Natural Sect!

The first thing Cheng Shi thought of when he heard the name of the experiment was this: Natural Sect!

A player organization that believes that divinity is born from human nature!

And the "offspring" recognized by [Birth], Hu Xuan, is a member of it.

In fact, there was no such organization in the history of the Continent of Hope, but almost every player organization was derived from a large force on the Continent of Hope.

Just like the Association of Principles corresponds to the Tower of Principles, and the Order Alliance corresponds to the Grand Court of Inquisition, but the Natural Sect does not correspond to the Natural Alliance, but the [Life Church], a god-worshiping organization established by people who believe in [life] under the rule of [civilization].

Since the countries in the civilization era more or less had political governance and cultural exchanges with the Natural Alliance, they did not object to the emergence of such a god-worshiping organization with other destinies in their own territory, so the [Life Church] flourished under civilization, especially in the territory of the Tower of Principles.

The reason is the same as before, because the Life Church also believes that divinity should be born from human nature, so they are tirelessly pursuing this point, and coincidentally, the Tower of Reality is the best at studying divinity.

So... Serius is not only a scholar from the Tower of Reality, but also a theist from the Life Church.


These words may be very ordinary when read separately, but when they are put together, they are so shocking.

"How can divinity sprout, and how can it sprout in a person?" Li Yi was confused. He stared blankly at the cross-slice of wood in Serius's hand and asked in disbelief, "So, the final battle of death is to sprout divinity? What divinity? [Chaos]? Is there [Chaos] at this time?"

Gao San was also confused. He muttered to himself:

So, are we ourselves, or slices, and...

Whose slices?"

He looked at Li Yi and remembered what Li Yi had said. According to the sequence, the one ranked 1 should be the original body. Could it be that he and Cheng Shi are both slices of Li Yi?

Li Yi obviously realized this, so his expression became very complicated.

Only Cheng Shi treated Serius' words as wind in one ear and out the other.

Because before the other party revealed his purpose, these words, even if true, could be deceiving, after all, he had just played this trick.

So there was only one question in his mind, which was what the Serius in front of him was planning, and why the Serius outside the door didn't chase him in.

"No, no, no, you got it wrong. When the slice has not been cultivated into an individual, you can think of it as just a slice, a fragment peeled off from the experimental material.

But when the slice has grown into a complete experimental material, then, from that moment on, there is no more slice, because every experimental material is himself, at least this point has been determined before the experiment, so every experimental material believes it without a doubt."


When Serius finished this sentence, Cheng Shi laughed. He felt that this scholar was deceiving everyone to believe in his point of view, believing that everyone is just a slice of one person.

But the problem is, I can't be someone else's slice.

So he threw the scalpel in his hand onto the experimental table again, and said playfully:

"Scholar, why don't you clarify who is the slice of whom.

Or to be more specific, among the three people in front of you, who is the slice and who is the real body?"

Seleus didn't mind Cheng Shi's behavior at all. He glanced at the sharp scalpel on the table, and then looked at Cheng Shi and smiled:

"Why are you obsessed with who is the slice? I said..."


The third scalpel was inserted into the table, and it was inserted into the cross-section of the wooden man next to Serius, nailing the innocent slice to the table.

"If you keep talking nonsense, the next place the scalpel will fly to is your head.

I don't know what you are waiting for. You keep looking at the wooden door behind me. Are you waiting for the Serius who looks exactly like you?

But in my opinion, he doesn't seem to want to meet you."


After hearing this, Serius's face finally changed slightly. His dry face twitched, and then he sighed slowly:

"The theory of slicing needs to be determined according to different experimental purposes. The experiment of divine germination is not simple. If I say a number casually, will you believe it?

So, please listen to me patiently.

[Divinity] wants to burst out in human nature, and it is not simply based on the imagination of individual consciousness.It is impossible to imagine or fabricate, which has been the consensus since ancient times.

Therefore, in order to "grow" divinity in human nature, the church has long focused on the interaction between different life forms. Only the sparks of communication between consciousness can "mutate" into [divinity].

