The Forbidden World

Chapter 1207: trap

The boy wanted to use his power to find his father, and everyone agreed.

It's just a little busy, there is no need to refuse, and they also need to learn more about the sweetheart.

The boy’s father who served the sweetheart must have known more than the boy.

After the decision was made, everyone came to the lake together.

Originally, the boy wanted to borrow a small boat, but was stopped by Shirai.

"Ship or something, don't worry, there is me."

With a crisp snapping finger, the surface of the lake suddenly began to freeze, and the spreading ice cubes, like ink dripping into the water, quickly spread out. But for a moment, a huge ice block enough to carry everyone floated above the water.

If it is just a piece of floating ice, it cannot be called a boat, and it is not very suitable for direct use to carry people.

So Bai Jingyue's fingers began to wave in the air, and with the faint blue glow, the ice floes began to pulsate.

Just like having life, the whole ice floe started to pulsate. With every breath, the appearance of the ice floe changed. Finally, an ice-made ship appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the miracle-like scene, the boy's eyes widened, and then looked at Bai Jingyue with some admiring eyes.

Seeing the boy like this, Inuyasha and others were speechless. They had seen Bai Jingyue make iceships when they fought against the false **** of water.

At that time, Shiraitsu waved an ice boat. How could there be so many things?

So they can be sure that Bai Jingyue has spent so much effort for the so-called good-looking.

After sitting on the boat, the crowd followed the boy's guidance towards the heart of the lake, and the boy continued to introduce the information about the white heart.

"Sister Bai Xin has a very high mana since his lifetime and has saved many people on this land. Look, that is Bailing Mountain!"

The boy pointed at the looming mountains in the mist and said.

"Under the foothills, there is a place for people to be clean. There is a temple built in front of life. When you visit there, you can be redeemed no matter what crime you commit!"


Bai Jingyue shook her head slightly. What Bai Xinji did was only to make people feel at ease after death. The sins of this person still exist, and in the end, these sins will be judged in the capital.

But Shiraitsu did not elaborate. After all, humanity still needs so-called salvation.

Soon, the shadow of a small island appeared in the sight of everyone. When he saw the island, the boy suddenly remembered something and quickly reminded: "The holy island is here! Be careful, the island is covered with reef rocks. One If you are not careful about the bottom of the ship..."

Bai Jingyue waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to care.

"If my ice boat would be broken by a reef, then I would really be ashamed to die."

The boy was stunned, watching the Captain Ice drive straight in, and the reefs in his memory seemed to disappear.

But looking out of the boat, the reefs were clearly visible.

Finally, the boy who came to the bow of the ship discovered the truth.

All the reefs that were approaching turned into powder-white ice instantly when they touched the hull, and then they were crushed.

"Okay... so good!"

The little boy's surprised cry did not cause any waves, and the people present had a lot of understanding of Shirai's strength. Not to mention opening a river channel on the water, even if Bai Jingyue freezes the entire lake, they are not surprised.

Finally, they came to the island in the heart of the lake, just stepped into the island, Inuyasha frowned.

He felt suppressed!

"It seems that the enclave of the Sanctuary should have been arranged by this sweetheart."

Feeling the weakening connection between body and soul, the bellflower suddenly opened.

This purification power, which is the same as Bailing Mountain, is enough to explain the making of Bailing Mountain's enchantment and cover up the identity of the person in it.

The smell of flowers on the ground is more evidence of this.

These flowers taste exactly the same as Inuyasha smells from puppets.

"No such flowers here before?"

What the boy said suddenly made Inuyasha and others alert.

According to the boy, these flowers were planted after Naraku appeared here.

In other words, this is not a planned loophole that Naraku ignored, but a bait deliberately made by Naraku!

Although they thus determined the identity of the person who made the entrapment behind Naraku, they were led to such a place that suppressed the strength of everyone!

Mica and Qibao seemed to be drunk and dizzy, while Campanulaceae was walking a little.

In order to prevent a sneak attack, the crowd moved towards the center of the island while being vigilant, and then they saw a destroyed temple in Huahai.

Seeing the destroyed ancestral hall, the boy ran up anxiously, and he was very worried that he should serve the father of the sweetheart in the ancestral hall.

And just halfway through, he suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground.

Looking back, it was a corpse that had turned into bone.

The boy froze there.

The bone was not recognizable, but the clothes were undoubtedly the clothes his father was wearing before leaving.

This fact made the boy stunned for a while.

"His father came to this island, it should have been half a month ago, and it should not be possible to turn into a bone so quickly. Bacheng is the ghost of Naraku's monster."

Inuyasha's inference was quickly confirmed. The weak Bellflower suddenly looked up in the direction of the ancestral hall and said, "The breath of the jade of the four souls! Five pieces!"

At the same time, a male voice was heard in the ancestral hall.

"Really, what a joke, actually made me wait for someone in this place?"

In the ancestral hall, figures familiar to Inuyasha and others came out.

Carrying the repaired Barbarian Dragon, Barbarian looked at Inuyasha with a sad face.

"Human me, I feel very uncomfortable, you half demon must be more sad?······"

"I didn't expect to really wait for you, Inuyasha."

The wild words make Inuyasha look serious. There is no doubt that this is a trap that Naraku has prepared for a long time, so besides the wild bones, what else does Naraku have prepared?

He didn't believe that Naraku put the heavy task of killing them on the bare bones.

Quite boneless, without that strength.

However, what Inuyasha did not expect was that when he looked around for other people who might exist, the wild bone rushed up with a big bow directly in a wave!

A huge wind of swords roared past! The entire sea of ​​flowers is divided into two!

"Inuyasha! Die!"

ps: "Friends of the Game World" recommended by friends

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