The Forbidden World

Chapter 1624: Time-controlling girl


The girl's gasps mixed with chaotic footsteps echoed on the silent street.

In the hazy moonlight, the girl running around her body with a brown cloak is running. Somewhat surprisingly, the girl's movement is very peculiar. It seems that the space movement generally spans several tens of meters and appears in another. The location, the slightly petite figure looming in the darkness, a faint strand of silvery white hair flying in the air.

If the person chasing the girl is an ordinary person, the girl should be safe at the moment, but unfortunately, the girl chasing is definitely not an ordinary person.

In order to get rid of that existence, every time the girl moves, she will use magic to make several knives that reflect the moonlight and shoot them towards the back. However, it was useless. After the small daggers that seemed to be special for the circus were shot into the darkness, they were swallowed silently as if they encountered something terrible, and no sound of collision was emitted.

Strong enemy, this is a strong enemy that the girl tried her best and could not get rid of in a miraculous way!

The girl had probably guessed why she was being chased. After all, the only thing she did that caused the chase was the woman who was killed by her a few days ago, but she did not understand why a woman The daughter will lead such a powerful existence! She used the secret treasure, but still couldn't get rid of the other party. It's as if this power is completely ineffective! What exactly is going on?

It is a pity that no one has puzzled the girl, the girl can only continue to run forward as far as she can, and then she stopped at a crossroads.

Not far away in front of the girl, a red-haired man stood there casually, looking like a prodigal son who went to an indecent place to do something at night. But the girl knows that this appearance is just a man's appearance, disguised. This man who looks like a poor mercenary is actually a powerful demon hunter!

His body can contend with aliens, his weapons can kill the aliens, and in his hands is the black flame that makes her feel afraid of the soul!

The girl didn’t justify herself. As a witch, she was chased by the demon hunter after killing. This is useless no matter how you defend it. Even if she kills the female branch purely for self-preservation, but who would believe a Witch will be forced to a dead end by a female branch? No one believed that even she herself, before being drugged by that woman, could not believe that such a thing would happen.

She really did not expect that the woman who had adopted herself when she was down, and had been treated as her family by her, actually gave her medicine and wanted to use her body in exchange for money. If it was not the secret treasure she had obtained many years ago that changed her destiny, she might be so easily defiled and destroyed in the hands of an ordinary person.

In order to avoid the suspicion, the girl disguised the woman's body as the victim of the serial murder case that occurred some time ago. What the girl did not expect was that someone could trace her residence from the trace of power left on the body!

Incredibly, this man who found her was actually immune to the power of that secret treasure! No, I can't say immunity, but it has no effect. No matter how many times she uses the treasure, the man will catch up after a moment. Faced with this unexpected situation, the girl can only run away.

Originally studying the creation of object-like magic, after she got the treasure, she changed her research direction. All her spirit was put on the study of the treasure. Her own strength is terrible. If it is not the treasure, She had long since been killed by her peers she met occasionally. Faced with enemies whose secret treasures cannot be fully effective, the girl has to escape.

But looking at this form, it seems that running away has become a luxury hope.

Then, there is only battle.

Thinking of this, the girl reached into her arms with one hand and touched the secret treasure, and in her other hand appeared several short daggers.

"Okay, come here."

Just as the girl was about to fight hard, the man spoke.

"Jackas’s ability to use time is not so rough, and he doesn’t bother to pretend to be a woman, so to say, you are just a witch who has the luck and power of Jackas. Tell me, witch, guy from Jackas where is it."


The girl was a little unclear. Therefore, the demon hunter spoke very accurately of her power situation, which shows that the man's mouth Jacques does exist, but the secret treasure in her arms that can be suspended from time was the Picked up from a sewer, she didn't know anything about what the man said about Jercas.

Looking at the girl's confused face, Lester felt something was wrong. The girl obviously used the power from Jacas, but why did the girl know nothing about Jacas?

"You can pause the time. During the pause time, you can only move the object without causing a destructive effect on the object. Coupled with this power fluctuation, there is no doubt that this belongs to the power of Jekas. Witch, I am not interested in you. , Tell me where did you get this power?"

The girl’s double pupils widened violently. She didn’t know the grievances between Rest and Jekas. She only knew that the man wanted to know how she got this power, that is, she wanted to know. Secret treasure information.

For a girl who is alone now and has nothing to do except to study the secret treasure, the secret treasure is her obsession to live, and the people who try to seize the secret treasure are all her dead enemies! As for the dead enemy, she has nothing to talk about. Between her and the dead enemy, only one person can survive!

The girl who misunderstood Rest used the secret treasure resolutely, in an instant, time stopped!

The surrounding scenes were completely frozen, and only the girl could act in the cracks of this time. If she could, the girl really wanted to rush up to kill the man who wanted to take the treasure, but she couldn't.

As Restor just said, the girl can only move objects in the cracks of this time, and cannot cause destructive effects on the objects.

What the girl can do at this moment is to throw the dagger in her hand in the direction of the man. After time resumes, rely on a large number of daggers to damage the enemy. She also knows a little bit about the attack magic, but the magic and short daggers have the same effect. At the moment when the time is stopped, they can’t cause damage to the man, and the magical lethality is not as good as these as long as the magic is enough You can make short daggers indefinitely.

In order to kill the man, the girl made the short dagger as fast as she could, and flew towards the front. In an instant, between the girl and Rest, a large number of short daggers appeared, densely covering the eyes. !

However, so many daggers have no effect, just like the short daggers thrown by the girl before they escaped. These daggers seemed to hit the sun when they approached the man, and they instantly melted.

