Counting the time, it will be dark soon.

Looking at Hong Lin in front of him, who no longer has a trace of [prosperity] and is instead covered with [decay] power, Cheng Shi sighed in his heart.

Although the bald man was tricked by him to join the gambling game, he owed him a big "favor" this time.

She trusted him too much, so much that she dared to put all the divinity she had collected for such a long time on him. This trust was so heavy that Cheng Shi had an illusion, that is:

The bald man would not...

play dumb, right?

Did she see through that he was very susceptible to this, so she put all her trust in him and went all in once?

This seemingly not very smart warrior, can't be a shrewd person with more tricks than himself?


It doesn't seem like it.

But no matter what, Cheng Shi felt that he should be worthy of this trust, so he said:

"Are you ready? We are going out."

Hong Lin, who was entangled by [Corruption], was far less energetic than before. She barely maintained the balance of the two forces of faith in her body and could only try her best not to be completely eroded by [Corruption] and become an "accidental oath-breaker".

"Heh, to be honest, I'm a little nervous all of a sudden. I'm afraid that you, the fate weaver, can't protect me. I feel like I've seen my own end."

"Relax, you are now the favored god of [Decay], the messenger from the Tomb of the End. The creatures in the entire Sighing Forest are not as noble as you. They will not attack you, but will only follow you.

So, as long as we don't run into that Epsilon, there is no need to worry about safety.

The breath of the Tomb of the End will make them surrender."

"Heh, I'm a [Prosperity] player, but I'm actually playing the role of a [Decay] messenger. Isn't this a blasphemy to Him?

Cheng Shi, don't lie to me. In the end, I won't be the one who loses out in this bet, right?"


Your bet is quite... No, you're quite pessimistic.

Cheng Shi patted his face, put on a confident smile and said:

"It's not that you are afraid of sharpening your spear before the battle, but that you are afraid of losing your people before the battle. Don't worry, [Destiny] will favor us.

Besides, if you change your mindset, isn't this a blasphemy against [Decay]?

Now the more you blaspheme, the more... well... satisfied your benefactor will be."

"..." Hong Lin glanced at Cheng Shi with a strange look, and always felt that this was a bit strange, "I suddenly feel that a [Prosperity] believer praying for [Destiny]'s blessing is also a blasphemy against Him."


Cheng Shi was numb. It was not a good thing to hesitate when the time came, so he pushed Hong Lin and said:

"Don't blaspheme, let's go, the arrow has been shot and there is no turning back. If you give up now, the pain you just suffered from [Decay] will be in vain."

Hong Lin laughed and raised his hand.

"It's useless to urge me. I don't even have the strength to open the void now. Cheng Shi, don't tell me you can't even open the void. Go ahead."

Cheng Shi smacked his lips and took out the tongue of lies again.

To be honest, before getting this tongue, Cheng Shi really didn't dare to guarantee that he could cut a void crack out of thin air.

When he changed to today's warrior and added five thunder punishments to hit a point at the same time, there might be a chance, but today's warrior can't protect the "powerless" Hong Lin beside him in the Sigh Forest at night.

So Cheng Shi can only be a clown secretly.

He licked the crack in the void with his tongue, then looked back at Hong Lin, and said with a serious expression:

"It's not too late to give up now, otherwise, the moment you step out of the void, the gambling will start!"

Hong Lin rolled his eyes and sneered:

"You said that if I give up, then the suffering I just suffered will be in vain.

I think you are right. When the script of fate has been written, I will not die here because I have always been blessed by good luck.

So, I will not die, right?"

Cheng Shi smiled slightly and said very confidently: "Yes, you will not die, and I will not die either."

"Let's go, save time."

Hong Lin took the lead and Cheng Shi followed closely.

However, when they left the void and returned to the Sighing Forest, the first thing that caught their eyes was not the giant python that traveled through the forest after the night fell, but a pair of eyes full of anxiety and enthusiasm, with blue flames rising!


