‘I’ll take a good look at it after a while.’ 

To compare that feeling, it was close to the heart of a farmer who was proud of looking at the cows in the barn. When Minjun readily agreed, Jenkinson spoke as if he was surprised. “Thank you. I also thought that it would be unreasonable to invite you, who are not dragons, to a gathering of too many dragons.” 

Minjun shook his head and shuddered. “You say that there is no other person in the world who likes dragons like me?” 



Blair and Jenkinson ran out of time to respond for different reasons. Blair thought, ‘I’ve never seen him tease, did you have a similar taste to me?’ 

On the other hand, Jenkinson kept his mouth shut because he remembered Minjun’s past before coming to Earth. His friend was a prisoner who, to the best of Jenkinson’s knowledge, had a history of killing the most dragons of any extraterrestrial race. Most of them were criminals who had conflicts with the committee and were not protected by the Dragonic Code. 

To say that Minjun liked dragons was no different from the old dragons who boasted that they loved China so much that they threw away dozens of pieces. “Where is the meeting held this time?” 

“Hong Kong.” 

It was once a British colony, but after a long civil war in China, it was now the capital of the Cantonese Federation (广东联邦, Cantonese Federation). However, the dragon seemed to have no intention of enjoying the advantages of modern civilization. “I think you should be able to teleport with me.” 

One minute and one second wouldn’t be an urgent situation, so why would one want to waste their mana? The dragon, who had guessed why, explained it. “We will be carrying passengers who are too sensitive to be transported by plane.” 

Hearing the next words, Minjun was convinced.“You mean that spider monster.” 

The Jenkinson Company’s internally called “Spider” was a test subject. It was referring to a monster that had not yet decided whether to call it a dragon spider or a spider dragon in Minjun’s head. 

‘Well, it’s one of the big agendas of this meeting, so it’d be weird to take him along,’ 

Blair added. “We plan to take the children born from the monster.” 

He was referring to the four children who had stolen the seeds of Edward Mitchum. They looked like a blond half-elf who copied their father, but they were hybrids with complex genetics. 

‘By the way, the genetic information of your race is mixed as a result, right? Dragons, Ober spiders, humans, and even elves… It may be the first time since the foundation of the world.’ 

“Then, I will tell you that Agent-sama will also be present at Rod’s secretary’s office. We will contact you when the departure date is confirmed.” 

“Then is today’s business over?” 

“No, there is one more thing. Minjun… I have something to ask you for help.” 

He then went on to explain that the Jenkinson Company’s own research on the monster had caused difficulties. It was very important for an ancient dragon to find out how hybrids between dragons and spiders could be born, and what kind of technology was involved. Needless to say, the creature was discovered in his own estate. However, as there was no progress, Red Dragon decided to go directly instead of entrusting it to the research team. It was decided to do a high-level magic experiment that only an old dragon could do in parallel. 

“While research was continuing, a strange phenomenon was discovered.” 

He could never interpret it. That was why he wanted Minjun to see it. In hindsight, Minjun lived in more diverse dimensions than Jenkinson, who was exiled for political reasons. Because of Blair, he didn’t even mention that fact. “Because an old dragon doesn’t know all the knowledge in the world.” 

Minjun replied that he would go without thinking. The dragon then waved his hand in the air, and the light swallowed the two and carried them to Jenkinson’s private lab. 


Somewhere in Seoul not far from Jenkinson’s Rare, four boys gathered in a room full of surveillance cameras. Judging by the public eye, they appeared to be about 17 years old. They looked so much alike that anyone would consider them to be identical twins. But in fact, they were much younger than that, and they were not even twins. Few know that boys were born just a few months ago, with a difference of a day or two.

Only the sound of the TV being turned on in the room and no one was watching resounded. The boys’ voices were not heard, so it looked bizarre. They sat facing each other and exchanged expressions from time to time to exchange glances, but none of them opened their mouths. 

