[Hint: You successfully killed the legendary boss—the forgotten skeleton titan (legendary)! 】

[Hint: You successfully killed the legendary boss—the forgotten skeleton titan (legendary)! 】

[Hint: You successfully killed the legendary boss—the forgotten skeleton titan (legendary)! 】

[Reminder: triggering a ten thousand times reward, this time the experience value has been increased ten thousand times! 】

[Reminder: Since your level has reached the current upper limit, you cannot gain any experience for the time being! 】

A series of reminders sounded.

It symbolizes the three skeletons of the titan, all of which have come to the end of their lives.

The moment they fell.

All the fragments of corpses scattered on the ground were burning continuously, turning into ashes all over the sky, rushing towards the sky.

Like a mighty river of ashes.

Skeletal creatures.

Legendary boss.

From the lost kingdom of the endless abyss, all the siege monsters that were killed gradually disappeared into this world.

Xu Ran didn't know what would happen to the ashes they turned into.

But he understood one thing.

As the grand and mysterious giant gate continued to be completed, an aura emanating from it made him feel particularly familiar.


Xu Ran was a little shocked.

Perhaps everything he guessed was true.

The destruction of the [Eternal Kingdom] may really be due to contact with the law of "eternity".

And it happens that he is the eternal mage who controls the eternal law.

That's why the main mission went so smoothly.

Looking at the shocking scene overhead.

Xu Ran remained calm.

The deal is done.

Sooner or later the City of Bones will open up to itself.

In addition to this lost country exiled into the long river of history, only oneself can perceive it.

So there is no need to worry at all, some players will come to seize the opportunity.

Because the system prompt from the main mission has already rang in his ears.

[Reminder: Since you have successfully killed all the siege creatures and activated the Gate of the Endless Abyss, the fourth phase of the main mission has been completed! 】

[Reminder: The content of the main task has been updated, please check it in time! 】

When the beep keeps ringing.

Xu Ran let the ancient ghost dragon fall slowly, preparing to pick up the legendary quality drops on the ground.

Looking at the task.

【Return of the Lost Kingdom】

Type: Main Quest (Unique)

Difficulty: unknown

Current Stage: Searching for the Truth (Stage 4)

Content: Since you successfully killed the mysterious creature and wiped out the surrounding intelligence spies, there seems to be relevant clues about [City of Bones] among the items left behind by her. When you completely wiped out the siege army, The gate to the endless abyss has been successfully opened. Next, you need to complete the following objectives.

Objective 1: Please go to the endless abyss when the gate of the endless abyss opens, lock the specific location of the [Lost Kingdom (also known as the Forgotten Eternal Kingdom)] in it, and find a way to enter it!

Mission objective 2: From the clues you provided to Carlo, it seems that [Lost Country] contains the root cause of this mutation, please go to [City of Bones] to investigate.

Note: There are different mission objectives in this stage. The more completed, the richer the rewards will be, and it will have different effects on the subsequent plot.

Introduction: From the head of the bone dragon Basar, Willis felt the breath of the lost kingdom. Perhaps they have not disappeared in the long river of history and are about to make a comeback.

"Sure enough."

Xu Ran found that his guess had been verified once again.


He just needs to wait until the gate of the endless abyss is completely opened, and then step into it.

While confirming the specific location of [Lost Kingdom], we also need to go to the [City of Bones] to investigate.

Think here.

Xu Ran couldn't help feeling vigilant.

all of these.

Although for other players, it is definitely something that cannot be done in dreams.

But with his efforts.

The advancement of the main quest seemed a little too smooth.

[Lost Kingdom] and [City of Bones], which no one has ever visited, will soon lift their mysterious veil.

This made him a little uneasy.

After all, no one knows what is hidden in it.

Even Xu Ran himself.

Fragmented information can also be obtained from the classics of the previous life.


One thing is true.

In this mysterious [City of Bones], there is at least one god from the past!

"It's not known if she survived."

"So, everything has to be a little more cautious."

As the pinnacle creature of the entire eternal world, gods can definitely bring endless fear to everyone.

Therefore, we have to guard against it.

while thinking.

Xu Ran looked down at his feet.

When he checked the task content, the ancient ghost dragon had landed firmly on the ground.

in front of you.

It is a bright drop that spreads all over the ground.

There are a total of four items exuding a legendary unique luster, waiting for Xu Ran to pick them up.

No hesitation.

Xu Ran picked them up one by one.

[Reminder: You have picked up the reward—Death Scream Shoulders (Legendary)! 】

[Reminder: You picked up the reward—Skill Seal Stone Void Thorn (Legendary)! 】

[Reminder: You have picked up the reward - The Mourner's Blade (Legendary)! 】

[Hint: You have picked up the reward - Death Scream Leggings (Legendary)! 】

A total of four legendary drops.

Its name and type can be seen at a glance.

Two of them are parts of the screaming suit, which are quite good.

As for [Mourner's Blade].

It is a legendary warrior weapon.

For Xu Ran, the only function is as a reward for exchanging exclusive points for the Eternal City.

It is a big pie.

Can attract countless players to work for themselves.

The remaining skill seal stones are much more precious.

This is a prop.

It is a one-time consumable.

It seals the skills left by a strong man, once released, it will be equivalent to his personal arrival.

They are often quite precious props.

But these are just the beginning!

[10,000 times the reward], it has already started to move around.

[Hint: Ten thousand times the increase is successful, the quality of the reward you get has been upgraded from the legendary level to the epic level! 】

[Reminder: You have obtained a reward - Dazzling Death·Shoulders of Sorrow (Epic)! 】

[Hint: You have picked up the reward—Skill Seal Stone Void Crack (Epic)! 】

[Hint: You have picked up the reward - the Wailing Blade of the Mourner (Epic)! 】

[Reminder: You have obtained a reward - Dazzling Death · Screaming Leggings (Epic)! 】

There are four pieces of equipment in total.

Under the effect of the eternal unique talent [ten thousand times reward], it was instantly promoted to the legendary quality.

Including the previous [Dazzling Death · Screaming Robe].

With the corresponding shoulder pads and leg pads, Xu Ran has collected a seven-piece set!

Only three left.

He can collect all the ten sets of mourning!

Although the siege battle is over now, there is no legendary boss in the battlefield anymore.

But Xu Ran has always had a premonition.

Once he steps into [City of Bones], he may be able to collect all the remaining parts of the scream suit!

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