But soon.

Many players who observed carefully realized something was wrong.


"It seems that the boss above the clouds is not the giant dragon that seems to be of legendary quality."

As soon as the words came out.

A large number of players looked up to the sky.

Then he took a deep breath immediately.


"Hey, I guess I guessed wrong!"

"Am I dazzled, why is there a figure on the back of that giant dragon?"

"Huh? I seem to have seen it too!"

Amidst the whispers of the players, Xu Ran remained unmoved.

He had already guessed it.

That mysterious creature is not as simple as this giant dragon.

Although this legendary dark dragon, like the purgatory bone dragon controlled by Carlo before, is at the peak of its prime.

Think here.

Through telepathic communication, Xu Ran also summoned the ancient ghost dragon that was always hidden in the sky.

Howling with the wind.

Transformed into a translucent shadow, an ancient ghost dragon emerged beside Xu Ran.

its speed.

Far surpassing the giant dragons of the same level.

Even the dark giant dragon in its prime cannot compare to it!


He jumped and landed firmly on the broad back of the ancient ghost dragon.

Then, the figure suddenly disappeared in place!

The sound of breaking wind.

The shouts and fighting sounds of countless players below.

And the high-pitched roar of the dragon came from above.

this moment.

As the flying altitude of the ancient ghost dragon continued to increase, these voices disappeared in Xu Ran's ears in an instant, as if the pause button had been pressed.


As he got closer and closer to the mysterious creature.

A figure that was so familiar to him was sitting on the back of the dark dragon!


Xu Ran almost shouted out.

This is just too weird.

He found.

The mysterious creature riding the dark dragon looks exactly like Carlo.

Clearly in the previous time.

This mysterious and powerful tomb keeper has just burned his soul to death.

According to common sense.

Once the soul is burned.

Even if she is an npc or a boss, it is impossible for her to be resurrected in the world again.


The number of "Carlo's" is more than one!

Think here.

Xu Ran directly threw a [Exploration Technique].


This mysterious creature, suspected to be Carlo's son, has a clear view of the attribute panel.

[Corrupted Eternal Awakener Carlo (Legend)]

Level: 60

Race: Undead (Lost Kingdom)

Type: Legendary Boss (was rated as a Legendary Boss during his lifetime)

HP: 1.4 million/1.4 million

Attack power: 11852

Physical Defense: 15297

Magic Defense: 16054

Skills: [Affinity of Death] [Arrow of Curse] [Fog of Decay and Withering] [Rain of Death Prayer (Forbidden Spell)]

Introduction: Under the erosion of time, the former guardian of the order of the lost kingdom in the decaying abyss has now taken on a mysterious duty, which is to reopen the "Endless Abyss", the tomb buried in the long river of time!


"Is it really Carlo?"

Seeing the attribute panel of the boss, a hint of surprise appeared in Xu Ran's eyes.

He didn't think about it.

The legendary boss in front of him is also named Carlo.

However, the prefix has undergone some changes.

This "Carlo" is no longer the keeper of the grave, but has become the awakener.

The introduction is also slightly different from before.

"Now has taken on a mysterious duty"

"That is to reopen the "Endless Abyss", the tomb buried in the long river of time!"

Xu Ran muttered to himself.

Key sentences mentioned in the introduction are repeated.

See here.

His pupils shrank.

Open the endless abyss?

Xu Ran suddenly had a guess in his mind.


Neither the Gravekeeper nor the Awakener may be the real Carlo.

This former defender of the order of the lost kingdom


Still in that dark and endless abyss, quietly looking up at the original direction of the sky!

Xu Ran remembers clearly.

In my previous life, when I was looking up some information about the lost kingdom, I saw a very ridiculous record.

Of course.

Not so much a record.

It's more like a bold guess.

The demise of the lost kingdom.

This process looks like a war between forces.

The protagonists are the factions of light and darkness joining hands to cooperate with each other, and the eternal kingdom under siege.

But in fact.

It is a game between the gods behind the various camps.


This war ended with the complete demise of the eternal kingdom.

The unknown gods from the eternal kingdom were therefore buried in the endless abyss.

Maybe forever, can never return to the world.

This guess.

It was a hot search for a while in the previous life.

But the vast majority of players remain skeptical.

no way.

This is ridiculous.

What's more, under the relentless erosion of time.

Memory is the least valuable thing.

But here at Xu Ran, it is different.


The npc who left this guess in the previous life.

It was the great magister who announced the storyline of the main quest—Verisette!

Without any hesitation.

Xu Ran waved his staff directly.

He even chanted an obscure mantra in his mouth.

He wanted to take advantage of the upcoming opening of the City of Bones to kill this "Carlo" here.

I want to verify my guess.

This is the only way!

Just when Xu Ran released his skills and was about to fight against a group of legendary bosses with terrifying strength.

In the endless abyss.

A white and flawless figure touched the cracked face.

Ignoring the debris falling from the surface, she gazed calmly at the dark sky above her head.

It seems, in that unreachable area.

There is something extremely important.


In the endless silence and darkness, the owner of this figure sighed slowly.

Her eyes were filled with endless loneliness.

And the boredom of living.

for her.

After losing his life, only rotten and smelly bones remained.

Even if it can maintain the "flawless" appearance, it is still decaying in its bones.

The final outcome is nothing more than surviving in the endless abyss of darkness and silence.

with those skeletons.



Until the last sanity is worn away and it becomes a pile of decayed dust.

Now is the chance to go out.

Even a breath of fresh air is enough to die without regret.

Think here.

She set her sights on a rotten heart in her hand.



It seems, over time.

This heart, shriveled due to decay, is waking up at a slow speed.

A faint heartbeat.

In the endless abyss where there is only silence, it seems so piercing.

If Xu Ran can see this scene.

It must have been a shock.

This white and flawless figure was definitely no longer familiar to him.

There is no slight difference between Carlo'er and the outside world who is fighting.

Of course.

The only difference.

It was the terrifying aura emanating from her body!

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