"Aluweni, we are all his people, we are the same, there is no upper or lower, you don't need to do this, and you don't have to do this.

Get up, his test is not over yet, there is a more difficult road waiting for you next."

The excited mushroom-footed people stopped crying immediately after hearing this, and hurriedly stood up swiftly.

At this moment, in their eyes, everything in the world is not as important as getting the forgiveness of [Prosperity], so they stood up straight one by one, like soldiers waiting for inspection, looking at Cheng Shi with expectation and uneasiness in their eyes, waiting for the messenger of God to give a new test.

The old patriarch even stepped back a few steps, wanting to welcome him to the middle of the room.

Cheng Shi smiled and rejected him, and then returned the new baptism gift to the original owner.

It's not that he didn't want to continue "embezzling", but he was afraid that things that didn't belong to him would change in his hands and become a flaw, so he hurriedly returned the tender bud to Hong Lin.

Hong Lin's face changed again after she took it. She knew that she had no choice now.

The target of the trial was most likely the mushroom-foot tribe in front of her. Although it was still unclear whether the extinguished spark was the hope in the hearts of the mushroom-foot people or the survival of their tribe, it didn't matter.

Because they had already made a choice.

Due to the passivity of others and Cheng Shi's over-activeness, everyone was coerced by Cheng Shi's scam and could only follow the rhythm of this fate weaver with their eyes closed. There was no other way.

Although she preferred to complete the trial as a passerby and not be tainted by any cause and effect with history, it was useless to think too much at this point. So Hong Lin, who had figured out the situation in an instant, could only suppress her thoughts and turn around to cooperate with Cheng Shi.

She released a strong power of [prosperity], activating the baptism of new life to the greatest extent, making the [prosperity] light in the house more vigorous.

And this undoubtedly gave all the mushroom-foot people a reassurance.

Praise [Prosperity], this is the power that only the messenger of God has!

Seeing this, Cheng Shi smiled at Hong Lin with relief, and that look undoubtedly said: You have good eyesight, sister!

Hong Lin's mouth twitched slightly, helpless.

She really wanted to ask Cheng Shi what plan he had, but to be honest, Cheng Shi didn't know what plan he had, because he had no plan at all.

He just saw endless disappointment and death in the eyes of the old patriarch, and suddenly thought of whether it was possible that the hope of the mushroom man was the dying spark, so he didn't have time to discuss with his teammates, and went on stage without thinking about anything.

But the script has not been written yet, and it will be a bit difficult to perform next.

But this is not a problem for a liar, especially a clown who always performs on stage.

Cheng Shi looked around for a moment and then said seriously:

"He has set five tests for you. When you pass all the tests, you will have the qualification to go home.

The silence we just waited for is the first one: perseverance in despair!

His people cannot betray their faith even in the most desperate times. You have done it. Your piety is obvious to all. I will ask the clerk to take careful notes and report all this to Him when I meet Him next time."


After listening to Cheng Shi's speech, the teammates were all numb.

He even thought about making up a reason for the abnormal behavior of other teammates while pretending...


Am I a clerk?

Zuo Qiu twitched his mouth, suppressed his smile, and nodded to Cheng Shi in cooperation.

Hong Lin had to endure for a long time before he could resist the urge to roll his eyes and complained to Cheng Shi.

What do you mean by "next time I will see Him"? Isn't that a bit too "big"?

Have you seen Him?

She thought to herself that I have only been summoned twice in total, and I have no idea when the next time will be. It seems that I can see Him at any time.

Even if it is a lie, shouldn't I be more careful?

Although the players thought it was outrageous, these words sounded like holy bells in the ears of the mushroom-footed people, and they kept ringing for a long time!

Standing in front of them was a divine messenger who could see Him at any time!

After learning this, the expressions of the mushroom-footed people became more pious, and their postures became lower.

The old patriarch lowered his head and thought anxiously:

It turns out that He has given us five tests, and we have passed one!

So as long as we win the other four, does it mean that the crimes that the tribe has endured for hundreds of years will be forgiven!

We have waited for the day of forgiveness!

God’s grace is great! God’s grace is great!

At this moment, what else can we do except praise Him?

After thinking about it, the old patriarch raised his head and said to Cheng Shi with great piety:

“Praise [Prosperity], praise the Messenger of God.

It is you who brought His forgiveness to the tribe, and it is you who gave us hope of redemption.

The entire tribe will always remember your kindness, and will sing your name from generation to generation, and praise you!

Forgive me for being presumptuous, how should we address you, the respected Messenger of God. "

You see, he still has to thank us.


All the players in the audience were speechless, and Cheng Shi was also a little embarrassed by the praise, but he quickly rolled his eyes and coughed twice:

"Ahem, you can call me, Baldhead."

As soon as the voice fell, the Messenger of God flew... No, the Messenger of God fell.

He suddenly fell to the ground with his legs weak.

"Bald... Baldhead? "

The old patriarch was a little bit unconvinced that the envoy of God would call him by such a name, but when he saw the envoy of God fall to the ground, he was shocked and hurried forward to help the envoy up, and then he saw the envoy of God rubbing his buttocks and laughing dryly:

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm not used to this human body after standing for a long time. It's okay, don't worry. "

Oh, yes, how can His envoy of God have a specific body? This is just the flesh and blood carrier of the envoy of God temporarily.

The old patriarch nodded and retreated in sudden realization. Cheng Shi chuckled twice and stood back to his original position. He looked at Hong Lin with flaming eyes behind him awkwardly, and whispered without moving his lips:

"Sister, if you kick again, you will be exposed. I just praised you for your good sense and you gave up. Can you act! ? "

Hong Lin's forehead veins bulged, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you say my name?"

"Sister, you are the chosen one of [Prosperity]. If you don't say yours, do you say mine? ”

“I am God’s chosen one, but not God’s messenger!”

“The mushroom-footed people don’t know, so what’s wrong with using your name!”

“You are asking for trouble! Haven’t you heard that you should not be involved in the cause and effect of history? Why not use your name!”


What are you saying?

I am using your name because I am afraid of being involved in the cause and effect. Otherwise, what do you think…

But this must not be said, so Cheng Shi frowned slightly and pretended to make a mistake and whispered:

“I have already said it, what else can I do? It will be more troublesome if I don’t say it. If there is a problem, just bear it and wait until they leave… and then kick! ”


Hong Lin’s angry expression changed several times, and finally he exhaled fiercely, and finally endured it.

Cheng Shijian had dealt with the Lord Chosen by God, and he said devoutly in his heart:

Praise [Destiny], it is you who made everyone learn to be patient.

The old patriarch thought about the tribe, and when he saw that the two God’s messengers had finished their whispered communication, he asked nervously:

“Lord Bald, may I ask, what is the next test He has given me?”


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