The players were rushing back, and Epsilon was chasing, but under various interferences, even its agile body was affected a lot.

Hong Lin didn't abandon the others after all. After leaving Cheng Shi not far in front of the fog gate, he turned back and strung the lagging teammates back with his tail.

Then a group of people rushed into the fog gate amid Epsilon's unwilling roar and the gradual transition between day and night, and returned to the tribe of the mushroom-footed people.

As soon as they landed, the whole tribe cheered loudly.

Cheng Shi clearly saw that the mushroom-footed people still had sad faces when they came out, as if they thought that the messenger of God who had been waiting for so long was outside, but when the five people jumped out of the fog gate, everyone rushed over like crazy.

The old patriarch looked at Cheng Shi respectfully, and his pious and uneasy eyes were obviously waiting for a result.

Cheng Shi glanced at all the mushroom-footed people and smiled slightly:

"Congratulations, you have passed the second test."

"Oh - praise [Prosperity]! Praise the messenger of God! Praise Lord Baldhead!"

The thunderous praise resounded through the sky. Cheng Shi smiled and nudged Hong Lin with his arm, whispering:

"Look, this is the reward for your hard work today. What do you think, Lord Baldhead?"

Hong Lin looked at these mushroom-footed people who were cheering and full of hope and tears in their eyes, and squeezed out a strange smile on her face.

Obviously, she was not infected by the happiness at the scene.

Hong Lin's thoughts were complicated. She was thinking that if Epska was really hunting [Prosperity], then it was hard to say where the future of these mushroom-footed people in front of her would go.

Perhaps she was now being cheered by a group of dying people, and it was very likely that she and her teammates would kill them.

Others also thought of this problem, so they looked at the mushroom-footed people with a complicated look.

Although this is just a piece of background history, the ending of history has undoubtedly written the tragedy of these mushroom-footed people.

Cheng Shi understood in his heart, and said to the old patriarch and the mushroom-footed people, "Today's trip is quite tiring", and then sent all the mushroom-footed people away and took a few players back to the house.

When the puppet master blocked the sound of the main house again, Hong Lin looked at Cheng Shi and asked the question she had been wondering about:

"Who is the spark that is about to go out?"

Cheng Shi looked at Hong Lin, looked at the puppet master, and then looked at the hunter and the shit officer, and suddenly laughed.

"Don't be so serious, it depends on how you want to win?"

"What do you mean?" Hong Lin was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Before that, I want to confirm one thing with you. That is, these mushroom-footed people really have the power of [prosperity]. Is that true?"

"Yes." Hong Lin didn't quite understand what Cheng Shi meant, but she said truthfully, "I can feel the [prosperity] in their bodies. Although the power is very weak, it doesn't seem like His followers, but considering that this is the Sighing Forest, it is understandable."

Cheng Shi nodded.

"Okay, since these mushroom-footed people are indeed His believers, then it is relevant for us to understand their lives, or their inner hopes, as dying sparks."

Hong Lin pondered for a moment and guessed, "You mean...quality and quantity, choose one, but both are right?"

"Yes, and no." Cheng Shi paced and analyzed, "His guidance is too vague. Judging from Epska's performance alone, He does seem to want these sinners to awaken Dizel, but in today's battle, I suddenly thought of a strange point, that is:

Where did [Decay] go?

The Forest of Sighs is where He is watching. Under His eyes, the Not only are the sinners blessed by [Prosperity], but they are also using it as food to try to awaken the son of [Prosperity]. All of this should be an unforgivable blasphemy to [Decay]. Why can He tolerate it?

You know, not all gods are like... uh... like... so tolerant.

So what is He doing?

He must have a reasonable reason to let all this develop. I can't think of the reason why He did this, but I can guess an ending for this unreasonable behavior.

You might as well guess what the ending is? "

Hong Lin frowned and blurted out: "The spark will go out!"

Cheng Shi gave her a thumbs up.

