An Mingyu's eyes fixed, as if wondering if what Qin Xin said was true.

However, Qin Xin did not dwell on this matter too much. Instead, he took out a golden card from his pocket, looked at the small words on it with interest, and said with a smile:

"After the player dies, the portable space will disappear, but this card will fall out of the portable space and be picked up by the next person.

Heh, what a mediocre club, after changing hands for several rounds, who could get this invitation card?

Mingyu, who do you think made this mediocre club?"

An Mingyu frowned slightly and took out her own card.

The card in her hand was given by Qin Xin. If it weren't for the rule that the fire spreaders had to hand in mysterious objects that could not be evaluated, perhaps this game would not be easy to complete.

The fire spreader had a total of three cards in his hand, namely card No. 16 in her hand, No. 13 in Qin Xin's hand, and No. 4 still in the fire spreader's secret base.

Zhen Xin took away the No.1 collected by Zhen Yi, and gave No.15 to Cheng Shi.

Considering the number of people present, it is not difficult to guess that perhaps there were only 16 invitation cards for the Yongren Club, corresponding to 16 different beliefs.

"He is screening..." An Mingyu said.

"Screening? That's a good word. He is indeed screening, but for what purpose?

The people present have different beliefs. Now it seems that fraud has occupied two seats, so naturally a certain belief is excluded.

Among the beliefs that are not present, the two of them are the most likely to make such a big move.

So, is it possible that one of them is the one?

Mingyu, do you have any more prophecies today?"

An Mingyu smiled and shook his head:

"【Destiny】 gives guidance, not answers.

If you just follow the prophecy, it will gradually deviate from the path of 【Destiny】.

You know, it is neither fixed nor changing.

There is too little information, so I can't give any opinions, but I think you are right. This seems to be something that those two people can do.

Especially him..."

Qin Xin smiled a little after hearing the blind man's words, but he quickly restrained his smile and looked up with a meaningful look.

The two chatted casually for a while, and soon after, they left.

Before leaving, the blind man still failed to ask Qin Xin's identity, which made her more curious about the founder of the fire transmitter.

She still remembered Zhen Xin's evaluation of Qin Xin, saying that the other party was "able to endure under the crotch, and could fight in front of the gods", and was a very calm person who "was not afraid of danger, and acted after planning".

And people with this kind of personality are often very deep, so unless special means are used, it is difficult to guess what he is thinking or hiding.

But after all, she came to cooperate rather than to find fault, so An Mingyu did not use her [Destiny] talent on Qin Xin.

She thought that maybe one day, when everyone is familiar with each other and trusts each other, Qin Xin will naturally tell them the answers to these doubts.

After the fire transmitters left this space, the venue fell silent again.

The spotlight lost its light, and the sound was annihilated in the seating area.

This venue without players seemed to have finally returned to true [silence].

But is this really the case?

No, after the silence "echoed" for who knows how long, changes occurred in the venue.

In a shadow far away from the seating area, the flow of time suddenly distorted. This phenomenon was projected in space as if the entire shadow began to "refresh at high speed". Not long after, the shadow seemed to be alive, and Weng moved his "mouth" and spit out a...

Short figure.

Although this figure was short, his eyes were bright.

He looked at the place where Qin Xin and the blind man had stood, and then looked at the direction where Hu Wei and others disappeared, and then rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"【Prosperity】? Fire transmission? Cheng Shi? 【Destiny】? The Ordinary Society?

Interesting, interesting.

It's not in vain to come here tonight.

This seems to be... the breath of 【Birth】, um, very strong, next time you see this fate weaver, you have to avoid him."

The figure smiled happily, his fingertips quickly spinning a golden card, and if you look closely, you can find that it is an invitation card for the Ordinary Society, and the number on the invitation card is clearly No. 14.

"So Qin Xin is him?

Oh my, 【Nothingness】 is close and advances and retreats together, why is it that when it comes to 【Existence】, everyone is so unfamiliar.

Qin Xin, Qin Xin, what the hell are you talking about?Zi Xun Xin Ren, why don't you ask me to be the one?

Although [fate] can be predicted, [time] can also be deduced. Am I better than that blind man...


Who! ? "

The man in the shadow suddenly stopped talking and looked in a certain direction opposite.

He heard the movement there, so his face immediately darkened.

Is there anyone else?

He thought he was the last one, but he didn't expect that there would be two of them today?

He frowned and his eyes were cold, and he even took out an invisible dagger in his hand, like a cheetah hidden in the shadows, waiting for the other party to reveal a flaw.

But soon the caution on his face solidified.

Because he found that the direction from which his voice came seemed to be...

the direction where Chen Shu left!

Could it be...???

Just as he was stunned, an arm stretched out from the ruins of the passage with a "crash", and then the arm moved away a lot of rubble, and then a figure popped out from under the collapsed stones.

As soon as the head covered with dust and gravel appeared, it grinned brightly at the shadow of the seating area, and said happily:

"Old Deng, what are you standing there for? Give me a hand! "

"Chen Shuo, you didn't leave! ! ? ? "The voice in the shadow exclaimed, and even the tone was distorted by the shock, "Fuck, I knew that you like the excitement as much as Zhen Yi, how could you leave like this!"

The short figure seemed to remember some unbearable past, and immediately became agitated.

He didn't stop for a moment, and the moment he found that the other party was Chen Shuo, he escaped into [Time] and left this space without looking back.

"Don't leave, the world is really going downhill, and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be!

Look at me, I'm stuck like this, and you don't come to help me?"

Chen Shuo sighed for a while, and struggled to crawl out twice. Seeing that there was no response from the other side, he rolled his eyes, immediately pushed off the gravel on his body, and stood up directly.

He walked into the shadow with a cautious look on his face, carefully observed and sensed for a long time, and muttered: "Really left? "

However, there was no response in the meeting room except Chen Shu's own voice.

But Chen Shu did not give up. He sat on the ground and waited quietly for the other party to come back. After an unknown amount of time...

He finally opened his eyes again.

"It seems... he really left.

Since everyone has left, then you... won't show up?

I know you are here. If you don't come out, I will call the police.


But it is illegal. "


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