The Forbidden World

Chapter 1171: Bursting into the nest


A crisp and long-lasting voice echoed.

Looking at the **** Gouyu falling on the ground, the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

After a long time, Agate Maru suddenly smiled.

"It seems that this human being is a very good witch, it doesn't matter, as long as the half-demon of Inuyasha comes here, our plan is completed! This land, after all, belongs to our family of flying monster moths!"


The impassioned words, when it comes to the most high-spirited places, are suddenly broken by the sudden noise.

I saw the branches of the trees that bound Ge Wei, as if something terrible had been encountered, and they collapsed instantly.

And Ge Wei is also awake.

Although they had known the power of Ge Wei since the failure of embedding **** jade, [Bound] was so easily destroyed that it made them a little palpitated. What would be the result if the power removed from the chain was used to attack them?

If it were not the endless demon power behind them as the source of the resurrection, the two of them would have shrunk to the back.

In fact, the agate pill is also unlucky. If he was resurrected earlier, he might be able to control Ge Wei as expected, but after the last time Ge Wei was controlled by the black witch, and then want to control Ge Wei, it becomes impossible.

In order not to be controlled, Ge Wei specifically learned about the protection of the soul from Qingzi Qingzi. Today, Ge Wei's soul defense is not a jade of four souls.

Even if the half of the four-soul jade in Naraku's hands is not used, don't forget, the essence of Ge Wei's soul is not weaker than Kikyo! Under precautions, perhaps the complete Four Soul Jade may affect Ge Wei's will.

After waking up, Ge Wei quickly understood her situation, and when the three monsters looked at her with the gaze of the ants, Ge Wei quietly observed the surroundings.

"Who are you!? Where is Inuyasha?"

While talking, Ge Wei pretended to be afraid and moved a few steps towards the corner.

"Don't worry, that guy will be here soon."

"How do you want to treat me?"

Ge Wei's footsteps were very slow, so slow that she could barely perceive them, but she did move towards the dead body with arrows in the corner. Just then, Ge Wei suddenly noticed the mica in Liuli's arms.

At this moment, the mica is no longer intimate with her, and he keeps screaming, her eyes are as savage and bright red as unreasonable beasts.

"What did you do to mica?"

"This child is already ours."

He took the mica from Liuli, and the glass said, ironically, touching the mica's fur.

The argument of glass made Ge Wei very angry. She knew exactly what mica meant for the coral. Fortunately, she had reached the corpse, and immediately picked up the broken bow on the ground, took the arrow, and pointed it at the glass.

"Restore the mica as it is!"

"What a courageous witch."

Agate Maru sitting in the back smiled and praised, as if watching the movie like Ge Wei.

In this regard, Ge Wei once again reiterated his request and proved his determination.

"Huh, then let's play with you."

As the glass gently raised his hand, the sound of wings roaring suddenly echoed in the air, and the startled Ge Wei looked up and found that the top of the cave was covered with moths!

Under the control of the glass, these moths flew off the top of the cave and flew towards Ge Wei!

Faced with a large number of moths, or demon moths, Ge Wei did not panic.

Her progress during this time is not just a soul protection!

After the arrow in his hand was blessed with some power, he was directly inserted into the ground by Ge Wei.

A looming Lingzi barrier appeared beside Ge Wei!


The glass could not help exclaiming, Ge Wei so easily constructed a defense with only one arrow, which really scared her!

What surprised her even more was the strength of this enchantment!

After the moths collided, they were burned to ashes by the powerful spiritual power as if the moths were fighting fire!

Yes, enchantment, for such a long time, Ge Wei still learned some witch skills. These simple skills have become very powerful under the powerful soul of Ge Wei.

It can be said that if she hadn’t concentrated on taking care of Inuyasha before, she would not be stunned by the large amount of scale powder sprinkled by the agate pill.

"It seems to be a trouble. Since it can't be controlled, it's useless, kill it."

Agate Maru took good care of Ge Wei before, because he was able to control Ge Wei through the ability of glass, but now there is no way to control it, and the other party still has good strength, so why still keep it?

Anyway, if this woman dies, Inuyasha will still be here, or that is better! Because the furious Inuyasha will surely cut him with the biggest attack without thinking!

Following the order of Agate Maru, the glass stopped the attack on Ge Wei, and she knew that these moths would basically not have any use for the enchantment.

They need more power to kill Ge Wei!

And Liuli has such a power!

That is the wind cave that **** everything into it!

Seeing the wind hole spread out in Liuli's hand, Ge Wei froze. Coral mica, coupled with Maitreya's wind cave, what happened during her coma?

I have to say that Maitreya’s wind acupuncture point is actually a bit scary, it is already a near-regular force, and if it is not the anti-phagocytic, atrophobic and indifferent nature of the wind acupuncture point, Maitreya can be regarded as the world’s top powerhouse !

Well, if there are really no such three huge weaknesses.

The wind cave copied from the colored glass is not weak in Maitreya. Although the enchantment of Ge Wei is strong, the arrow of the support is not fixed on the ground, it is easy to move, and the range is really small.

The wind cave does not destroy the enchantment, but the wind cave can absorb the entire enchantment!

Seeing that Ge Weilian was taking the land under her feet to be sucked away by the suction of the wind cave, the same suction appeared from the other side of the cave!

This familiar power made Ge Wei exclaim, "Mile!"

That's At this urgent time, Maitreya and Coral finally arrived!

Found that Ge Wei was in crisis, Maitreya resolutely opposed the wind cave with the wind cave!

The coral rushed over, holding the zen stick from Maitreya and waving at the colored glass.

Unfortunately, before she touched the glass, the glass stood in front of her, and the two double-handed swords in her hand prevented the coral from moving forward.

Although as a professional demon demonger, Coral is also involved in the long weapon such as Zen stick, but after all, it is not as good as flying bones and swords, and it cannot break through the defense of the glass in a short time.

In this way, the scene temporarily stalemate.

However, within a few seconds, the deadlock was broken.

It is the mica controlled by the glass that breaks the deadlock!

ps: Rewarding Gaeng for Mengzhu [Dark Star Emperor]

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