The Forbidden World

Chapter 1618: The truth is here

Of course there is still salvation.

Although Li Nali's attack is scary and powerful, but the burial house is a high-level death anyway.

That is also in the high position among the gods of death, absolutely enough to be a god. It is impossible to cause fatal damage to the burial house before Li Nali can kick a level 4 demon with one foot.

Sure enough, while Li Nali was regretting her subconscious behavior, the funeral room on the other side had climbed out of the wall by itself. He straightened the hat on his head and said with a grin: "Xiaosheng really didn't expect that he would meet the messenger of God here. I don't know what offended the little girl underneath? This foot really hurts What."

"Yes...sorry! I..."

Although the funeral home was okay, Li Nali was still taken aback. She realized the fact that she almost killed a person just now. Realizing the possible bad consequences of this kind of behavior, Li Nali was about to cry.

At this moment, Bai Jingyue held Li Nali's small head and stopped Li Nali's apology, but also stopped Li Nali's crying.

"It's his bad taste that scares you first, no need to apologize."

"But...Brother Muen! I almost killed someone!"

"Li Nali, do you think ordinary people can hardly accept your attack without dying?"


Li Nali finally reacted at this time. Uninformed Mrs. Red and Liu Tao saw the effect of her kick, and at most thought Li Nali's foot strength was outstanding, but Li Nali knew that her black boots were enough to kick steel.

The funeral house that had been hit in the front just looked gray and ugly, and no head scars could be seen.

"If the opponent is really an ordinary person, I will stop you when you shoot. You think, why does the marshal have the duty to bring the new exorcist to fight? It is one to teach the new exorcist how to fight better. On the other hand, before the newcomer exorcist can perfectly control his power, it is one of the purposes of the marshal to let the newcomer exorcist follow him.

"This gentleman is really, just telling Xiaosheng's secret~"

Although he was called to break the fact that he was not human, the funeral house did not have a panic look at all. Anyway, his ban only prevented him from using force at will, and did not prohibit him from divulging information.

So, under the shock of other people's eyes, the funerary house whose identity was debunked warmly entertained the people to sit down, while he went to make tea for everyone in the house.

When the funeral room entered the back room, Mrs. Red came to Li Nali in a few steps and looked at Li Nali with a very curious look.

"Such a child can do such a thing... Is this the exorcist of the Black Order?"

The fact that the burial house is non-human has been accepted by everyone present. After all, the funeral home was a bit weird, and each of them was connected with the darkness, so they could quickly accept it. On the contrary, the power shown by Li Nali, an eleven-year-old girl, really made them Shock.

Li Nali, who is still a child, can issue such an attack. What about Shiraitsu? What about the other exorcists hiding in the shadows?

The heritage of the church, which was once regarded by them as an imaginary enemy, is really daunting.

"Mrs. Red, you are so rude."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's reminder, Mrs. Red, who understood that she was acting too much, took a few steps back a little later, but the heat contained in her gaze at Li Nali did not fade at all.

Li Nali, who was a little embarrassed by the eyes of Mrs. Red, justified herself: "I can do this because of holiness!"

"Holy? What is that?"

"Well, holiness was created by the gods, used by the exorcist, and used specifically to deal with demonic weapons."


Shire can't ignore the word demon. Who made his deacon a real demon?

According to the only words revealed by Li Nali, the black sect that the exorcist belongs to is a special group of demons, so if you let them know that Sebastian is a demon...

Thinking of this, Shire burst into cold sweat, and he had no plans to confront the whole church.

"Relax, my master."

Behind Shire, Sebastian whispered: "The demons dealt with by the Black Order are not contractors like me, but the weapons that devour human souls without restraint."

Speaking of this, Sebastian's voice is also a little unpleasant. These real demonic races have degraded their performances in recent hundreds of years, partly because the demons led by the thousand-year-old counts have blackened the term demon.

