heard all kinds of gossip about this town called "Brooks Town".

"The town was originally the fief of the Duke of Brooks. Later, as more and more refugees came, it developed into an administrative town. But it is said that the mayor was not sent by the king, but was impersonated by a refugee. Don't ask me how I know, it's a secret."

"Even the chief justice in the town was impersonated by a refugee."

"They even pretended to be strippers. It was not until they took off their clothes and were found to have that thing that the nobles knew that these dancers were actually men."

"But they are still very popular, at least more popular than the original dancers. ”

"Why has your boss become so generous recently? Has he also been impersonated? What, you want to expose it? Man, why not be more generous? At least you can make money."

"The refugees came from Gasmera. It is said that the underground faith is spreading in the Tower of Reason. They started a civil war and expelled the heretics of faith. Then these people came to Bilius. Isn't this old news from a long time ago? Why are you asking this?"

"There are more refugees than citizens. The Duke is also worried, but at least the nobles like them. They are good quality and cheap."

"Gossip, what gossip? Does it count if York bought an orc girl for sex? It is said that York called her name in his dreams after that day. Who is York? He is the Duke's groom. He sits at that table. See, the most cowardly one..."

"It's strange. York has money to buy sex and get drunk. Doesn't he still owe your boss a lot of money? ”


An hour passed, Cheng Shi was so engrossed in listening that he would have continued to listen if it weren’t for the pocket watch telling the time.

It’s so interesting, much more interesting than the trial.

What, you asked me why I like to communicate so much if I’m a social phobic?

I think social phobics should also be considered social phobics?

But a trial is a trial after all, and Cheng Shi, who didn’t find anything unusual, had to go back and reunite with his teammates.

When the six players gathered at the table again, everyone’s face was full of solemnity.

Except Cheng Shi.

He was so happy.

“Why are you frowning? Have you found something wrong? "

A Ming pursed his lips and shook his head. Fang Shiqing frowned and pondered. Even Huang Bo, who had been scratching his head, was silent this time. He hung his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Based on past experience, there should be some mistakes that are not so obvious but easy to find clues in a memory scene. But this time, Xu Lu and I almost listened to all the wine tables, including the second floor, and did not find any NPCs with "too stiff" logic completion. They all seemed normal, normal and not like the people in memory."

"Me too, I even used my talent to feel their inner thoughts, very calm, very orderly, not like the people in memory."

"Can you read minds?" Cheng Shi was stunned and became interested.

A Ming hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no, it's just a vague feeling. I'm not convenient to say the details."

Cheng Shi nodded and looked at Fang Shiqing again. He felt that this big wave teacher also had similar skills, and should be stronger.

Fang Shiqing saw Cheng Shi looking over and asked back, "What about you?"

"Me? I didn't find anything, but I did hear a lot of gossip. Do you want to hear it? "

"......" Thinking of the little-known fact that Cheng Shi said, she twitched her lips and turned to the others.

"Brother Huang?"

"Well... headache... no! And it shouldn't be!"

Fang Shiqing and Cheng Shi both frowned slightly after hearing this, and the same thought came to their minds:

Oh no, this uncle is a believer in [chaos]


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