Of course, we have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. We do not want to create [divinity] directly, but to observe whether it is possible to split a trace of mutated human nature that is similar to [divinity] in data and form in the interaction of human nature, even if there is a similarity at a certain moment.

And this mutated human nature is called [germination of divinity].

However, after several generations of exploration, we found that it is impossible to breed [germination of divinity] through the interaction of different life forms, because their sense of identity with each other is too low, lacking the key emotion of "common recognition".

This emotion is considered to be the basis of all [divinity], and it has a more sacred title, that is...


However, in the experiment, we prefer to call it the prototype of faith, "common recognition".

Therefore, in order to improve the sense of identity between living beings, the slice experiment was born first.

We imagine that a person splits into countless selves, and these selves with incomplete memories and broken consciousness are also sure of one thing, that is, "I am me". In this way, a simple "common recognition" appears.

Then we chose the most sluggish [depravity] among all the divinities as the direction of experiment, just because it does not reject humans as excessively as other divinities.

We cannot define what state [divinity] manifests in consciousness, so this breeding process has no clear direction. We can only find the law of human nature mutation when it collides through uninterrupted testing.

After countless experiments, we finally found that fear, an emotional mutation, has the highest probability. Although this mutation cannot give birth to [germination of divinity], at least it mutates and gives birth to many forces that are beneficial to living beings and help them overcome fear.

This is also the most promising direction we have seen so far, so the Grand Inquisition version of the experiment, the final fight to the death, was born.

At this point, you should have guessed that the reason for using this method to conduct the experiment is to stimulate the deep fear of the experimental materials, and use their tense and boiling consciousness as a cradle to breed the rare [germination of divinity] related to [pollution] and "fear". "

"Since it is fear, why not let all the experimental materials fight in chaos, wouldn't the fear be greater?" Gao San frowned and asked in confusion.

"Of course we have tried it, but in that case, other mutations that pollute [pollution] will be produced in the intersection of cognition and accumulation of consciousness. Although this mutation has a high success rate, it is abnormally disordered. We have been searching for a long time and have not found its [divinity] law.

So we gave up that plan and changed to a replacement fight.

And during the experiment, we also need to consider one thing, that is, if [germination of divinity] really mutates successfully, how should we collect him/her.

Because the [Germination Divinity] of fear that burst out in the consciousness does not belong to the real [Depravity], but was born under a common recognition of "I am me", so in other words, the experimental material is the real owner of this [Germination Divinity]!

After carrying the [Germination Divinity] that belongs to him, he has changed from an ordinary experimental material to a He with a trace of initial possibility!

Therefore, the answer you want is here.

The serial number of the experimental material is not important, what is important is which material this group of experiments wants to become the final collection carrier of [Divinity].

Since the same group of experimental materials have the characteristics of self-recognition, when a certain experimental material dies at the hands of another experimental material, no matter in which consciousness the [Germination Divinity] is born, it will be absorbed by the winner and become the "trophy" of the winner.

If there is no special purpose, generally speaking, the experiment will tend to put the most original material prototype at the last serial number.

Because the personality of the prototype of the experimental material is the most complete, "common recognition" tends to recognize him, so his carrying capacity for [Germination Divinity] is stronger.

Moreover, according to the rules of the deathmatch, only the last person has the highest chance of winning in the deathmatch final, which means that he is most likely to collect the [Emerging Divinity] from the mutation! "

"!!! "

As soon as the voice fell, Gao San jumped high with lightning speed and directly drilled into the gap in the ceiling above everyone's head.

Li Yi snapped his fingers and turned himself into a rain of playing cards, disappearing from the spot.The two cowards ran away, seemingly frightened.

Cheng Shi did not chase them. He digested Serius's words and smiled.

Unexpectedly, after all the twists and turns, the prototype of the experimental material turned out to be himself.

Interesting, but...

Not much.

He looked at Serius motionlessly, sneered and asked:

"So, scholar, which slice are you?"

Serius laughed at himself.

"I am not a slice, I am the abandoned prototype of the experimental material."


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