“I don’t remember anything.” 

After rectifying the situation, the interrogation began immediately. However, the testimony of Choi Seon-ah, the daughter of a lawmaker who came to her senses, was consistent. Minjun asked the question again with an unfathomable expression. “What is the last scene that comes to mind?” 

“Being at home every day, it’s all the same. So I can’t really just stop and say…” She had been missing a few days before she appeared before Kwak Do-chul again, she said, and she didn’t even remember the fact that she had disappeared. 

“Kwak Do-chul testified that before Choi Seon-ah went missing, she threatened to kill him over the phone.” 

“No way! It’s something I don’t know.” She shook her head with jittery eyes.

“By the way… Was that person really dead?” An unbelievable expression soon appeared. “Please, it can’t be. How can I…!” 

Then, things started to heat up. Burying his face, she began to creak and weep. Minjun’s head hurt. 

‘Anyway, it’s so convenient, isn’t it?’ She couldn’t even remember how she got the sword, the weapon. Minjun couldn’t help but doubt it. On the other hand, why was so much of Choi Sun-ah’s memory erased? Perhaps there was a special occasion… 

‘It means you’re lying.’ Minjun didn’t deliberately ask, ‘Do you remember going to the Orc community to buy cigarettes?’ This was because he didn’t want to reveal how much he knew. 

After crying for such a long time, Choi Seon-ah appealed to her father, saying that her breathing had become difficult. Then the senator said. “Excuse me, could you please give me a moment? Seon-ah is having a hard time.”

The senator pat his daughter. Meanwhile, Minjun and Jeongpal, who were far away, began to whisper. “How do you look?” 

“It doesn’t look like a lie, does it?” 

No matter how hard one tried to hide it, there were always gestures that were revealed when one would lie. There were such actions such as opening your mouth slightly, straining your eyes, or constricting your pupils for a brief moment. However, no such thing was found in Choi Seon-ah. not one. That made her so suspicious, simply because it was an exemplary response to claim that it wasn’t a lie. 

“It’s just too perfect.” Minjun patted his chin with a questionable expression, then nodded like crazy as he thought about something. He then whispered to Jeongpal, “Look here for a second. I’ll go to the car for a while.” 

At this, Jeongpal parked the car in the underground parking lot. “Do you have anything to bring? I’ll go.” 

“No, I have to go and get it myself.”

“What do you need?”

“The frying pan.” 

At this, Jeongpal groaned slightly. “Oh, he was there!” Minjun was thinking of looking into the inner side of Choi Seon-ah. He couldn’t send Jeongpal instead as he had taken measures to prevent anyone else from touching it. 


After Minjun left, Choi Pan-seok finally picked up the phone and called the medical staff. “Please take a look.” 

After a while, the doctor came in. Unlike several medical staff who came together a while ago, this time there was only one person in charge. He seemed to have decided it was not an emergency. The doctor began to check the pupil by shining a light on it. Then he began to ask questions as he checked the monitor, before writing something on the chart he was holding. Seeing this, Jeongpal was puzzled. ‘Is the full-time doctor doing the charting here? What an unusual hospital.’ 

When the doctor began to ask about his daughter’s condition, it was found that it was a psychological problem, and the recommendation was to get some rest.

It was an answer anyone could give. And anyway… “Why did she come in alone?” 

At this, he felt uncomfortable. In this situation, especially in the VIP room, it was quite rare for a doctor to enter alone. What was more, he kept looking at the machine. It was almost as if he was waiting for something. 

‘And, was that a machine that looked into it for such a long time?’ 

Due to the nature of the job, Jeongpal, who had been hospitalized for several months at a police hospital, realized that the current situation was not normal. That was then… Crazy! 

“What, what?!” Choi Pan-seok was perplexed. A blue spark began to erupt. 

“··········!” Jeongpal knew this phenomenon. This happened when an artifact loses resistance and breaks down. If you were an upper-class person who was as high in the chain as Choi Pan-seok, you would inevitably be equipped with accessories in the form of ornaments all over your body. It was basic personal protection to prevent assassination or terrorism. However now, it had gotten broken. 


As soon as Jeongpal woke up, the expression on the doctor’s face disappeared. Pot! White smoke erupted from his collar and spread throughout the room in an instant. 

“No···!” The moment he touched the smoke, Choi Pan-seok felt his whole body paralyzed. At this, the member of the Parliament was forced to kneel. The detox artifact mounted on the clothes stopped working, so the poison was helpless. The man in a doctor’s gown looked at them with cold eyes. 

Choi Pan-seok’s eyes were now half-closed and he couldn’t move properly. His forearm wasn’t much different, so he was lying on the sofa, unable to move. 

“Wow!” Choi Pan-seok was wriggling desperately. He stared at his opponent with intense emotion in his eyes. He didn’t care about the man who was under the silent curse with his whole body. 

Only then did he get to work. The two Orcs barely managed to catch consciousness, but Choi Seon-ah, a human, was completely stunned. The man removed the wire connected to her body. And from there, he memorized the spell. He concentrated his mind and began to condense mana. 

Then, a golden magic circle appeared in the air. It was teleport. When the magic circle was completed like this, it seemed that they were planning to take Choi Seon-ah out. The magic circle was gradually being completed. There came that moment with just a few seconds left until you reached your goal. 

“Aww!” With lightning speed, Jeongpal rushed towards him! 

“··········!” The man who had been busy concentrating on the complex magic circle was startled. The detective then rushed forward with all his might. 

“Aww!” There came the roaring battle cry. 

Jeongpal then smashed the man’s torso. thud! 

