The water flow was still accelerating.

After a while, the players were completely dispersed and rushed into deeper depths one after another.

In front of them was no longer the azure sea water, but a stream of bright yellow torrents.

At the moment when the two clearly demarcated liquids came into contact, Cheng Shi clearly felt an inexplicable force pressing towards him from all directions, and began to corrode his skin frantically.

It's acid!

How is it possible?

With such a large amount of sea water poured in, how could there be such a concentration of acid?

"The gastric juice of the giant beast?"

"No! This is not acid! This is the pull from the void!

Void beard swallowing pig!

How is it possible?

They are the darlings of [Nothingness] who live on the boundary between reality and illusion, how could they appear here!?


How could they die!?!"

Cheng Shi was shocked when he heard Gao Yu's exclamation.

The Void-bearded Swallowed Pig is somewhat related to Cheng Shi, because this creature is a subordinate of [Nothingness], born in the borderland between the void and reality, the ‘Boundary of Virtual and Reality’, and devours [Existence] for [Nothingness].

They have two invisible tentacles on their heads, which can sense where the reality is the weakest, and then travel through the void to devour that place, turning it into a new void.

And the existence swallowed by them will gradually disappear in the pull of the void.

As for how this kind of virtual and real thing can die...

Sorry, don't forget, this is the trial of [Annihilation].

For this kind of creature that blurs the boundary between [Existence] and [Nothingness], there may be no life, but there must be a state of annihilation...

But none of this matters, now is not the time to think about these things.

Cheng Shi didn't have time to think deeply, and immediately added two more healing spells to all teammates who could be seen in the weak field of vision.

However, the bad situation did not improve because of these two healing spells.

The vines on the bamboo raft began to decompose rapidly, and the players' skin gradually began to ulcerate.

[Nothingness] was "dissolving" them into a new void in a way that they could understand.

"No more going in, the pull of the void is still intensifying!! Everyone, break out!"

Zhao Qian roared, his whole body turned red and hot, his hands swung wildly, pushing himself to swim back like two propellers.

"Mr. Cui, follow me!"

Cui Dingtian responded and immediately followed Zhao Qian, but his speed was obviously not as fast as Zhao Qian's, not only because the speed was not enough, but also because he was dragging a burden behind him.

Su Yida!

Cheng Shi's colleague bumped into Cui Dingtian at some point, and then never got off him.

Tao Yi and Gao Yu were also trying hard, but it was obvious that at this time, the mage was far less efficient than the warrior and hunter.

Even if they tried their best to cast spells, they still couldn't change the situation of being dragged into the depths by the suction.

At this time, everyone's condition was very bad. Not to mention the clothes that had long disappeared, even their hair and skin had begun to fester.

The pulling force of the void was like a sharp razor, carving its mark on their bodies without any rules and without mercy.

"Help me!"

Gao Yu was anxious. He shouted and took out a piece of metal material with all his strength and hit it wildly in the water.

Tao Yi was right beside him. She was unrecognizable. She gritted her teeth, held him with one hand, and constantly summoned nearby useful things with the other hand. However, the speed of corrosion of these external things was much faster than her casting speed.

"Quick! I can't hold on!"

Tao Yi shouted miserably, Gao Yu's eyes were red, and his speed was three times faster.

The small hammer was gradually disappearing under the pull of the void, but it still knocked the material in his hand into a long-handled spiral drill with blood, and suddenly inserted it into the inner wall of the giant beast beside him.

"The pressure is too great, those who can't swim up, come on! Let's dig them out from here!

They evolved from nothingness, and unlike traditional life, their bodies are very thin, so there is hope!"

The duration of underwater healing is almost up, and the festering of everyone's body has accelerated a bit.

The first few were still struggling to swim forward, but after feeling the huge resistance, they had to give up decisively and turned back to Gao Yu.

Cheng Shi saw the opportunity to grab Gao Yu's feet, and also grabbed Tao Yi who was pushed into the depths by the rapids, and gathered his strength to give everyone a healing spell.

Cui Dingtian saw that Gao Yu was not efficient, so he immediately snatched the drill in his hand and drilled frantically.

Zhao Qian approached the inner wall of the giant beast and tried to open another passage with his own hands.

However, neither his hands nor the tools in his hands could cause much damage to the inner wall of the giant beast.

But this intense consumption made himTheir condition deteriorated faster.


Zhao Qian screamed as hard as he could, hoping that Cheng Shi could be more powerful, at least to save everyone's life before they chiseled open the inner wall of the giant beast.

However, Cheng Shi did not respond to him.

He gritted his teeth and did not give a healing spell. Instead, he clamped Tao Yi with his legs instead of his hands, freeing his right hand and eager to try.

"Priest!!! Heal me!!!"

"Damn it!"

Cheng Shi roared, made up his mind and punched hard, hitting the "wall" in front of his face.

Of course, he did not want to compete with Zhao Qian to see who had a stronger hand, but because he had a trick!

3.5S God's Relic:

Bone Servant Lele'er Ring!

When the red ring in Cheng Shi's hand touched the inner wall of the giant beast!


The thunder that destroyed the world exploded in everyone's ears.

The lightning roared and shot out from his hand, instantly blasting through the "thin-skinned" giant beast, and even illuminating the entire inner cavity of the giant beast for a moment.