"Yes! The spark will go out!

Under the gaze of [Decay], Epska will probably never be awakened by [Prosperity], and that means that the mushroom-footed people are likely to be trapped here for generations to serve as its food, which is a lose-lose situation for [Prosperity].

He probably won't get anything, because the spark will definitely go out!

SoThat's why I said that it's possible to choose either side. Maybe if we win one side, it will be enough to ignite the prairie fire of the clearance trial.

But one side will suffer a little, either Epsika or the mushroom-foot tribe.

At present, it seems that helping Epsika kill the mushroom-foot tribe is the easiest way. At least the mushroom-foot people... can be killed. "

After saying this, Cheng Shi immediately swept his eyes to other teammates. He was trying to capture their reactions.

Hong Lin frowned. Obviously, she was a little disdainful of slaughtering the weak.

The hunter still had a cold face, but his eyes flashed a little bright, which meant that he didn't reject this move if it could add points.

The puppet master hid behind the puppet and couldn't see his expression. But when Cheng Shi looked at Zuo Qiu, he happened to meet his gaze, and then saw the historian clapping and praising:

"Excellent! It was so wonderful. I apologize for my one-sided remarks today.

You are indeed a master who has tricked Zhen Yi. When I thought you were slacking off, it turned out that you had already figured out the whole situation. It's amazing. I admire you. "

Being praised is a good thing, but this shit officer kept complimenting "Zhen Yi" and "slacking off". It sounds a bit weird.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he used this exaggerated praise to cover up his attitude towards the two-choice issue. Seeing this skillful way of diverting attention like himself, Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Is he really a liar?

A liar pretending to be [Memory]?

This impersonation is a bit too similar. It can't be... a lie like yesterday?

Cheng Shi's heart sank slightly, but he replied very politely on the surface:

"It's the same for you. Brother Shit Officer also picked up a good shit. When will you share your harvest last night with us? "

Zuoqiu's face was embarrassed, and he laughed dryly:

"I'm ashamed. Actually, I didn't find any new historical materials last night. I was just very interested in the ecology of the mushroom-footed tribes living in the Sighing Forest, so I researched everywhere. They were all some unofficial history, not worth talking about."

"Unofficial history is also history. History has its serious side, and naturally it has its humorous side. Everyone is so tired today, so tell us about it and have fun."

Zuoqiu touched his head, his face becoming more and more embarrassed.

"Well, to be honest, I really didn't find anything. I went out in the middle of the night because of some of my personal hobbies. I like to observe other people's lives in the middle of the night... cough cough... to add some spice to my boring historical journey, so let me go, I really have nothing to say. "

As soon as these words, which sounded like self-deprecating and begging for mercy, were finished, everyone's face changed slightly.

The hunter reacted the least, but was shocked the most. He wondered if the historian had discovered his identity and was passing a message to Cheng Shi.

Hong Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he even smiled, but his peripheral vision clearly glanced at Jiang Wumei beside him.

The puppet master always had a hidden posture that made it difficult to guess. Cheng Shi blinked slightly in shock, as if he didn't expect the historian to have such a twisted human habit.

He looked at Zuo Qiu with disdain and said:

"You went to spy on the couple's night talk?

No, brother, you are a little too wild.

I heard that the mushroom-footed people's nocturnal activities are completed by the mycorrhizae of their two feet intertwined with each other. Did you not come back for this night?

Are you addicted to it? Or are the mushroom-footed people in the Sighing Forest different from those in other places? What new tricks do they have? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked.

[Silence] fell again, and the puppet master who had not responded finally made the royal sister puppet kneel down again, revealing a pair of big eyes that blinked and were eager for knowledge.

Zuo Qiu's face became even more stiff. He didn't know whether Cheng Shi deliberately changed the topic or didn't see the identity of the dream-seeking ranger at all. In short, after this sentence, no one could continue.

"No, brother Shiguan, please continue, I'm just curious."



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