Meanwhile, on the other side.

After everyone was pulled into the resentment of Golis, everyone's face became gloomy and serious.

This is obviously a terrifying control-type [Birth] item. It can control so many people at the same time, which shows the power of this item. It can be inferred that this must be at least a relic of the God!

But fortunately, this relic of the God is only for control, but it will not cause damage, so these top players are not panicked to sweat.

For ordinary people, this situation may be very scary, but for this group of top players, solving problems is already a common thing.

Just like now, every trapped top player is carefully looking for a way to get out.

This dilemma is nothing more than being contaminated with some [Birth] aura that people don't want to touch, but for survival, there is nothing unbearable.

Not only that, each of them will also wonder where "Zhen Yi" found this level of relic of the God during the rest time, and whether the relationship between [Fraud] and [Birth] has changed again.


Whether Zhen Yi has this level of divine relic weapon may not be known to others, but Zhen Xin must know it.

She did not expect Cheng Shi to have such strength to catch all the players present.

To be honest, there are top players with large-scale control props, but few dare to attack others directly. After all, if one cannot explain it clearly, it is easy to attract a group attack.

On the contrary, Zhen Yi, in order to make her sister less troublesome, Zhen Xin has never deliberately looked for this kind of prop that can cause a group of people at once, but she did not expect that "Zhen Yi" would find it herself!

But this "Zhen Yi" is not the same Zhen Yi!

This Cheng Shi, under the name of her sister, has caused a big mess for herself!

She felt that she had paid enough attention to this [fraudulent] colleague, but the other party still gave her such a big "surprise".

Of course, the real "surprise" did not come from Cheng Shi, but from her own sister Zhen Yi!

Because of the violent emotional fluctuations when being dragged into the resentment of Golis, Zhen Yi, who was driven back to sleep by her, suddenly seized the time window and found an opportunity to fight back against her sister. So at the moment when Zhen Xin sank into this dark quagmire, Zhen Yi...

woke up.

She laughed and drove her sister back, and began to solve the problem that Cheng Xiaoshi had brought to her.

The puzzle of [Birth] naturally requires the key of [Birth]. Zhen Yi, who is extremely smart, immediately thought of the whistle that Cheng Xiaoshi "returned" to her in her hand.

Night Spring Whistle.

She had seen this whistle. From the appearance, it was just an ordinary Night Spring Whistle, and the appearance of this kind of whistle is similar, so it is hard to say whether it is the one that Hu Xuan gave to Cheng Shi.

Zhen Yi is a smart ghost. She never thought that Cheng Shi would be willing to give her a real whistle. Of course, she also didn't think that Cheng Xiaoshi was a fool who would use the sacrifice to nothingness to make up a whistle to deal with her.

So she thought it was just an ordinary whistle, which Cheng Shi had prepared to deal with this kind of situation.

After all, in the clown's memory, there were too many such things, and almost every prop had a useless replica in his personal space.

The clown's backup plan was very sufficient, and Zhen Yi praised it highly.

She took out this ordinary night spring whistle from her personal space with a smile, and kept stroking the whistle shell, and couldn't help laughing:

"Little liar is really dishonest. Why didn't you tell me earlier that there was such a fun thing?

You have been wanting to catch us for a long time, so you gave me this fake whistle to anger me, so that I knew the answer to escape, but I had no way to do it.

Oh, the little liar has become bad.


Since you like my frustrated look so much, of course I have to satisfy you.

Well, satisfy you hard!


Just thinking about it, Zhen Yi struggled to put the whistle slowly to her lips, and then gathered her strength and blew at the whistle happily.

She hoped that the whistle sound could penetrate the sticky darkness and let Cheng Shi hear it. In this way, perhaps the clown would be very happy that his plan worked, and when she heard Cheng Shi's laughter, Zhen Yi's happiness began.

When the clown plays the clown again, the audience will laugh.

This is the true meaning of circus performance!

Zhen Yi has already started praying. She has never been so pious before. The content of her prayer is to make Cheng Shi hear the whistle in the plan and let herself hear Cheng Shi's laughter. In this way, she canStanding on the upper level of logic, he could laugh at the clowns in the audience.

This is so funny, God of Fun, help me!

It turns out that sincere prayers are often very useful, because Cheng Shi did hear the whistle.

Not only Cheng Shi, but everyone heard the whistle with strong penetrating power, which means that although everyone was imprisoned alone, they were not far away in the resentment of Golis!

My teammates are all in front of me!

This undoubtedly made the trapped top players "comforted", but because they didn't know the meaning of the whistle, everyone remained silent and had different expressions.

On the other hand, when Cheng Shi heard the familiar whistle, he had not completely escaped from Golis's resentment.

But at that moment he was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth were hooked to the maximum!

Zhen Xin actually blew the whistle?

This doesn't seem like something she can do!

But no matter whether it looks like it or not, she blew it after all, and as long as she blew the whistle, it means that what she calculated was correct, and Zhen Xin has replaced herself and become a clown at this moment!

Because that whistle...

is really true!

No matter what her purpose is, in the end, the beneficiary of blowing this whistle must be herself, because Hu Xuan recognized Cheng Shi as a person, not some Night Spring Whistle!

And she also said that the carrying time of the Night Spring Whistle is too short, and she is about to change the medium of descent. It was this sentence that gave Cheng Shi, who was in confrontation, a bold idea.

He wanted to use this real Night Spring Whistle to set a trap and let Zhen Yi suffer a dumb loss again!

And the content of this dumb loss is the "fake" whistle she blew herself, which will become the real key to saving Cheng Shi!

At the call of the whistle, Hu Xuan will come to rescue the liar who stole his identity!

Not only that, when Cheng Shi sees Hu Xuan again, that is when this whistle loses its effect.

Moreover, in order to improve the tolerance, in case Hu Xuan could not come upon the call, Cheng Shi had even turned himself into a descendant priest to get out of the situation.

In this way, even if Zhen Yi's whistle could not really save Cheng Shi, Cheng Shi would confirm this fact and then use it to make fun of the trickster who was calculated!

Perhaps this operation would not have much impact on Zhen Yi, but from Cheng Shi's understanding of her, being able to make her lose face was already the most profound harm to this trickster!

But Cheng Shi never expected that this role-playing game would be replaced in the middle, and Zhen Yi was replaced by Zhen Xin.

He was not sure whether Zhen Xin would blow the whistle as he expected, but now it seems that the sisters are quite of the same mind...

The night spring whistle was still blown.


When the whistle sounded, in the endless void, in the resentment of Golis, a huge sun as blazing as fire slowly rose.

The eternal day Hu Xuan, has come again.

When the glow of the giant sun penetrated the sticky darkness and illuminated the eyes of the players trapped in resentment, everyone was confused, only Zhen Yi's smile...

frozen on her face.

She felt the whistle at her lips and suddenly realized that she was fooled...

She was fooled by a clown performing on the third floor while standing on the second floor.

But she was not depressed, but gradually rubbed her stiff face into a happier smile.


The clown seems to have become smarter.

This is really... so interesting."


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