(Three surprises in a row! Today's Super Cup Pro Max! Ending in one go!)

Lying on his back on the roof, feeling the sunshine of reality shining on him, Cheng Shi felt a sense of luck that he had survived a disaster.

I didn't expect this method to be really useful!

Winning the gamble with his life and property again made Cheng Shi feel that he was really lucky in gambling.

He took out the dice in his arms and looked at it in the dazzling sunlight. The 1 point on the dice became very dazzling under the reflection.

"Predestined fate? Ha, shit."

Cheng Shi smiled and threw the dice away. The dice rolled quickly on the ground on the roof. After a few rounds, it stopped. The bright and brilliant 1 point was still facing up, and it had never changed.

It seemed to be protesting against Cheng Shi who denied it, and it seemed to be mocking Cheng Shi who was unable to change it.

Cheng Shi didn't look at it, but closed his eyes, and his mind was full of everything he had experienced in the past five days. He carefully sorted out all the details and reviewed his clearance.

There is no such thing as eternal good luck, but it is all about working hard in secret.

After each trial, he would review all the operations in it, trying to make his sense of smell more acute, his nerves more tense, and his deception more natural.

This is Cheng Shi's way to win.

But these efforts are too tiring, and are far less practical than being a slacker.

So Cheng Shi's ultimate dream is to hug thighs and be a slacker.

Unfortunately, there are always all kinds of idiots in the trial, and there are few opportunities to complete a whole game.

This trial was actually well matched, with many big guys, and he should have been able to get through it all the way.

But the answer to the trial did not allow him to get through, or in other words, the big guys did not intend to lead him.

The five mask rewards after the trial explained this:

None of these 2400+ big guys died!

Why didn't they die? Perhaps it was because they had already seen through the answer.

"They are all smart people!!"

Cheng Shi sighed, turning his memory back to the moment when the trial came.

The hint given by [Death] is: There is only one way to death, find it and offer your sacrifice!

Referring to the previous [Death] trials, this is obviously to find a sacrifice, kill him, and sacrifice to Him, so as to end the trial.

But the strange thing about this trial is that the Yongzhan Town where the trial is located does not accept death, or it is difficult for death to come.

But things are not absolute. At least in the town affected by the semi-artifact, death can be created by another semi-artifact.

So everyone's initial goal is to find the murderer and decipher the clues of the trial from him.

During this period, everyone's efforts are in the same direction.

Only Wei Guan, he just investigated in the town for a long time like a bystander, and used the method of [Foolishness] to infer an answer.

Then he used the murderer with great certainty to kill himself!

He "committed suicide"!

That's why no one could find any traces at the scene.

Because he himself cleared all traces.

A [Foolish] hunter perfectly faked the scene of his own death, causing his teammates to fall into inexplicable fear.

During that period of time, no one thought that they were the sacrifice!

Dedicating oneself is the only way.

The sacrifice that [Death] values ​​in this trial is not a specific person, but the wisdom and courage to face death!

The second person to "touch" the answer was Yunni.

This assassin lady of [Annihilation] had no clue. She just wanted to speed up the progress of obtaining clues, so she resolutely returned to the hotel and began to rush towards the murderer!

You must know that [Annihilation] is the opposite of [Death]. What He advocates is more extreme than the death that [Death] advocates.

So His believers ignore life, not only others, but also themselves.

In their view, death is just a state before annihilation, which is not terrible.

But when she sensed that the people of the Grand Inquisition were in the hotel, and even sensed that there was a semi-artifact in the room, she suddenly felt that she had found the answer:

That is, in a small town protected by a semi-artifact, she died under a semi-artifact!

So she went to death calmly, embraced "annihilation", and took the opportunity to "save" her teammates.

But at that time, she overlooked one point, which was also a point that Cheng Shi realized after four people died!

That is, the rule contained in the sentence "There is only one way to death" is not just one!

There is also a very critical point: each way of death can only happen once!

Yunni was very lucky. Before she guessed this hint, she ran into Mo Qius of the Grand Inquisition and died under Mo Qius's scepter.

And laterThe ascetic monk was not so lucky.

This [Silent] warrior took a semi-artifact thunder punishment but did not die. At that time, he immediately understood the meaning of this hint, and then decisively chose to pounce on Cheng Shi, pounce on the [When Fear Comes]!

There was never a second murderer at the scene, and no one fished in troubled waters.

It was the ascetic monk who chose himself, and then killed himself with the replica!

