The Forbidden World

Chapter 1132: Musou

Bloody, pungent.

Across the distance, Inuyasha could smell the fighting somewhere.

In fact, this kind of battle is very common in this era. Not to mention the small-scale battle of dozens of people, and the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people, Inuyasha has also seen it.

But this time it was different. While smelling the **** smell, Inuyasha smelled Naraku!

That's a flavor that Inuyasha can't ignore!

Following the taste, several people quickly found the place where the fighting took place.

Dead bodies everywhere.

The most surprising thing is that these people's faces have been dug away!

When people are unbelievable, there is still life under the brutal killing!

It was a woman who survived. This woman was originally captured by the robber from the village. As a result, all the strong robbers died, but the weak woman survived.

Although she survived, the woman was obviously stimulated, panicked and tears flowed.

However, this is not the time to take into account the spirit of the girl. The killing caused by the obvious monsters, plus the smell of Naraku, several people are a little anxious.

"Tell me, who killed these people?"

Perhaps it was because of the same woman, the surviving girl reluctantly shivered and answered the coral question: "It is a man with no face..."

Although there was only one sentence, it still caught several people up.

Obviously, the other party is not Naraku, then, there is a great possibility that the other party is a new clone of Naraku.

Several people were a little wary of the various strange abilities of Naruo's avatars.

"Come on first, you can't let Nero's doppelgang run around. This time it's a group of robbers. If he attacks the village next time, it will be in trouble."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, several people immediately acted, chasing down the scent of Naraku.

At this moment, the monster who had drilled and killed the robber and seized the face from the meat was watching his face reflected in the water by the river.

Perhaps it was dissatisfaction. He tore his face off and dumped it aside, and there were dozens of abandoned faces. Look closely, it was the faces that were robbed from the robbers.

"Are you the source of evil energy? Monster."

Behind him, a monk with a beautiful face suddenly appeared.

I have to say that there are still some capable people in this era. The young monk named Wushuang possesses not weak mana. If Maitreya had no wind, it would be between this monk and Bozhong.

At least for now, Maitreya has not been qualified to bring apprentices.

"Goblin, where did you come from? Why do you have to do such a cruel thing?"

Where did it come from?

The faceless monster is a little dazed, and the newly born he knows nothing about his past, and naturally cannot answer the monk’s question.

But one thing is clear.

He longed for a face, a face that would satisfy him! And the face of the monk Wushuang, echoed his request!

Seeing the faceless monster walking towards him, the monk Wushuang sighed: "I'm dead and I don't know how to repent, so let me come and surpass you!"

The scepter made of special holy wood in the hand is turned into a weapon of demon, and directly hits the head of the monster!

With just one blow, the faceless monster was beaten and his head collapsed. The mage named Wushuang is indeed powerful.

However, it didn't work.

The collapse of the head seems to have no effect on the faceless monster, Wushuang has not yet reacted, and the whole person has been caught by the monster.

In an instant, Wushuang lost consciousness.

A fresh life disappeared.

The little monk who originally followed Wushuang also fled after a cry!

The faceless monster peeled off Wushuang's face, and then placed it on himself. After carefully reflecting on the water, he laughed: "Hahaha! I have a face!"

After getting his face, he was looking for the memory that he didn't know existed. The monster dressed up with the armor and weapons taken from the robbers he had killed before, and walked towards the place where there was a human breath.

He is not asking about his life experience, but there is an instinct in his bones that makes him do what he used to do the most!


An ordinary village, as usual, men and women weave, a peaceful scene.

However, this scene is over to this day.

The demon riding on the horse broke into here, without questioning, threatening or snatching, the demon who broke into here did only one thing-killing!

The flames began to permeate the houses here, blood, began to cover the ground here.

The hell-like scene frowned at Inuyasha who rushed here following the **** smell.

"That guy did it!"

What Inuyasha said was the avatar of Naraku who slaughtered the robber before.


Maitre took a closer look at the situation of the villagers and had some different opinions: "Inuyasha, the villagers killed, the face is still intact, unlike the robbers just now."

Inuyasha did not answer Maitreya, but sniffed the blood-filled air: "It smells! It's the smell of Naraku! That guy is still in the village!"

Following the taste, Inuyasha drove towards the depths of the village, where he saw Naraku's new doppelganger.

But unlike in the past, this avatar looks just like a human robber, whether it's the external appearance or his attacking method.

The most incredible thing is The other party is Narao's doppelganger, the first sentence to meet Inuyasha and others, actually asked about their identity?

"Don't pack garlic! You are Narao's avatar!"

"Naru? Who is Naru? Do you know what I am? Who am I?"

In response to this avatar, Inuyasha did not know how to deal with it, and his nose definitely told him that this was Naraku's avatar.

However, this guy does not seem to have any memory.

"Did you kill the robbers and strip their faces?"

When Inuyasha was a little confused, Maitre stood up and asked the monster in front of him.

"Well, that's right. But they look so ugly, I don't want to use it, or this is good."

Stroking the face captured from Wushuang, the monster said with a smile.

"I thought that killing could remind me of something, but it was useless. It was just killing me."

"What the **** are you?"

"So, I can't remember it. Um, yes, how about calling Wushuang? Just call me Wushuang, that's the name of the monk who gave me this face. Speaking of it, the more you look at it, the less it looks It looks good..."

The monster who changed his name to Wushuang looked at Inuyasha, his face getting lower and lower, as if he remembered something unpleasant.

And Inuyasha is also enduring to the limit.

"Forget it, it's in vain if you continue to ask. The guy with the taste of Naraku is killing people indiscriminately, which is enough for me to kill you!"

Iron broken teeth out of the sheath!

Aiming at Musou, Inuyasha is the one to kill!

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