Since someone died on the field, according to the rules of the final duel, another death penalty must take over.

The knights who dragged the body away returned soon and prepared to drag the next "challenger" to the arena.

However, what Cheng Shi did not expect was that when these knights came over, they were not facing Zhao Si, but himself!

They actually passed Zhao Si and put their hands on his shoulders!

! ! !

Cheng Shi was shocked. He looked at Zhao Si suddenly, but saw that the screenwriter had turned his head away without knowing when.

He rewrote the script?

When? What did they rewrite? Why did these knights choose him openly? Are they going to disregard the rules of the death penalty?

Obviously, the high-level knight did not dare to break the rules of the death penalty, so why did these knights do so?

Seeing that he was about to be dragged away to the arena by the knights, Cheng Shi suddenly asked gloomily the moment he stood up:

"Why did you choose me instead of No. 4? This is not in line with the rules of the death penalty!"

As soon as he finished speaking, both the two Iron Knights who grabbed his shoulders and the Punishment Knights who were guarding the prisoners around him sneered and looked down at the numbers of the broken cages in front of the two people.

Cheng Shi clearly saw that the wooden sign under his feet was numbered 6, but he heard something different from the knight's mouth!

"Playing dumb now? It's too late.

Fear is a poison that devours itself. If you want to survive, fight hard, No. 4, don't pin your hopes on nonsense."

No. 4! ! ? ?

He called me No. 4! ?

Cheng Shi's body stiffened, and then a chill rose from his tailbone and rushed straight to his head!

He thought of a terrible thing, because everything in front of him told him that Zhao Si was not using the means of the screenwriter!

Screenwriters can only rewrite the script to influence the direction of fate, but they will not blur the script to make the false become true.

And a wizard who has this ability and claims to be a believer of [Fate] can only be...

A wizard of [fraud], a master of trickery!

Zhao Si is really a master of trickery!

He is really His believer!

This is already the second person in this trial... No, wait!

Cheng Shi was stunned. He quickly went through everything that happened in the past half day in his mind, and carefully recalled everyone's actions and speeches, and then an extremely absurd idea came to his mind.

Is this game really the game with the highest [Fate] content?

If [fraud] is often hidden in fate, is it possible that this game has the highest [fraud] content! ?

When Cheng Shi thought of this, he had been dragged away. He did not struggle too much, but looked around calmly.

He was confirming something, something he had overlooked before, that is, the rats in the prison seemed to...


Since the fog exploded, these mice foraging everywhere disappeared.

You know, when the punishment knights were so active before, these mice dared to forage blatantly. Now that the prison guards are so quiet, they disappeared instead. Is this reasonable?

Reasonable, but this rationality has a prerequisite, that is, there was a special hunter in this prison, no, or in the previous prison.

He can communicate with mice, find out unknown news, and tame mice and let the mice serve him.

He can even exchange identities with the mice he controls, turn himself into a mouse, and then leave this place in a swagger under the gaze of everyone!

He is the hunter and trainer of [fraud]!

What a Su Wu, what a "final stroke", fake, all fake!

No wonder he drove away the mice at his feet as soon as he opened his eyes, maybe that was not driving, but communication!

Sure enough, all [fate] is [fraud]!

Acrobat, trickster, animal trainer, magician! Four different professions of [Fraud] believers have appeared in this trial!

Wait! No, this acrobat is fake, so he can be excluded...

But, are there really no acrobats in this trial?

The senior who died in Ji Er's arms claimed to be a believer of [Truth], and his every move was indeed consistent with [Truth] behavior, but Cheng Shi remembered the point that had always puzzled him, that is:

This [Truth] believer seemed to have poor "grades".

He knew too little about the history of the Continent of Hope, no, it should be said that he knew too little about the Grand Inquisition and Montrani, so little that he could not add anything.

Poor students should not be overly questioned because of "poor grades", but what if he is not a "student"? Is it possible that he is not a student at all?A believer of the truth?

In the past, such vague speculations could not serve as a logical basis for inference, but today, when Cheng Shi thought about his death...

Twisted limbs, reversed neck...

Cheng Shi laughed, he laughed at his own slowness.

Ha, is it such a coincidence? Do you remember what the believer of the truth said? He said that acrobats were given super high limb flexibility by him and could perform all kinds of incredible limb movements.

So, are twisted limbs and reversed necks considered incredible limb movements?

Yes, of course!

In this way, the identity of this teammate No. 3 is about to be revealed!

He used his limb flexibility to pretend to be defeated and escaped in the arena where the final fight was fought to the death, and almost deceived all the audience and knights in various positions!

What a senior high school student, what an acrobat!

So far, three of the six players have disappeared from the prison under their feet, disappearing in full view of the public.

The magician escaped by changing his body into a living person, the animal trainer escaped by turning into a rat, and the acrobat escaped by physical acrobatics!

There is also a trickster who is trying to get out of the trap, and his way of getting out is to let himself go on stage to buy time for him!

This is incredible, this is simply a wonderful [fraud] performance, an absurd circus full of scams from beginning to end!

But how can such a wonderful circus be without a clown?

When thinking of this, Cheng Shi realized.

The Ji Er who claimed to be the war supervisor, the Ji Er who was regarded as a clown, the Ji Er whose personality changed drastically, was not a clown at all.

The only clown is himself!

Because he lost the blessing of [fraud], he became the only real clown in this game full of [fraud] believers!

But if Ji Er is not a clown, what would he be?

The answer is actually very simple. If there weren't so many lies in this game, if there weren't so many deceptions in this game, Cheng Shi should have thought of it earlier.

The knight captain Apol once said: He didn't see any offensive, but was stabbed three times during the fight, and he also clearly stabbed the so-called "killer" hidden in the fog of war, but still let the other party run away.


Because he was deceived, because he was facing a liar blessed by [fraud], a [fraudulent] assassin, a victim!

Ji Er, is clearly a victim!


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