Cheng Shi was dumbfounded. He could tell that Hong Lin was not testing him. She really needed this concentration spell to make herself more focused, but the problem was...

Sister, I am a warrior of the day!

I can't just cut my faith for a concentration spell...

But sometimes reality is like this. You never know what absurd reason it will push you forward.

At this moment, with only two people left and facing the outside world in unison, Cheng Shi had to use this concentration spell. He couldn't let the relationship between teammates, which was still a close cooperation, create new cracks and doubts because of a small concentration spell.

So, if switching faiths is to continue the friendship and cooperation between the two, it would be much better to think about it this way!

Alas, this is the only way to comfort myself...

Cheng Shi's mouth twitched slightly, and he nodded. When Hong Lin turned back to pay attention to Epska's status, he secretly stretched out his finger and touched the shadow behind him, but this touch made his whole brain explode with a "boom".

"What's wrong?"

The giant bear frowned. Seeing that Cheng Shi hadn't moved for a long time, a trace of suspicion rose in his heart. This faint suspicion might not affect the friendship they had just established, but Hong Lin did have some doubts about Cheng Shi's true identity.

According to Tao Yi, Cheng Shi should be a priest. He also admitted that he was a life weaver. However, in this trial, he never showed any talent for priests. He even behaved more like a warrior with both limbs and brain.

She knew that some special talents of faith could change professions, so she wondered if the identity of life weaver was also fake?

Is it possible that he is still lying! ?

But just as this suspicion slowly increased as Cheng Shi's freeze time lengthened, Cheng Shi moved. He raised his hand and gave the giant bear a focus spell, not only a focus spell, but also a mental spell, an anti-interference spell, a weak resistance shield, and a healing spell with the grace of God.

Feeling this real power of recovery, Hong Lin was stunned: "You are really a fate weaver?"

Cheng Shi ignored her, frowning.

Hong Lin thought that she was suspicious and annoying, so she pouted and vented her anger on Epuska who was about to rush over.

The two behemoths collided again, but this time the giant bear directly picked up the tree spirit's leg and beat it on the ground like a broom.

Cheng Shi had no time to watch such a wonderful battle. At this moment, he only thought of one thing in his mind, that is, why his shadow changed!

Yes, Cheng Shi's shadow changed!

The moment he touched his shadow, he felt that the state of the shadow was different from before.

Before the trial, when switching beliefs with the shadow, the shadow's reaction was very smart, giving people a feeling that there was a trace of belief and will in the shadow.

But just now, Cheng Shi found that his shadow had become mechanical and emotionless, as if it was just a dull faith converter, losing all its vitality.

Why did this change happen! ?

Every change will affect the next situation, not to mention that this change happened to him!

So he also gave himself a concentration spell and began to concentrate on what went wrong.

First, exclude the influence of the trial, because in the Sigh Forest yesterday, when he was about to switch faith to save the puppet master, he still clearly felt the agility of the shadow, but today, this agility disappeared.

So, what happened in the middle that caused the shadow to change like this?

Cheng Shi carefully recalled all the things and details that had happened between the two switches, but still couldn't find any clues. The only biggest variable was that the Dream Peeping Ranger invaded his dream and died in the dream, but the problem was that he also entered the dream on the first night, and the switch on the second day did not have this problem.

He was puzzled, and in a irritable state, he began to switch with his shadow again. After switching seven or eight times, he finally confirmed that it was not an illusion, and the shadow became dull.

But how could a shadow, without any changes to itself and without any contact from outsiders...

No! Wait!

Contact! ?

Cheng Shi's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized that he had missed one thing, that is, it was not that no one had contacted his shadow!

That puppet master!

No, the historian puppet controlled by that puppet master who he thought was very strange had contacted his shadow!

And he also used his shadow to travel through shadows to avoid his attack!

Is it her! ?

That puppet master?

She found something wrong with her shadow?

When she switched beliefs yesterday, she sawArrived?

Wait, it's still not right!

Cheng Shi began to stretch out his memories. He remembered the scene before he set out the next day. When he was preparing to set out on the altar, the historian was looking for something beside him with his head down. At that time, he just thought he was curious about the style and materials of the altar, but now he thought...

Could it be that he was looking for his own shadow at that time! ? ?

Cheng Shi's face sank.

Damn, I was deceived!

That puppet master may not be a simple person!

Even if she really knew Zhen Yi, and Zhen Yi told her about himself, but this talent of switching shadows was obviously acquired later, how could she know and become interested in her own shadow?

This is not in line with common sense and logic.

But it is consistent with the cognition of a liar!

Cheng Shi's eyes condensed, and his eyes swept across the battlefield. After confirming that he was safe, his brain began to work frantically.

He began to put himself into Zhen Yi's perspective, starting from the other party's acquisition of all his superficial memories, and using the thinking of a liar to reverse Zhen Yi's thoughts and goals.

And this thought first came to mind the prophecy that the God's Chosen lost points for:

The sun and the moon alternate, above the virtual and the real, the future has come!

After the trial that deceived the Grand Marshal Hu Wei and the little white strip Bai Fei, Cheng Shi always felt that this "future has come" was probably just a farce, and that the blind man predicted that Zhen Yi pretended to be himself, but now looking back at the current situation, is it possible that it was not a farce?

When the logical basis changes, some details that were previously taken for granted have completely different meanings.

For example, the Grand Marshal Hu Wei's concern for himself.

My good brother said at that time that he prayed for clues related to the prophecy, but since the "history lesson" in the void experiment field, he has been keeping an eye on everyone in the dark, and even appeared at the scene as soon as I came into contact with Xiaobai. So, if it was just a related clue, why would he care so much about me?

Obviously, they have already arrived at the void experiment field of the Tower of Principle. Is he sure that there are no clues around him?

No, maybe he doesn't need to care whether there are clues around. Is it possible that his prayer is for the person related to the prophecy?

After all, people are also one of the clues, so it's not a lie!

And this also explains why he has been staring at me and Yan Chun. Sure enough, the so-called bullshit prophecy may be pointing to me.

But in that trial that seems to be the place where the prophecy is fulfilled, where is the future?

My future is pretended by Zhen Yi. The residents and gods of Yuanmu Town can't see the future at all. Only one person can vaguely see the future, and that is Hu Xuan who was recognized by [Birth].

But Hu Xuan has nothing to do with her own shadow. So, this puppet master who knows Zhen Yi has no reason to come into contact with her own shadow!


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