However, the truth was, they were talking loudly and mentally at this moment. One of them shouted in his head. = Oh, little! Be quiet!= 

They clearly didn’t need to verbalize their words. This was a rate of development that an ordinary human or elf could not achieve in just a few months of life. However, for these four, it was natural. They were the children Jenkinson hid here. The offspring of a monster with dragon and spider genes. When the public became aware of such a presence, the dragon’s face was reduced, so they became hidden. Currently, very few people around the world knew their true identities. 

= Yes, I have something to show you. = 

The third, who managed to suppress the chatter of the other brothers, continued to speak with a spirit that only communicated between the brothers. =I learned something new from the spirits teacher today?= 

Children shared a part of their minds from birth. The way they communicated was different from the dragon’s inherent telepathy. This was because no magical power was consumed in the process of exchanging messages, and only the four brothers could touch it. Moreover, they shared emotions beyond verbalized concepts. It was an area that an ordinary dragon could not do, and would never even try to do. Jenkinson had judged it to be more of a soldier spider than a dragon. 

=You said that before!= 

=No, listen to me. Do you have any game consoles you saw when you went out last week? I begged the nursery teacher to buy it, and finally, Uncle Jenkinson gave me permission to do so! It will be delivered within today, so let’s play it together. = 

=Turn something else on TV. Anything other than the news.= 

= Oh, I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?= 

= Hey, hey, everyone, listen to me!= 

The third one sounded a stronger psychic wave than before, and the other brothers frowned all at once. = We can’t even see that spirit! It’s not funny.= 

=No, this time it’s going to be different.= 


At this, the third smiled with a confident expression. =This time I learned how to summon so others can see it!= 

=Really? Isn’t that a lie? = 

= Yes! Now, look.= 

The third shrugged, closed his eyes, and concentrated. At that moment, the other brothers felt that he had locked the inner door for a moment. He could no longer convey his voice to him, and conversely, there was no voice leaking out. Some time went by…

Whoa! Only the third with spirit affinity felt that something was approaching. A special ability that was rarely expressed by dragons. Fluid waves quietly rang through the air. 

Whew! An essence was formed that anyone could see even without this ability in the sky. 


 =Come on! Did you see that?!= Asked the triumphant third. However, the rest of the brothers did not come back. Everyone looked up at the top of the third person’s head with a blank expression on their face. Of the eight bridges created by the hazy light, only five were intact. The other three were sobbing like crushed earthworms. Although its back was covered with reptilian scales, its segmented legs showed the characteristics of arthropods. The head stuck in the center was overwhelming. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

 Rather than being naturally connected to the neck, it looked as if someone had hammered it and put it on the neck. A face that was crumpled and torn like paper. Flesh was scattered everywhere, and teeth and gums were exposed outside. The form that the spirits empathized with looked like a mixture of a spider and a dragon. However, it didn’t seem to mix well.

For an ordinary child, his appearance was enough to frighten him and run away. It was terribly bizarre. 


The faces of the other three brothers looking at it brightened. It was like a blooming flower in their eyes. 

= Mom! = 

= Mom! = 

= Wow, exactly the same! = 

The third boy shrugged and smiled. = How is it, is it the same?= 

= Awesome… Really the best!= = 

= Try moving it! Move it more!= 

However, contrary to the hopes of the other brothers, the spirit returned to the spirit realm quickly. It was because he had not been able to properly control the mana consumption. When the spirit was reverse-summoned, the third sat down with a slightly contorted expression. Then the mental waves of other children poured into him. 

= How did you do it? Did you command the spirit? You want me to show up like that?= 

= No, I told you last time. Please listen to me! Have you been like that since the first time you called? But so far, I’ve only seen it with my own eyes.= 

= Why did it look like mother? Is it a coincidence?= 

= Can I learn spirit art too? What should I do? = 

At ​​the time when questions were pouring in and the third one was busy chasing them out one by one… 

=········!= The boys suddenly stopped talking and turned their heads to look. At the end of that gaze was the youngest. The fourth, who was born a few days apart from the third, looked a lot different from the other siblings at first, but as time passed, the height and appearance became the same – to the extent that it was absolutely impossible to tell the difference by the face alone. However, the expression on the fourth person’s face was different from the rest of the three. The rest of the brothers felt his mental state even without looking at his face. 

