[Hint: Do you want to activate the fief construction mode? 】


[Hint: The opening is successful, do you want to choose the normal template blueprint and start building the Eternal City? 】


"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong."

Hear the prompt.

Xu Ran couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Because the [Eternal City] he is building now belongs to a fief, although it is a huge territory obtained by upgrading on the basis of [Mar Town].

But in fact.

The two are not one type.

As the player's private territory, [Mar Town] still stands on the east side of [Sleeping Forest].

Like a bright pearl, inlaid in Xu Ran's vast territory.

shining brightly.

But it also represents a brutal reality.

The legendary quality template blueprint from [Mar Town] will not take effect in the [Eternal City] construction system.

[Eternal City] The template blueprint that comes with it is only of ordinary quality.

Compared with 【Mar Town】.

Enough to use "shabby" to describe.

But Xu Ran didn't panic at all.

In this regard, he has another clever plan!

The moment when the beep sounded.

He didn't start the construction for the time being, but took out an item from his backpack.

The surface of the prop exudes the unique luster of the legendary level.

[Fief construction template blueprint (legendary)]

Type: props (one-time consumption)

Quality: legendary

Effect: After obtaining the fiefdom, you can use this item to randomly select a fiefdom construction template blueprint with a legendary quality.

According to his understanding.

Once this legendary quality item is used.

I will randomly select a blueprint for the fief construction template.

This blueprint is different from the township template blueprint.

Often according to the scale of the fiefdom, buildings, fortifications, and territory cores of the same scale will be adaptively built.

In layman's terms.

If the player owns a small town.

Then correspondingly, I will randomly draw a town-level template blueprint.

And if you have a fortress.

Also gets a stronghold level template blueprint.

And Xu Ran owns an ordinary city, which means that he will randomly select a city-level template blueprint!

"Start drawing!"

[Reminder: Consuming props successfully, the blueprint of the fief construction template is being randomly drawn! 】

[Reminder: Since the highest-scale fiefdom you own is Eternal City, a city-level template blueprint will be randomly selected, with a legendary quality! 】

He just finished speaking.

The props in his hand glowed brilliantly.

"Legendary-quality city-level template blueprint!"

"very good!"

Bathed in the gorgeous light and rain, Xu Ran felt a bit of anticipation in his heart.

If you can draw a superb template.

[Eternal City] will become an indestructible large city!

Although it is still not comparable to the major cities.

But the gap is not so obvious anymore!

The idea was just born.

The prompt sounded quietly, directly interrupting his thoughts.

[Reminder: The ten-thousand-fold increase is successful, and the quality of the reward you get has been upgraded from the legendary level to the epic rare quality! 】

[Hint: You have obtained the city-level construction template blueprint - Immortal Eternal Night (Epic Rare)! 】


Even as calm as Xu Ran.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The expression on his face was full of disbelief.

Who would have thought of this?

The only eternal talent [10,000-fold reward] actually took effect at this moment.

To know.

This legendary item has already been strengthened once by [Ten Thousand Times Reward].

And this scene happened in front of him.

It seemed to prove something to him.

As long as certain conditions are met, he can even trigger the talent [ten thousand times reward] multiple times!

In this way, the items that were originally of average quality were directly strengthened to a terrifying level!


Xu Ran suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the template blueprint of this epic rare quality.

[Immortal Eternal Night (Epic Rare)]

Type: Template Blueprint (Fiefdom)

Quality: Epic Rare

Conditions of use: city-level fiefdom (adaptive scale)

Effect: After activation, the territory can open the [Immortal Eternal Night] template blueprint, activate special guards, special npc, special buildings, etc.

Special attribute 1: [Immortality] All fortifications, city buildings, and territory cores will have an additional 80% damage reduction rate and double durability.

Special effect 2: [Eternal Night] Once the construction is successful, the player's fiefdom will remain in the state of night forever, and all enemies who invade the territory will be eroded by the dark breath!

Introduction: With the expansion of fief size, blueprints of corresponding levels will be unlocked.


Xu Ran couldn't help but let out another exclamation.

I really don't blame him for making a fuss.

Even in previous lives, no player has ever obtained an epic-quality city-level template blueprint!


Only the template blueprints of the major imperial cities are of epic quality.

And the main cities like [Frozen City] can only obediently use legendary quality blueprints.

Whoever this is, I'm afraid they will be amazed.

Xu Ran made a rough estimate.

With the blessing of the template blueprint of epic rare quality, coupled with the upgrade on the basis of [Mar Town], the territory area has been greatly increased.

Count it down.

Whether it is strength or scale, [Eternal City] is enough to rival the major cities.

The blessing effect provided by [Immortal Eternal Night] is really too arrogant.

The first is architecture.

Whether it's buildings in the city, fortifications, or the core of the territory, etc.

The highest caps are all epic rare quality!

And the special attributes have also given these buildings an outrageous enhancement.

80 damage reduction rate.

Double durability.

These are all additional enhancements provided on the basis of epic rare qualities!

Moreover, [Eternal City] will be in the state of "Eternal Night".

Once invaded.

Will cause a dark erosion effect on the enemy.

[Hint: The opening is successful, do you want to choose the template blueprint "Immortal Eternal Night (Epic Rare)" and start building the Eternal City? 】


Xu Ran gave the order directly.

Then, he recruited corresponding epic rare quality craftsmen, plus legendary craftsmen from [Mar Town].

A frenzied construction that can be called extremely fast kicked off directly.

First of all, it is [Immortal Blessed City Wall (Epic Rare)].

Build directly!


As a large amount of materials were put into construction, giant city walls exuding an endless dark atmosphere stood up one after another.

There is no rest.

Xu Ran started the construction of the defense tower again.

[Blessing of Immortality Barrier Magic Tower (Epic Rare)].

put up!

[Calamity of Eternal Night · Rapid Arrow Tower (Epic Rare)].

put up!

[Destruction of Eternal Night·Heavy Magic Tower (Epic Rare)].

put up!

Under the command of Xu Ran.

Defense towers of epic rare quality slowly stood up.

Not long after.

A magnificent and vast [Eternal City] slowly stands in this vast territory.

Shrouded in the endless night, it seems to have begun to take shape.

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