Cursing aside, no one present is a fool.

They have already figured out what Wei Guan is doing.

He is inviting the murderer!

The murderer committed the crime on the street at night, which means that all the first-hand traces of the truth are hidden at night.

So for the players, although night is dangerous, it is a better time to get closer to the answer than daytime.

But Yongzhan Town is too big, so big that it is impossible to touch all corners at night, let alone encounter the killer.

So Wei Guan used himself as bait to provoke the murderer to show up.

Fang Jue had already seen through Wei Guan's intentions. The two of them, without any eye contact, relied on their sharp intuition and equally flexible thinking to force a play on the spot.

When Wei Guan left the house, the others saw through the two people's divine cooperation.

But the "idiot" they cursed was also sincere.

No one likes pretenders.

This is the fact.

Why do I suddenly understand Chen Chong a little bit?

Fang Jue shook his head and chuckled, then said to everyone:

"Maybe there will be no sleep tonight, everyone pack up and follow each other."

After saying that, he looked back.

In the shadow corner where a man was standing, the ascetic monk had long disappeared.

Obviously, he also saw the clue.

Tsk, there is not a single fool.

Cheng Shi admired in his heart, then straightened his clothes and sneaked out from the back door.

The full moon was hanging high, the warm wind was caressing, and the night in Yongzhan Town was not cool.

As soon as Cheng Shi went out, he found that not all residents would abide by the curfew ban, at least some drunkards were still wandering on the street.

They staggered while shouting the name of the god [Prosperity], as if their benefactor could protect them from death.

He smiled at these drunkards, and then quickly sneaked in the direction where Wei Guan disappeared.

Wei Guan was indeed a lone wolf.

Although Fang Jue had cooperated with him and given him an excuse to provoke the murderer, this man didn't seem to appreciate it at all.

After he left, he didn't leave any trace.

The tiny footprints disappeared directly not far from the hotel, and there was no clue around to guide the direction.

"Fuck, it's really awesome."

Cheng Shi stood on the roof of a house, frowning and looking back and forth for clues.

On the high tower windmill not far away, Yun Ni was doing the same thing.

Everyone lost their target and didn't know where Wei Guan ran to.

"He doesn't think he can solve the killer?"

Du Xiguang on the other side finally couldn't help it. He raised his glasses and complained indignantly:

"If he finds the real murderer first and makes a choice for us in advance, who will bear the consequences?

[Foolish] people are always so disgusting."

Ah, indeed.

Cheng Shi smiled in his heart, [Fraud] and [Memory] seemed to stand together again.

Wei Guan's methods were very neat, and he was also a hunter, with superb skills in cleaning up traces. Everyone searched in eight directions for an hour, but could not find where he went.

It was not until half an hour later, when everyone met again with dark faces, that the ascetic monk who had disappeared before suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

As soon as he appeared, his face was uglier than Cheng Shi and the others.

Fang Jue found him at the first time and asked in a deep voice:

"What did you find?"

The ascetic monk turned around and left without saying a word.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat and they immediately followed.

Under the leadership of the ascetic monk, everyone flew over the eaves and walls, quickly shuttled in the night, and soon arrived somewhere in the south of the town.

On a wide street, the players suddenly found a dead person.

And the dead person was wearing the white shirt and black vest provided by the hotel.

It was Wei Guan!

Wei Guan is dead!

Everyone was shocked, and Cheng Shi's pupils shrank suddenly.

He couldn't imagine that a 2400 player died silently in the trial.

You know, this place is not very far from the hotel, and it is almost under the eyes of the players who are looking for it in turns.

If there is really a fight, at least it is impossible that no one heard it.

That means one thing, the murderer is either too powerful to kill Wei Guan directly; or, the murderer has a way to cover up the sound.

Fang Jue's face sank, and he quickly flew to Wei Guan's side.

As soon as he landed, he announced angrily:

"Lying is prohibited here!"

The S-level faith talent of [Order], the law is sung far away!

This is not a special skill unique to the Herrscher. All believers of [Order] can make their "temporary" laws effective by singing the corresponding "Judgment Song".

It's just that the Herrscher is the singer of [Order], they can also apply additional effects when singing ballads, so this talent is particularly useful for them.

A golden light instantly covered the entire street. Fang Jue looked at the people behind him and chanted in a low voice:

"Justice, the time for interrogation has come.

All lies will be exposed, and all answers will be revealed.

The suspect will be interrogated here, confess his past crimes, and face the torment in his heart.


Under the gaze of [Order]...

Thrown into death row!"

A white light rose from everyone's body. Cheng Shi felt it silently and found that he was not only much weaker, but also had an additional state called [Confession].

He frowned and felt something was wrong.

Is Fang Jue suspecting that someone among them had secretly made a move?

After all, they had been searching separately for an hour, and there was indeed enough time to come out and kill people.

Why kill your own people?

Cheng Shi was stunned, and suddenly he was alert:

If you think about everyone's beliefs...


Fuck, coming for me?

But before Fang Jue could ask, Yun Ni, who was closest to him, suddenly came close and asked:

"You are a believer of [Fraud], right?"

! ! !

She is still doubting me?

Cheng Shi's whole body tensed up, and a huge sense of oppression suddenly rose from his consciousness, forcing him to tell the truth.

You can still play like this?

Hitchhiking, right?

Cheng Shi looked at Yun Ni fiercely, clenched his jaws, and the muscles on his face were straightened, trying to strongly resist this sense of oppression.

But he only held on for a second, and his mouth was broken.

I saw his face twitched twice quickly, and he gave a very generous answer:


Yun Ni seemed very surprised by this answer, she raised her eyebrows, turned around and ran away.

But Cheng Shi was not so easy to bully. He immediately gritted his teeth and asked loudly:

"Why do you want to kill Wei Guan?"

Yun Ni was stunned and blurted out:

"I don't like him, so I want to kill him."


After she finished speaking, her face changed, and Cheng Shi laughed like a fox.

He played tricks in the question and blatantly changed the concept!

"Want to kill" and "kill" are completely different in some situations.

But in some situations, it is easy to be misunderstood.

Sure enough, the moment Yun Ni finished speaking, a force of [memory] blocked this place and imprisoned her.

Du Xiguang stepped in front of Yun Ni and pointed his index finger at her forehead without saying a word.

"You will know after taking a look."


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