This [Wanderer of Desolation] who was persistent in his pursuit of [prosperity] had actually been guarding the place where the two disappeared without leaving!

Cheng Shi broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the giant monster so close. He pushed the equally shocked bald man in front of him, and with a sinking heart, he prepared to leave.But what people didn't expect was that after Epsika found that Honglin had become smaller and had no [prosperity] aura, it left unwillingly after roaring a few times.

It lost interest in Honglin.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Shi breathed a sigh of relief, but then Honglin, who was pushed in front of him, turned around with a sullen face and roared with gritted teeth:

"Cheng Shi! Is this how you protect me!??"

Cheng Shi shrank his head after being roared, but in an instant he put on a look of expectation and said calmly:

"Don't worry, don't worry, everything is as expected, look, it's gone..."

Honglin glanced at Epsika who was leaving, and then glanced at the "good teammate" who was pretending to be behind him, wishing to stuff the Tombstone in his hand into Cheng Shi's mouth!

This mouth is so deceptive!

"This is the last time! If you stand behind me next time, don't blame me for overturning your gambling table!"

Cheng Shi smiled awkwardly, and quickly pointed at the movement around him and said:

"Look! Look! They are coming! The show is about to begin!"

Hong Lin was stunned, and then he saw countless twisted night pythons approaching cautiously after Epska left.

The sturdy pythons twisted their bodies, and after smelling the infinite [decay] power and the aura of the final tomb emanating from Hong Lin, they began to scream and tremble wildly around the two.

The sharp cry quickly spread in the "forest" without trees, and soon, the echo of the sound rang out from all directions!

Then, shadows rolled towards this place. The wave-like pythons seemed to have found the meaning of their lives. They raised countless dark green eyes and stared at the place where Hong Lin was. They surrounded more and more, and the circle became tighter and tighter. Not long after, a strong force of faith was transformed into a new [Decay] through the contract in Cheng Shi's hand, rising in Hong Lin's body.

Hong Lin's face gradually aged, and the whole person began to radiate decay from the inside out.

This kind of situation that is like a sudden illness is generally difficult for people to resist quietly, but Hong Lin resisted it. She didn't say a word and let [Decay] accumulate in her body.

Cheng Shi was surprised at Hong Lin's endurance of her body's changes, and whispered behind her:

"There are more and more twisted night pythons, but it's not enough. He hasn't cast his gaze yet. Just hold on for a while, just hold on for a while!

Believe me, we won't die!"

"Cheng... Shi..."

Hong Lin's voice also began to become old and hoarse. Her eyes flickered and she said in a hoarse voice:

"Don't tell anyone that I'm getting old..."


No, sister, it's already this time, isn't your focus too strange?

Besides, do you think everyone has a big mouth like Tao Yi?

My mouth is very tight, okay!

Cheng Shi nodded unhappily, and then suddenly stuffed a dice into Hong Lin's hand.

Hong Lin took the dice in surprise and found that it was just an ordinary dice, not the [Destiny] token she wanted, so she looked at Cheng Shi with doubts.

Cheng Shi smiled slyly and said:

"I'll give you a dice to strengthen your faith and feel the favor of [fate]. I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you for now.

Hold on, you must hold on!

Wait for me to come back.


After saying that, Cheng Shi disappeared from the spot!

Watching the teammate who encouraged her to go all-in suddenly disappear, Hong Lin could no longer hide the shock in her eyes.

This is not part of the plan!

The fate weaver who dragged her into the gambling game never said that he would disappear!

Hong Lin's face changed drastically, holding the dice tightly in her hand, her eyes full of anger.

"Cheng! Shi! You..."

The giant pythons in front of her surrounded more and more, and the [decay] in her body accumulated more and more. Hong Lin, who found that she had no way out, roared and vented her frustration.

She told herself: This is the last time! This must be the last time! This must be the last time!

After hearing this roar, the pythons crawling and twisting around her raised their heads to the sky and screamed.

The chorus of [Decay] echoed in the sky for a long time, and finally attracted the attention of those who cared in this dense night.


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