At the same time, the voice of Li Nali's explanation came: "Well, the demon, the killing weapon made by the earl of the millennium with human souls. Our black sect is built to fight the demon."

"Oh, what fun things are you talking about when Xiaosheng is away? Can you tell Xiaosheng~"

As everyone digested the information contained in Li Nali's words, the funeral house walked over with the brewed tea. After handing a cup of tea to everyone, the funeral house waved his sleeves to cover his face with one hand and grinned and asked just now topic of.

"Of course we can tell you, but what kind of remuneration are you prepared for?"

Before Li Nali kindly answered, Shire said such a trading word.

Shire, who is often associated with the funeral home, has long been disgusted with the abominable rules when the funeral home sells information. Nowadays, there is a chance that the funeral home can be slaughtered. Shire will not let go.

"Well, Xiaosheng also knows the purpose of your coming here. It should be worth the exchange of information for the interesting things that can make Xiaosheng happy. Then, before that, let Xiaosheng tell you about the information about Jack the Ripper. "

Sitting on a coffin that can be seen everywhere in the house, the funeral house holds a human model in his hand, and said: "A long time ago, there have been such incomplete guests."


"Yes, it's just not complete. Always clean up the guests before they enter the coffin? Xiaosheng's interest is to do a little check on the body at that time."

Hearing the words from the funeral home, everyone was froze for a moment, and then silently set aside the beaker with tea in his hand.

Hearing this, how did they use this suspected work implement to drink tea?

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Liu Tao spoke out his guess: "All corpses are missing a part of internal organs? So that is to say, are the prisoners engaged in organ trafficking?"

"That's not the case."

The funeral home denies Liu Tao's guess.

"Those are organs of women, not women, and of course they are Zi Gong. Of course, these [guests] have suddenly increased recently, and it has become more and more troublesome to help them with makeup. The nanny is also very busy."

"Although there are not many pedestrians on the road, it is on the street after all, and it is still late at night. If you want to cut off that part exactly, it should be difficult for ordinary people to do?"

Based on the available information, Sebastian decisively recognized the doubts.

"You're so sharp, deacon brother. Xiaosheng thinks so. From his superb skills and starting without hesitation, most of the other people are dark people."

Moved a few steps to Shire's side, the finger of the funeral house gently touched Shire's neck.

"I know the count will come because of this. Since the prisoner may be a dark person, then you must be summoned, Count Fandomheim. Can you stop the crazy guy?"

Faced with a voice of interrogation at the end of the funeral home, Shire replied without hesitation: "I will bet on the reputation of the family in the garden of the Queen's Garden, and I will eliminate it without exception, no matter what means!"

After finishing, Shire walked to the door handsomely. After Sebastian pushed the door open, he turned back gently, leaving a farewell saying: "I'm disturbing you, burial house."

I just said a very handsome statement, and now I am going away. This kind of style is the protagonist no matter how I look at it. However, he was blocked by the funeral house before Shire came out of the door.

The funeral house whose identity has been exposed does not mean to conceal his power, but just instantly moves from the innermost room to Shire.

"Count Van Dom Hayway~ What are you doing in such a hurry~ You haven't told Xiaosheng, what was that interesting thing before?"

Looking at the funeral room with an excited expression, Shire felt a big head, so he had to retell the previous conversation to the funeral room, while the others were discussing the murderer who made this case.

"The murderer is [a person who is proficient in medicine and anatomy], among them, [a person who has no proof of absence on the eve of the incident], and then from the view of taking off internal organs, it may be [a person related to a secret organization or black magic]. Despite these three pieces of information, no matter how you look at it, the scope is still very large."

"No, it has been greatly reduced."

Shire, who had explained the funeral house, spoke his own judgment to the doubtful Mrs. Red.

"Wait, what's this narrowing?"

"Yeah, why is this narrowing down?"

