The Forbidden World

Chapter 1173: Come out


Agate Maru's words made Inuyasha stunned, and some did not understand what was going on.

And Agate Maru told Inuyasha very [kindly] the truth, after all, wouldn’t it be too boring if no one knew his plan?

"My father Flying Demon Moth was sealed here because he lost it to your father. The tooth owned by your brother Shisheng Wan does not have the ability to destroy the seal. What can destroy the seal is another knife for you, iron Broken teeth!"

"Iron broken teeth..."

Even if Inuyasha's IQ is not high, Agate Maru said so clearly, he understood.

The kidnapping of Ge Wei is just to get him to break that wind wound!

"You used me, did you?"

Agate Maru ignored the roar of Inuyasha, but pulled out his sword and directly inserted the magic ball under him!

The enchantment ball with endless enchantment was cut into a gap. Afterwards, Agate Maru directly grabbed the blade with his hand, allowing the blood flowing out of the cut to flow into the enchantment ball along the blade.

"everything is over!"

With the ecstatic laughter, the agate pill gradually sank into the deep purple power ball, and the endless power began to flow into the body of the agate pill. The huge power ball began to pulsate like a living creature.

"It feels a little..."

Nu Lianghuadiao looked at the faint and faint power ball, feeling the heavy power from there, frowning.

The amount of demon power is really beyond human imagination. If the catharsis comes out, it can easily change the terrain. His little slave-liang group is simply not enough to kill.

However, this is also a very good opportunity. Slave Slave is very sure that Inuyasha’s wind damage can’t help this enemy, so he can only rely on the mysterious man, maybe he can see for himself the regular fighting what does it look like.

However, when Nu Lianghua scoop looked at Shiraitsuki, he found that Shiraitsuki had no intention of shooting, but instead chatted with a beautiful young girl wearing a kimono!

This is the battlefield, okay? How are you doing

Before waiting for Nuliang to spit out, On the other side Inuyasha had already started to charge.

Inuyasha was very disgusted with the agate pill fooling him, and rushed towards the magic ball.

At the moment when he reached the Times Tree, Inuyasha jumped high! Facing the demon power ball is a cut!

He didn't use wind damage, Inuyasha knew very well that the biggest advantage of wind damage was scope, and when it came to individual attacks, it was no different from jumping.

At the moment, he jumped high, naturally using a jump with a certain bonus, not to mention, the jump also has the iron sharp teeth's own sharpness bonus.

When Inuyasha falls toward the magic ball, the space at the blade is distorted, even the agate pill with endless magic power is secretly shocked.

He is now in the incubation period. If it is interrupted, it is not so easy to inherit all the powers!

Immediately, Agate Maru mobilized a large amount of demon power to wrap around the surface of the demon power ball to fight against the blade of Inuyasha!

The golden light that looks like thunder and lightning blooms from the place where the iron broken teeth meet the magic ball!

After a stalemate between the two, Inuyasha was struck away.

The endless demon power can continue to be added to the defense. The moment the touch is not broken, the failure of Inuyasha's attack has been declared.

Seeing Inuyasha easily flew by himself, Agate Maru rejoiced: "Half demon! Humble thing like you! You are not allowed to touch me!"

Inuyasha, who was flicked and mocked, was not reconciled, but he knew very well that the previous blow was basically his full strength under normal circumstances, and now is not the time for recklessness.

Inuyasha jumped back into the line and turned to look at Shirai.

"Shirai! You said that your family has information about flying monster moths, what about their weaknesses?"

"Weakness? The control of the power is very rough, and the use of power is extravagant."


Rough? luxury?

Inuyasha didn't understand it for a while, but he understood it in the next second, because Agate Maru used the favorite attack of the flying monster moth against them-the demon cannon!

"Dare to fight against me, just turn it into fly ash!"

The huge demon cannon was fired at the crowd, and the entire Nuliang group was a little scared. For the first time, they saw such a huge demon power.

Nuliang Slipper immediately began to gather the fear of the Nuliang group, ready to rush to block the shell.

Inuyasha was a little secret.

His explosive flow is very restrained by this pure demon attack!

However, when they were about to rush up, Shiraizuki stopped him.


"Your knife is still used to break the cocoon."

Bai Jingyue is very clear that the blasting cannot break the cocoon. Although the magical cannon fired by Agate Maru is very strong, compared with the huge magical power in the magical ball, it is not enough to look at. Even if it is rolled back by the blast, it will be blocked by the endless magical power.

Rather than wasting the blast, letting the other party be prepared, it is better to use another method to deal with it.

I saw a figure rushed towards the demon cannon, and the right hand shining blue light was a punch at the demon cannon!


Aoqi Qingzi's Lingzi Cannon directly evaporates the agate maru's demon cannon!

Everyone in the Nuliang group was taken aback. They originally thought that Aoki Aoki was only serving Shiraizuki's ordinary human females. Unexpectedly, Aoqi Aozi's own power was so terrifying!

Even the Nuliang group who came with Shiraii was shocked, especially for Agate Maru. His demon cannon was offset, making him think he was dreaming!

And at the moment when he was puzzled, Inuyasha, who was instructed by Shirai, leapt again and rushed towards Agate Maru!

"Useless! Half demon!"

Looking up at Inuyasha, Agate Maru quietly waited for Inuyasha to deflate again, and it was his bad taste that made him ignore an arrow from the ground.

The arrow found in the cave, cut through the sky, and hit the demon ball directly!

Incredibly powerful spiritual power bursts instantly, purifying the magic power on the surface of the magic power ball instantly!

And at this moment, Inuyasha's blade came!

It's like cutting a The film on the surface of the magic ball is easily cut, and Inuyasha just goes directly into the magic ball, and it is a cut to the agate pill!

Faced with a slash that was enough to tear himself, Agate Maru had to withdraw the demon power ball with the already absorbed demon power and escaped the slash.

As Agate Maru withdrew, the magic ball suddenly began to decompose. In a few moments, five magic forces appeared in the air, floating beside Agate Maru.

"Ju··· actually let me hatch in advance! You should be guilty of death!"

He should have used the Tree of Time to absorb a lot of souls, completely absorbed all the magical powers, and then broke out of the cocoon.

However, now, the soul has not been absorbed, not to mention, and the demon power has not been completely absorbed, it is simply the most failed incubation!

The violent wind swept around Agate Maru, at the same time, the body of Agate Maru began to change!

He wants to kill all the guys who disturb him in the strongest gesture!

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