The Forbidden World

Chapter 1640: The tank is here

"Your Excellency! Please also understand our difficulties. Without orders, we as soldiers must protect the secrets here!"

Hilde certainly wouldn’t let Bai Jingyue pass them just because of Bai Jingyue, but she didn’t dare to be too tough, so she could only use this reason to delay the time, but Bai Jingyue was unmoved.

"Our church is fighting for humanity. If you reject us, can I think that your country has chosen to stand on the opposite side of humanity, declare war on the church, and the entire world?"

Bai Jingyue choked on Hilde's speechless words. This kind of big hat was too big. She couldn't bear the pot.

"Your Excellency! We do not mean to be an enemy to the church!"

"Then let it go."

Bai Jingyue's voice was very flat, but the constantly split feathers told everyone present that Bai Jingyue's patience was about to reach its limit.

Suddenly, Shiraitsu smiled.

"You are delaying time, right."

Faced with Bai Jingyue's question, Hilde looked innocent: "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, don't pretend."

Shaking hands, Bai Jingyue still smiled, and then looked in the direction of the forest.

"If you really want me to leave, you won't be blocked by our retreat. You still chose to kill us here. The reason why you don't do it is because you don't have the certainty that you must kill, and now, you The reinforcements are here. So, Major Hilde, please show me, let me see that you are confident that you will show the cards that I have shown such power!"

"Should I say self-confidence or arrogance?"

After Bai Jingyue finished speaking, Hilde could not help applauding.

"Actually knowing what we intend to do, just watching us act? Ignorant guy, try the most powerful weapon in the world! Fire!"

In the sound of Hilde's command, a huge roar sounded in the forest, and then an object flew through the woods and flew in the direction of Baijingyue without the reaction of everyone!

In an instant, the flames of the explosion completely covered Shirai and the two girls standing around him. Only Shire and his party, who had made preparations when they were in a bad situation, were harmless because they had moved away from Shirai in advance.

"Then what is that stuff!"

Seeing the steel monster escaping from the forest, Shire screamed in surprise, and this exclaimation was proudly introduced by Hilde.

"This is our carefully developed land armored ship, tank! We can die under its artillery fire, your death is also meaningful."

"A tank is the prototype of a tank? No, no, the timeline and scientific development of this world are a bit weird. If it's not a tank, it's a tank."

The voice that made Hilde and Shire froze at the same time came out of the smoke, and Bai Jingyue, who they thought was dead, made no sound of weakness, as if unscathed!

"How can it be!"

"What are you doing so surprised?"

After flapping its wings and dispersing all the smoke and dust, Bai Jingyue appeared in front of everyone cleanly and neatly.

"It's just artillery shells, don't you think I can hold the bullets, but not the shells? Then you are too naive."

While speaking, Shiraoi looked at Hilde with some sympathy.

"Go on fire! Everyone is! Attack with all your strength!"

Fearing Hilde looked at Bai Jingyue's playful face and shouted hysterically. She couldn't bear the new equipment that they had hoped for. In front of this man, she was as weak as a baby. She had to use countless Ammunition and artillery fire completely wiped out the entire existence of Shiraitsu, in order to calm down your heart.

Hearing Hilde's order, the equally fearful people raised their guns and aimed at Shirai and the people around him. Shire, who was also listed as an attack target, changed greatly. He doesn't have to worry about himself. With the protection of Sebastian, there will be no problem with the safety of his life, but the many servants he brings will not work! Although the people around him are all good hands, they are only humans after all. When the open area is surrounded by the open area, it can be said that it is mortal.

Just when Shire wanted to order Sebastian to shoot early, a blue curtain appeared between Hilde's troops and them. This sudden anomaly slowed Shire's order for a moment, and it was this moment that caused the bullet to sweep over like a storm!

However, something surprising happened.

The countless bullets that could kill people, after hitting the blue curtain, the speed dropped sharply, and then stopped like that on the curtain, and finally fell to the ground.

Even the shells fired by the tank only distorted the curtain a bit, and ultimately did not break through the curtain's defense.

"This is water!?"

Shire gently touched the blue curtain around him. The familiar touch made Shire instantly think of water, and this discovery made Shire a little incomprehensible.

Shooting bullets into the water will definitely reduce the power, but it needs a certain thickness of water to be able to offset the impact of the bullets by buffering. And the water curtain in front of you has no width even one finger. In such a case, how do you block bullets or even shells? ?

"There is a strange power in it."

Sebastian, who also touched the water curtain with his hand, handed his hand to Shire's showed Shire to the burn marks on his hand.

"This is my holiness, the power of the ring of cloud water."

Elt Luke smiled and slowly expanded the scope of the water curtain. Soon, the edge of the water curtain approached the soldiers with guns. This made the soldiers give up in horror and continued to shoot, choosing to retreat.

They did not have the courage to touch this unknown curtain.

Seeing the collapse of the front, Hilde angrily beheaded several deserters, and reluctantly formed a new line of defense not far from the water curtain. She gritted her teeth and looked at the water curtain that was expanding toward the Green Pavilion, thinking. The way to break the game.

And while she was thinking about ways, Shiraitsu shot.

Several feathers suspended in the air made a few arcs in the forest, and instantly fell into the steel-cast chariot. Then, the chariot that has been attacking from the beginning has been misfired, no matter how Hilde There was no response to the shouts, nor a slight response.

Soon, under Hilde's watch, the water curtain came into contact with the tank, and then something unintelligible happened. The steel skin of the tank was actually melted by the layer of blue water curtain, exposing The dead body inside has been cooled.

This scene shocked Shire, who had touched the water curtain with his hand before, and calmed down after repeatedly confirming that his hand was still there.

After the water curtain completely dissolved the chariot and the corpses inside, Shirai looked at Hilde.

"Is this your hole card? That's too disappointing. I thought it was the most powerful weapon. Who is arrogant?"

In the face of Bai Jingyue's ridicule, Hilde couldn't bear it anymore. In fact, she couldn't stop. Under the persecution of Bai Jingyue, she could only use the last and most powerful card!

"Notify the underground factory! Implement the final plan!"

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