“Ugh!” At this, the wizard vomited blood. The order that was just before completion was shattered. The magical energy he had gathered was shattered from his body and stabbed him all over his body like shards of glass. The wizard almost lost his mind, but he managed to hold on to it.

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When he entered the hospital room a while ago, he took measures to neutralize all artifacts around him. The hobu (護符) of the legislator was a precious item sold only to VVIPs by the Witch Cooperative, but they had been thoroughly prepared to make even such expensive magic tools useless. Although it took some time, it was clearly confirmed that it had been broken. 

By the way, why didn’t it work for that Orc cop? 

‘What the hell are you wearing on your body!’ 

The wizard couldn’t understand the English language, and it was no different than a regular arm. The gas in the room spread and the lawmaker sobbed as soon as Jeongpal realized that he was fine for some reason. It was all bizarre. 

However, he didn’t just rush to the wizard. This was because the opponent looked at the state of the two Orcs the moment they burst the gas. It was obvious what the spellcasters thought and acted. 

If he attacked at that time when he was very nervous, another attack spell he was preparing for would have flown. And so, Jeongpal waited for a better timing. In addition to this, while delaying time by pretending to be paralyzed, the wizard blew himself off while preparing to teleport. 

“Ugh! This bastard…!” 

At this, the wizard and the Orc got tangled together and began to roll on the floor. Jeongpal expected that once the fight started, he would be able to subdue it quickly. It was quite natural for humans to be unable to withstand the strength of Orcs, but in this case, it wasn’t! 

‘He’s been professionally trained!’

He was no ordinary wizard, that much was obvious. Back and forth, the offensive continued. Meanwhile…



A shock wave then exploded between the Orc and the wizard as if he had memorized a spell during the melee. The detective then screamed and then bounced off. Then, he rolled over on the floor and moaned. 

Seeing this, the wizard’s face distorted. 

‘I flew to it to kill it!’ 

It was a spell that was memorized in a hurry, so the power was not great, but it wasn’t enough to kill an ordinary Orc. Nevertheless, he seemed to have survived. However, the wizard could no longer hang here. There must have been an excessively loud noise already, and his magic had been tangled and messed up in the process. 

Complex spells such as teleportation could not be played again. 


At this, the wizard threw off his doctor’s robe. His strong body had been exposed. He carried the legislator’s daughter around. 

He then memorized the spell again. Clink!

The window in the VIP room was broken. Holding Choi Seon-ah, the man flew outside. 


As Minjun admitted, Yuntus was an excellent priest whose worth was hard to compare on Earth. As evidenced by his unrivaled abilities, he didn’t even require bizarre preparations and messy rituals like Jochaim did to restore the best child. From there, he sat on the roof and waited for Minjun’s next instruction. 

Although he had performed the miracle of raising a man who should have died, he did not burn out or collapse. Clink! 


A strange noise then suddenly erupted in his ears. There then came the sound of windows breaking. 

‘What’s going on?’ 

He then looked down. Then, he saw a human flying out of the hospital building. However, the woman he carried seemed familiar to her.

‘That woman!’ 

It was the patient Hwashin had ordered to bring to life. He didn’t know the English language, but it was clear that this was a very important woman’s meal because Hwashin had ordered it to be that way. 

‘It’s impossible to just let it go!’ 

As a result of a quick judgment, Yuntus blew his divine power. 

Whoa! Power then emanated from the alien’s hand. Even for just a moment, it had been completely hidden from the holy brilliance. The wave then hit the man who was running away. The operation to suture a torn organ could take a whole day, but one second was enough to tear an organ. 

There were similarities in the way the divine power was applied. A force containing a ferocious then immediately struck the wizard. It accelerated cell division, and the result was… 


The wizard felt a huge mass of tumors sprouting from his body. The weight balance keeping him in place had been broken in an instant. The bloated flesh from his whole body dragged him down heavily. At the same time, a tremendous amount of pain came over him. 

Trained to withstand torture, he seemed to struggle. However, it was all he could do to not lose consciousness. Eventually, the order was broken. The man turned to the ground.

Thud! Thanks to the tumor being dropped down, a bizarre scene was created on the surface of the crashed surface. It looked like a balloon filled with blood had then been dropped and popped. 


Realizing the failure of his mission, the wizard decided to die without hesitation. Because of the pain, he couldn’t even memorize the self-destruct magic. 

He was just about to bite the hidden poison when… 


He felt a whip then wrap around his exhausted body. It wriggled like a living creature and bound its whole body. At the same time, the wizard was unable to move one fingertip. 


In the world tilted to the angle of the fall, a shadow filled the front was seen. It was huge. The darkness then began to seep in waves as if it had a will. It stretched like a vine and wrapped around Choi Seon-ah. He must have snatched it right before he fell. 

A man was then seen approaching with his back to such a shadow. “····?!”

It was a man with a dagger in one hand and a frying pan in the other. Even in his frustration and pain, the wizard could not understand. 

‘Frying pan…?’ Such was a combination that was quite difficult to find meaning and purpose. 

However, as soon as the opponent got close enough for his form to be visible, the wizard couldn’t think of anything else. Anger simmered in the man’s eyes. The moment he saw it, he felt fear for a very long time. 

This was because he had instinctively realized what it was. It was the face of a man who had killed countless people. Also, it was a gaze that had finished preparing to express the anger that had risen to the end of his head in a cruel and sharp way. A wizard who had been trained for assassination and kidnapping all his life, he could not have imagined that he would feel such a terrible fear of a human with a frying pan. 

The man then spoke, almost sounding like a reaper of the darkness. “…You don’t even know what you’re getting into, so who are you to dare to breach upon this?” 

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