Seeing the daggers melting in front of him, Rest sighed: "Don't you want to say? Then I had to stun you first."

Immediately, the black flames spread out violently, and then wrapped up the rest!

Just a blink of an eye, the quiet black flames condensed and formed on the surface of Rest, as if it were a real armor, completely covering Rest's body. The edge of the armor flashed a flash of flame tongue from time to time, licking the void.

It seems that the ancient knight-like Rest that crawled back from **** let the girl unconsciously start the treasure again, but this time, the treasure is invalid.

It is not just the girl who entered the crack of time, but Rest, who was wrapped in black flames, also walked into the crack!

"How can it be!?"

"Time is indeed a very powerful rule, but the same consumption is also very large. Once it is consumed to a certain extent, the strength of the time barrier will be reduced, and then it will be broken by some lower-level, but more powerful rules. If it is Jacas If I come, maybe I need to fight hard. If you don’t even meet the threshold of the rule, the witch, don’t struggle."

Just like the once Jayce faced the stronger moon night, Lester appeared in the time gap created by the girl.

The feeling of powerlessness filled the girl's heart instantly, and she looked at Rest in such a motionless manner until the power of the treasure reached its limit, and the river flowed again for a long time.

"Did you give up? Then let's be honest, as long as you tell the source of this power, I will not embarrass you again."

The black flames gradually dissolved, and finally, in a black dress, Rest came to the girl less than five meters away. This is a very delicate distance, enough for girls to use their abilities, but unable to take the opportunity to escape.

The length of time to stop is limited, in a limited time, the girl can not escape the chase of Rest.

The girl didn't answer, but kept silent, as if she was thinking about something, which made Rest a little impatient. He has been tracing Jacas for more than a thousand years. This is an unimaginable length of time. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a clue. He can be said to have tried his best to keep his emotions out of control. There is a delay here.

In an upset mood, Rest couldn't help but make an ultimatum to the girl: "Witch, my temper is limited. If you don't say anything, I will only stun you first, and then I will find a way to do it myself. "

Lester's words seemed to be a switch, and the girl suddenly woke up. The girl suddenly looked up and looked at Lester with a clear blue pupil, and reached out to take out the secret treasure in her arms.

It was a pocket watch, just like a pocket watch carried by ordinary nobles, it looked very ordinary silver-white pocket watch.

But no, Restor clearly felt the power fluctuations that belonged to Jacas from the pocket watch!

"How can it be!?"

Objects with the power of rules are not impossible to appear. As long as the existence of the rule level integrates its own rules into an object, it is easy to create an object containing rules, but an object containing rules, and the rules of use that can be used The objects are different, the former is called the rule-level material, and the latter is called the artifact!

In theory, as long as you have the power of rules, you can make artifacts, but the difficulty between making artifacts and making items is extremely different!

As a rule-level monster that controls time, Jacas can easily make materials with a time nature, but making artifacts is simply impossible! To make an artifact, the most basic requirement is to have a very deep research on the relevant rule level, and you can use this rule freely. If Jacas has this ability, will he still be chased and run?

Therefore, this pocket watch should be something impossible!

And when Rest was shocked, the girl turned the pointer on the pocket watch.

Turning forward, this is time acceleration. The girl added a time acceleration flow to herself. In the next period of time, her speed will be far away from ordinary people. Then, the girl used this speed to point the pointer again. Rest, before Rest had responded, moved the pointer back.

This is not a backward flow of time, but another ability of this secret treasure, time slows down.

Time is accelerating and time is decelerating, this is the girl's last and the strongest trump card! Although these two abilities are not as powerful as time still, they can be used precisely for single people, and the duration is also very impressive. It can be said that the combination of these two abilities is more effective than time still in single-to-single. Be strong!

Lester said earlier that her use of time is very rough, and this is also a way to do it. After all, there is no manual on this secret treasure. She can only affect the time by simply moving the pointer. The reason why she didn’t use this ability before was because she didn’t want to expose this treasure to Now, if you don’t use these two abilities, let alone keep it secret, you can’t escape. In desperation, she had to use these two abilities with the few remaining powers in the treasure.

The girl believes that after using these two abilities, she can quickly open the distance by virtue of the time difference between them, and then successfully escape.

However, the girl made a mistake.

She used silence to make Rest think that she had given up, and then revoked her ability because of relaxation, which was a good strategy. But this strategy uses the wrong people.

As a demon hunter who has been working for thousands of years, how could Restor relax his vigilance? He never felt a slack. There is indeed no armor made of black flames on Rest, but the flames have not disappeared, but become a thin light curtain, covering the dark coat of Rest.

Originally, the ability released by the remaining treasures of little power was destroyed by the subconscious counterattack of Lester after hitting Lester's body defense.

Unlike time static, when a girl releases time to accelerate and time to decelerate, in addition to turning the pointer, it also needs spiritual guidance. Once this spiritual guidance technique is destroyed, the result is a backlash against the releaser!

The girl who had just ran to the crossroads and was about to turn around to escape just felt a sense of dizziness, as if her head had been hit by a sledgehammer, and then collapsed to the ground after swaying for half a circle.

Consciousness gradually blurred, the girl looked at the distance, that is the direction of freedom, but at the moment, she has no chance of freedom.

At the moment when her consciousness disappeared, she seemed to see a somewhat short figure at the end of the road, but who would hang around outside in this late night?

Probably, just an illusion.

The girl who was thinking this way was unwilling and finally passed out.

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