Just when Mrs. Red intends to give an example to show that it is difficult to continue to pursue with these three conditions, Li Nali, who heard a few words next to Bai Jingyue, spoke.

"This case... is not necessarily done by humans?"

In a word, people who awaken dreams.

Shire suddenly looked at his deacon and found that Sebastian had no surprises with Li Nali's statement. Obviously, he knew this possibility long ago, but Sebastian did not explain to him.

Shire did not blame Sebastian, because he knew very well that Sebastian is like this. The reason why Sebastian didn't tell him this possibility is only because he, the master, didn't ask.

Yes, Sebastian is only his pawn. As a king, he does not order. How could Sebastian as a **** act without authorization? Everyone already knows that there is a creature such as a demon in this world, so obviously all kinds of strange creatures in the legend should also live in this world, but it is only rarely known. He didn't notice this possibility, it was his mistake.

"Damn, if you look at it this way, the scope is too large. How many non-human beings can do this kind of thing? London? Sebastian!?"

"Unfortunately, my master, I can't count this amount. You also know that there is an organization that I cannot go to."

Shir was taken aback for a moment, then reacted. Sebastian is talking about the Red Devil Hall and the aristocratic alliances that are involved with the Red Devil Hall.

Shir frowned slightly, thinking of what Shirai had said in the Red Devil Hall before. After a short period of thought, Shire chose to believe Shirai's words at the time.

"Xiaer, how about excluding the forces associated with the Red Devils House?"

"There will not be much left. I know, there are probably only twenty-seven."

"So much!?"

This number made everyone stunned. Sebastian didn't mean all the aliens, but the aliens that can do this kind of things after excluding the relevant forces of the Red Devils House.

There are as many as 27 such aliens, so how many aliens are there in London! ?

"Fortunately, although the number is quite large, it is within the acceptable range. Sebastian, investigating these aliens. Also, we cannot rule out the possibility of human beings committing crimes. From this aspect, we should investigate human beings. You must continue."

"There is another possibility, Earl~"

Immediately after listening to Shire's words, he immersed himself in the burial room of his own world. He looked at Shire with a peculiar gaze and said, "This case also has the possibility of combining human beings with aliens, isn't it?"

Hearing the words from the funeral house, Shire hadn't responded yet, and the lady in the field and her housekeeper, Greer, had a cold sweat. That's right. The mastermind of this serial murder case is the Red Lady who is sitting with everyone at the moment, as well as the one who followed her, disguised as a housekeeper, the **** of death Greer.

The reasons for these incidents are not mentioned for the time being, but the murderer is undoubtedly theirs. What is even more shocking is that, as the **** of death, Greer is actually the assistant of Mrs. Red, and it is Mrs. Red who is actually carrying out these actions!

"There is indeed such a possibility... However, for the time being, we should first find humans and aliens separately. Clear these two possibilities first."

Shire's words made Mrs. Red and Greer secretly relieved, and then they looked at each other as if they had made a decision. Bai Jingyue, who saw the tail from the side, glanced at the funeral room.

He was able to see that, regardless of the unprecedented exchange of information or the reminder at this moment, the funeral house was intentional. He is trying his best to meet the needs of Shiraizuki and his party.

However, this made Shiraitsu very dissatisfied.

A sentence by Li Nali reminded that there was still a chance to come back. Now the sentence of the funeral house has completely changed the trajectory of this investigation.

What should have been seen, the interaction between the legendary women's Shire and Sebastian is very likely to disappear.

Although Bai Jingyue is very disgusted with women's clothing, this does not prevent Bai Jingyue from seeing others wear women's clothing. What did you say about that?

Results now...

Thinking of this, Bai Jingyue is like a white funeral house again.

The funeral house standing at the door felt Bai Jingyue's dissatisfied eyes, it was a face full of frustration, didn't he try his best to guide Shire to solve the case? Is he doing something wrong again?

The burial house may never understand, he did nothing wrong, wrong, just this world that changes too fast.

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