Although Wei Guan's death was subjective, the murderer was Athos, who died of homicide in [When Fear Comes]!

Yun Ni's death was executed by Mo Qiusi, who died of homicide in [The Moment of Execution]!

As for the ascetic monk, he was the first true suicide. He killed himself with fear and died of suicide in [When Fear Comes]!

These three ways of death have been banned since these three people passed the trial.

There are only a few ways left for Cheng Shi, Du Xiguang, and Fang Jue to die.

Du Xiguang read Athos's memory and found that he did not follow Wei Guan to clean up the traces of murder, so he guessed Wei Guan's intention.

But at this time, he was in a bad situation and had almost no chance to kill himself, so he could only find another way and use special means to go back to the past, so that his own death replaced the death of the ascetic monk and tampered with the memory!

In this way, the cause and effect were misplaced.

The ascetic monk had already left the trial and was distorted in the memory, so he disappeared from everyone's mind.

Du Xiguang found a loophole and killed himself in the memory with [When Fear Comes] and died by suicide [When Fear Comes].

But because of his over-interpretation, Fang Jue missed all the clues, and even the clues left by the original memory were erased. The new timeline threw him directly into the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Cheng Shi realized the final answer later.

It was after Mo Qiusi's blow failed to kill him that he suddenly realized that the answer was to sacrifice himself in a different way of death.

It was also at that time that he began to have a plan in his mind.

After Mo Qius's death, he had a very safe way to win the trial, that is, to use the [Moment of Execution] to commit suicide.

But this also has risks, because if there is even a 0.1% probability that the answer is not death, then Cheng Shi will usher in the end of his gaming career in endless regret.

Therefore, Cheng Shi, who was afraid of death, first did an extremely bold experiment:

He used the alchemy notes taken from Chenosley and Mo Qius's body to forge the scene of the alchemist's death, and then submitted it as the answer of "nominal death" defined by the Law Enforcement Bureau.

This is a risky move.

Because this is the trial of [Death]!

Cheng Shi's opportunism is likely to backfire, turning all this into a performance that blasphemes Him.

As a result, he turned off the runway and crashed to death when he had the opportunity to land safely.

Fortunately, [Death] approved it.

Although He gave 0 points.

But at least the benefactor appreciated his performance and thought he had deceived [Death].

Cheng Shi won the bet.

The chips he won were not only the clearance of the trial, but also a [When Fear Comes] and a [Moment of Execution]!

He brought two semi-artifacts back to reality just like that!

"Alas, a 2400-point game, I didn't add any points, I lost a lot."

Having said that, this trial was still the most difficult one for Cheng Shi since he joined the [Faith Game].

The weak seek to unite, and the strong compete for the first place. This segment of the trial has gradually stripped away the mechanism of low-level players working together, and began to be wary of each other.

Everyone here is terribly alert. If it weren't for the trust habit of cooperation required in the early trials, perhaps at the beginning, Cheng Shi would have fallen into an absolute disadvantage because of the hostility brought by the [Chaos] belief.

And it was this game that finally made him see how the top players at this stage were embracing [Divinity].

In this amazing trial:

The followers of [Foolishness] are the least foolish;

The followers of [Annihilation] annihilate themselves;

The followers of [Silence] are deafening;

The followers of [Memory] secretly tamper with memories;

The followers of [Order] cheat and break the "order";

The followers of [Fraud] are pitifully deceived.

Except Fang Jue, everyone is the best actor.

Not only did they end their roles perfectly, they also left no clues for their teammates.

Although their actions pushed others away from death, they also forced the remaining players to go against the answer.

The survivors were terrified and buried their heads in the search for "What is the sacrifice of [Death]", but they could not hear the silent ridicule from the winners who had already passed the trial.

To be honest, it is not easy to guess that the answer is death.Death may not be difficult.

The most difficult thing is whether you dare to die.

They had already discovered the clues and dared to use death to confirm their guesses.

This courage and confidence made Cheng Shi ashamed.

As for the believers of [Order] who were still kept in the dark in the end...

Forget it, there must be a slacker in every trial.

Even the most powerful players have bad times.

Don’t you think so, Mr. Fang?

This trial is worthy of being high-end, and Cheng Shi didn’t treat it as a slacker.

Although he didn’t lead anyone, he won himself in an extremely safe way.

Even if he was deceived by others, at least in the end, he "cheated" [Death].

"Does this count as deceiving [God]?"

As soon as the voice fell, a wave from the deep abyss enveloped the roof of Cheng Shi's building.




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