"If the painting you mentioned depicts the future, I can tell you responsibly that we have a great chance of witnessing this scene with our own eyes.

But if that gathering happened in the past..."

Jiang Chi sighed.

"You also know that [time] is not [memory], and retracing is not reappearance. Once it happens in the past, it will become very tricky.

But in any case, we must first determine one thing, that is, whether the current time is before or after.

Ms. Poison, although the content of our cooperation is not this [Gift of Wounds], if you rewrite the matter of helping you find this dagger into the agreement, I can also accept it.

Of course, the price... will increase slightly."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows when he heard it. He was very interested in the price mentioned by this [Time] believer.

Duyao raised his lips and nodded, accepting it without a doubt: "It should be so."

"Grandma, stop talking so much, take out the puzzle and show it to us first. If it is true, the first thing is not to locate the time, but to kill Gongyangjiao, the madman who is in the way. Otherwise, how can we find things if we are worried every day?"


Cheng Shi looked at Dayi in surprise, thinking: Didn't you say to avoid him when you see him, brother? Why are you going back to kill him now?

No, you [War]...

Jiang Chi also frowned slightly after hearing this, only Duyao, she never went against Dayi's intentions, nodded cheerfully and said: "Okay, listen to you."

Dayi snorted and laughed, seeming to be very satisfied with Duyao's response, but in a moment he sank his face and turned his head and said a "Pooh".

"Damn it, don't give me that."

Du Yao pursed his lips: "Is it not okay to listen to you?"

"...No, no, OK...Damn it, it's really troublesome to stay with you, hurry up and take out the puzzle, and leave after reading it, don't waste time."

Cheng Shi looked at the confrontation between the two with interest, and he understood something in his heart.

It turned out that what Du Yao showed to Dayi was...obedience.

Interesting, Dayi has a desire to control?

Cheng Shi had been in line with Du Yao a long time ago. In the review after that trial, he saw that this [Filthy] assassin was like a top salesperson, but she didn't sell goods, but emotions.

She has many faces to deal with different "customers". She will provide different emotions for different "customers", so that her "customers" can fall into the enjoyment of such emotions and generate different desires in their hearts.

And the price of these emotions is to let the "customers" indulge in their desires.

Yes, she never asks for anything, just hopes that you will be happy!

But this is the most terrifying thing!

Sinking and sinking, once you sink into it, you will become a plaything of desire!

Obviously, Dayi admires Du Yao's obedient attitude, but he has to be wary of the other party's intentions, because once he falls into Du Yao's emotional trap, he will have a sense of addiction, making it difficult for him to escape from this hotbed of decadence woven with [Filth].

It's not that he doesn't have enough perseverance, but that Du Yao has enough means to corrode his perseverance. After all, he fell into the trap even when he was sober, so how can a person who is confused in the trap have the strength to climb out?

And this is why Cheng Shi is concerned about her.

Even if the other party already knows that he lacks trust and is willing to "sell" trust in person, Cheng Shi really doesn't dare to buy this kind of trust.

He is also afraid that he will fall into it.

So this is why the peak players have mixed opinions about Du Yao. Those who love her think she is good in everything, and those who hate her are also because she is good in everything.

Although she was walking on the road of [Filth], she opened up a track that other [Filth] believers had never explored, that is, "catering" without leaving any trace.

Everyone who knew her knew that her attitude and emotions were fake, but they were unconsciously attracted to her, because they knew that even if Du Yao was fake, her fakeness was more real than others'.

She showed friendliness to the mummy, obedience to Dayi, and trust to Cheng Shi... This [Filth] God-chosen one could always provide a certain emotion in time when the "client" needed it most, and then silently waited for the other party's desire to surge.

It was also because of this that she could surpass a group of terrifying [Filth] believers and climb the ladder to the audience with a "seemingly weak" attitude.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shi suddenly became curious. What would Du Yao show to Jiang Chi now...?

Seeing that Dayi kept urging, Du Yao's face finally changed slightly.

Her face became a little uneasy, and her eyes began to wander, but when Jiang Chi looked at her suspiciously, the corners of her mouth finally curled up.It couldn't be aroused, and not only that, a hint of embarrassment flushed on her cheeks.

"No more."

"?" Da Yi's eyes darkened, and he said coldly, "No more? Damn it, Poison, I suggest you look for it again."

Poison pursed his lips, and his expression became somewhat complicated.

"I can't find it, because the bandage puzzle has been taken away by Mr. Horn."

"!!!" Jiang Chi was stunned, "Ram Horn?"

"Yes..." Du Yao's face became more embarrassed, "I can't beat him, he took the girl's relics from me... Isn't it normal?"

"Then doesn't he know the whereabouts of [Gift of Wounds]!?"

"No, that madman swallowed the bandage as soon as he got it. He said that even if people die, they must die in his stomach.

So, that picture now only exists in my mind and in the stomach of the ram horn.

Of course, the second possibility is more demanding, probably requiring him to have never excreted since he ate the bandage until now."




The room was quiet in an instant.

Cheng Shi could understand that reality was absurd, but what he didn't understand was that Du Yao didn't do any artistic processing, and what she said was true!


What a dead without evidence.

"If you don't believe me, I can draw it."

As she said that, Du Yao actually took out a pen and started drawing on the floor.

Seeing her frowning and recalling while slowly moving the pen, everyone thought that it would take at least ten days or half a month to finish the painting.

But the trial only lasted for 5 days, who could wait until the painting was finished?

Cheng Shi rolled his eyes and made a suggestion: "I have a lot of props that can reproduce [memory]. If you can't do it, don't draw it. Just bear with me and let me look over it."

As soon as the voice fell, Du Yao's hand holding the pen paused, but she quickly covered it up, looked up at Cheng Shi with a wronged face and said:

"Then you come, remember to be gentle."


Cheng Shi curled his lips. He naturally didn't have any ghost reading [memory] props. He just saw that Du Yao was acting to gain sympathy, so he wanted to expose it. Seeing that the other party agreed, he laughed again:

"I'm just talking nonsense to adjust the atmosphere. However, don't you two have any [memory] props in your hands?"

Jiang Chi looked at Cheng Shi thoughtfully and shook his head and laughed. Dayi frowned and thought it was bad luck.

He looked at Du Yao with a gloomy look. After examining him for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said hatefully:

"Damn it, I'll trust you this time, Du Yao, don't treat me as a fool, otherwise don't blame me for turning around to help Gong Yang and raise his ranking."

Du Yao lowered his eyebrows and was very grateful: "I never lie."


Stealing lines, right?

Cheng Shi was numb. He really didn't expect that a questioning would end like this, but seeing the way Dayi gritted his teeth, he had to re-evaluate the importance of this dagger to Dayi.

Not only him, but also Hu Wei's determination to get it was vivid, so how did the two people who wanted to get [Gift of Wounds] reach a cooperation agreement so peacefully?

Could it be... they were not looking for this thing for themselves?

Cheng Shi frowned and made a note of this in his heart, but when he looked up again, he clearly saw that the corners of Du Yao's mouth were slightly raised again.

His heart sank, but he smiled again.

Look, a "client" has already taken the bait.

So was the decision made by this assassin of [War] influenced by [Depravity]?


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