Everyone was startled by the thunder, and saw that the gap in the inner wall of the giant beast began to flow into the "fresh" sea water. They were overjoyed and burst out their last bit of strength and rushed towards the gap.

It broke!

Cheng Shi secretly felt lucky.

Thank you teammates for their great dedication to fear.

Thank you to the mother tree of fear Leleer, who saved his life the first time he worked.

Looking at the gap in front of him, Cheng Shi did not move rashly.

He first gave everyone an underwater treatment to stabilize the situation, and then struggled to pinch out a few spells to restore mental power, all of which were shot at Cui Dingtian.

As for why, it was because he found that this old man had only a few wounds on his body when everyone was now ulcerated and almost visible to the bone!

The erosion from the void seemed to slow down on his body.

But it is precisely because of this that Cheng Shi felt that he must be saved first!

When everyone is trapped in the quagmire, the first person you want to save must not be the one who is about to be swallowed, but the one who is easiest to get ashore!

Only in this way can the people on the shore find ways to pull everyone out!

No matter how much the people in the quagmire struggle, they can't compare to someone on the shore pulling hard!

Cui Dingtian suddenly felt his state rising rapidly, and immediately understood what Cheng Shi meant.

He suppressed his cough, swung his right hand, and threw a thin white rope out of the flesh gap.

Then, his left hand also swung, and with the high-frequency swing, another white rope quickly flew out and tied up Cheng Shi and the other two.

Just before Cheng Shi was about to break Gao Yu's ankle and crush Tao Yi's waist and the three of them fell into the deeper depths, Cui Dingtian wrapped them up like dumplings with ropes.

"Zhao Qian, catch!"

Cui Dingtian shouted and began to rush out.

Zhao Qian heard the sound and immediately twisted his body, kicked back against the inner wall, used the recoil force to get closer to the old man, and hugged his waist tightly.

However, when his hand touched the old man's waist...

He was stunned.

He did not feel any skin on Cui Dingtian's abdomen, as if the void had pulled his skin away.

But just now, he clearly saw that Cui Dingtian was not injured at all!

How could this be!

Zhao Qian looked up in surprise, but found that Cui Dingtian, who was right in front of him, was swimming hard with his muscles and fascia completely exposed!

Only his wrists were covered with a trace of intact skin.

As for the other end of the skin...

He looked at the three people who were bundled together at his feet in shock:

The white rope that tied the three people was right in front of him, stretched straight.

Even if the sea water was turbid, as long as you look carefully, you can still see that it is clearly not a rope, but a thin and long...

Muscle skin!

Cui Dingtian actually peeled off his skin in circles, turning it into a thin rope to hold everyone!

Whether it was the extremely long skin or the hard flesh and blood, he seemed to be able to resist some erosion from the void.

"Hold on tight! The old man is going to exert force!"

The leather rope thrown out of the gap seemed to have found a reliable anchor point. The old man's face was happy, and all the muscles in his body began to contract.

Under the rapid contraction of the muscles and skin, Cui Dingtian led everyone to rush out of the gap against the huge pressure of the torrent.

Feeling the pull of the void on their bodies gradually receding, the three people whose flesh and blood were pressed together showed a bitter smile of escaping death.

Too miserable.

The excessive pull of the void made their wounds so deep that the bones were visible, and the rotten flesh stuck together, and it was impossible to tell whose was whose.

Cheng Shi was a little exhausted due to excessive consumption, but he still held on and gave a treatment to the two people in front of him.

Skin, flesh and hairThe recovery was visible to the naked eye.

Seeing the wound begin to heal, Gao Yu's tense face finally relaxed.

But on the contrary, Tao Yi's face became a little strange.

At this time, she was close to Cheng Shi's back, and slowly recovered her body's sense of touch.


Cheng Shi was just very nervous and didn't dare to relax at all. Now he finally took a breath and relaxed his nerves suddenly. He didn't realize what happened at all.

He smiled and thought Tao Yi was concerned about his condition.

"It's okay, I can still hold on."

"I...well, forget it..."

Cheng Shi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Tao Yi might be afraid of the gaze of [Birth]. He laughed and said:

"Don't worry, you won't get pregnant."

However, after saying that, he knew that he had misunderstood.

Thanks to the effect of the shared grace of God, his back sense of touch also began to slowly recover, and a special pressure came from the back.



Gao Yu was tied in front of Cheng Shi, so he naturally didn't know what happened behind. He noticed that both of them looked strange, and raised his head nervously and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Shi raised the corner of his mouth and couldn't help laughing.


I just thought that some stars look good on TV, but in's hard to say in reality.

Do you think this situation is bullying the customers?"


Gao Yu seemed to be a little bit behind Cheng Shi's jumping thoughts, but Tao Yi behind Cheng Shi was completely calmed down by this sentence.

She rolled her eyes and said:

"Do you like that star?"

"I don't pay attention to it, I don't understand it, and I can't say whether I like it or not."

"That's it, since some people are not the audience, why bother so much?"


Ah, it's none of my business.

I'm just blowing a whistle for the vast number of deceived fans. If you are not that star, don't pinch me!

Gao Yu is not a fool. When he heard these two people talking about strange things, his face also became strange.

"What the book says is true. Disaster is the catalyst of love."



What a little kid. You don't know a thing.

Just when the three of them were talking nonsense to ease their mood, the old man's roar came from the front again!

"Be careful, the water is coming out!"


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