Good, good, good!

Or maybe [Fraud] has a bad reputation. How can it be good with the way you play it?

When one person appears on the stage, he has to find two colleagues to act as a shill, right?


The two people in the audience may not be the shills found by President Gong.

After all, the believers of [Fraud] are good at creating fun. When they find that the people on the stage have problems, they do not expose the problem but maintain a scam. How can this behavior not be considered fun?

Not only fun, but also a contribution to Him!

Just like Cheng Shi himself, he clearly heard that there were problems with these three people, but he didn't say anything, right?

Similarly, how many "insiders" are hiding in this huge venue who are just as focused on watching the fun as him?

In this way, isn't this a feast of [Fraud]!

Lord Benefactor, are you... watching too?

President Gong on the stage stood straighter because of the affirmation of these two people.

But the rhythm was very strange. He had clearly told a "lie", but at the moment he was as proud as if he had spoken a universal truth.

Seeing that the doubts gradually subsided, President Gong began to passionately talk about his ideas on the stage again, but the core of the packaging was nothing more than one, that is, to let the mediocre people present share the resources in their hands, and then redistribute them, so that the right resources flow to the right people, thereby increasing everyone's chances of survival and growth.

But it is already difficult for mediocre people to survive, where are the resources to share with others?

But at this time, the excited President Gong once again released a depth bomb, which "boomed" and re-ignited the venue that had just returned to calm.

"I know that everyone has a lot of disbelief in me, and is even more prejudiced against the purpose of the establishment of the Ordinary Society, but it doesn't matter, because I will use my sincerity to influence every "ordinary person" who wants to work together.

Today, I will share with you an extremely secret and infinitely beneficial information for free. I hope that after listening to this news, you will pay more attention to it. I believe that you will know whether the information I said is true in the near future.

But before I tell you this information, I have to make one thing clear.

What I expect is not that you come here to get other friends' resources for free, but real sharing and coexistence.

Only by helping each other can we keep up with the pace of geniuses. Step, friends, think about it carefully.

The next meeting will be in 14 days. I hope I can see friends who are willing to join us. "

"Stop talking nonsense, tell us the information!"

"That's right, before the authenticity of the information is verified, who knows what you are thinking?"

"Ordinary information is useless. To be honest, there are many big guys who voluntarily share information in the mage channel. Some geniuses are not unwilling to help us. I have to verify the quality of your information first."


Obviously, the atmosphere at the scene gradually became heated under his encouragement. As soon as his information came out, the whole venue would reach the climax of tonight.

Cheng Shi was also curious about what kind of shocking information President Gong would say, and judging from the first row, the Grand Marshal and the temperamental man were obviously very interested. Even Chen Shuo under Hu Wei's feet raised his head, smiling at the stage, waiting for his speech.

President Gong slightly pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then slowly said a piece of news that really shocked Cheng Shi.

"Decay... has fallen."




Cheng Shi was shocked. He sat up straight in fear.

How could Decay fall?

Didn't he "faked his death"?

Did something terrible happen after he left?

No, if he really fell, even if the benefactor didn't tell him, he would have to tell the big cat who was exercising the divine power, right?

Since the big cat didn't tell him, it means that this news may... not be true?

Is he still lying?

How dare he cheat in such a "blasphemous" way? What on earth does he want to do?

Isn't he afraid that Decay will settle accounts with him afterwards?

Cheng Shi was silent. He couldn't figure it out, so he decided to observe for a while.

Such shocking news naturally shocked not only Cheng Shi, but probably everyone present was shocked. Even the three people in the first row looked serious after hearing the news.

They may not have shown shock on their faces, but the subtle changes in their eyes and postures still revealed their unrest.

Let alone the mediocre people in the venue who were fooled by the three scammers, let’s just say that there was a group of smart people who didn’t believe that President Gong had any good intentions.Mingren, in the mysterious and confident tone of President Gong, also had a little doubt in their hearts about this unimaginable news.

Can this be true?

They carefully observed the performance of the smart people around them, trying to find clues in the crowd that could confirm this news.

But you have to know that humans are creatures that instinctively seek benefits and avoid harm. The more a person knows, the more silent he tends to be, so as not to attract the attention of others.

And those who know nothing about the matter, on the contrary, react the most, and even react a little too stressfully.

For example...

[Decay] believers.

Think about it, if you are struggling to survive in a game of chasing faith, and suddenly someone tells you that your protector, the source of your power, the end you are pursuing... are gone, what would you think?

It's hard to say for others, but the [Decay] believers, at this moment, began to unconsciously approach [Foolishness]!


"How could a god fall!?"

"The trial is still going on normally. I just got my Lord's trial. The scores and rewards are the same as before. You are just exaggerating!"

"That's right. Bullshit, damn bullshit!"

"My power of [Decay] is still there. How could anything go wrong with my Lord?"

"All living things should decay. Great Lord, please bring down your divine punishment. Let this unrestrained blasphemer decay before the eyes of all living things!

[Decay] will be eternally great!

Oh, when you become corrupt, you will know how much my Lord hates blasphemers."

Seeing that someone even started to invoke the curse of [Decay], President Gong on the stage laughed.

He didn't seem nervous at all, not afraid of offending these [Decay] believers, but explained with a smile:

"I just said that He fell, but never said that His authority was lost?

Dear [Decay] friends, you can participate in trials, use abilities, and continue to receive gifts because [Gods] have already divided His authority and exercised the [Decay] power on His behalf.

Hey, don't rush to do it. Since your livelihood has not been affected, why don't you listen to me first, how did your benefactor fall?"

Listen, is this human language?

But it must be said that this is very useful.

President Gong is undoubtedly a master who can see through people's hearts. He quickly grasped the key to the chaos caused by the [Decay] believers and told them that the fall of [Decay] did not affect their survival. He fundamentally disintegrated the fear of these players and gave himself a chance to explain slowly.

As expected, the excited [Decay] believers gradually calmed down after hearing this. They looked at Taichung with suspicion or gloom, waiting for President Gong's explanation.

President Gong easily dealt with the [Decay] power on his body, and then dropped another heavy news!

"I have an accurate source of intelligence. Not long ago, a 'God War' broke out between [Gods]!"


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