Suddenly, the youngest child’s mind was filled with emotions that he couldn’t turn away from. Sadness. Heaviness. The brothers knew it wasn’t because of his longing for his mother. It was not just sad because of the spirit’s form. The problem was the spirit itself. Everyone worked hard to comfort the fourth. 

= Don’t worry. You will soon awaken to something! Uncle Jenkinson did the same. = 

= That’s right. It’s not unusual for all three to awaken their different abilities. = 

= Yes, we were born unusual in the first place. So you can’t be an ordinary person, are you? Of course he must be talented!=

= Remember? I was very envious of the two hyungs until I summoned the spirit for the first time. Then you finally got this ability, didn’t you? It’s a matter of time, too.=

 It was then. =···Huh?= 

It was the first thing he had noticed. Not because he was more attentive than his other brothers, but because he had the best view of the TV from the angle he was sitting from. 

= Hey, look everyone over there! = 

The first raised his finger and pointed at the TV. At this, everyone turned their heads at the same time. The youngest, who was depressed, forgot it for a moment and reflexively obeyed the voice in his head, and the moment he saw it, he immediately forgot about the depression. A brief silence ensued. 

=···How can you do that?= 

The news was onscreen. A data screen had been laid out, and the reporter was uttering difficult words. He couldn’t understand all of it, but important keywords were clearly etched in the minds of the children. No one had to remember everything. It was the man on the screen that caught their attention. 

-··· It became known that this is Robert Mitchum, chairman of the 5th largest domestic business group, Robert Mitchum donated a stake in a holding company worth 5 trillion won to his eldest son, Edward Mitchum… through an over-the-counter transaction yesterday…. It is expected that the eldest son, who was in the succession class, will be involved in the management in earnest instead of Chairman Mitchum, who is an elderly person based on pure-blood standards… 

The face of a blond half-elf male was reflected on the screen. The children didn’t know this, but it was a photo of Edward Mitchum that had been decided in the group’s publicity room and first distributed in the press. The children stared blankly at his face, and at the same time, as if they had made a promise, turned their heads and looked at each other. a confused sense of recognition filled their eyes. 


‘Smell of blood?’ 

It was a thought that Minjun uttered as soon as he moved to Rare’s lab. A pungent smell pierced the tip of his nose. However, he did not waver. This was different from the events he had experienced before coming to Earth. It smelled like blood from a completely different race. 

Minjun’s gaze touched the wall of the laboratory. There was a huge tank full of reddish-brown liquid. The dragon explained. “It’s dragon blood. That’s why other researchers can’t come in here.” 

There was no need to ask whose it was. “After I returned to the original state, I pulled it out little by little and kept it there.” Minjun reminded himself of how great the impact of the Jang Tae-jun incident was on Lee Goryong. A normal dragon wouldn’t even think of such an experiment. Those narcissists injured themselves and intentionally drew blood. 

Nevertheless, Jenkinson was mimicking something similar to Jang Tae-jun. The wall that had limited imagination had collapsed. Of course, the goal he wanted to achieve through that action was completely different from that mad dragon. 

“The dragon’s genes are also mixed in the monster’s blood, so I was wondering if it would show a magical reaction to my blood.” 

However, the results were not encouraging. The reaction was too weak to read meaningful information. 

“…” Meanwhile, Minjun was pouring out his explanation with one ear. His eyes were fixed on a tank of dragon blood. It felt like it has been sealed with several layers of magic. The best storage magic must have been mobilized. The result was right in front of him.

It looked so fresh… it looked delicious… Gulp. The dragon’s head turned because of the sound that didn’t suit the place. 

Only then did Minjun realize his mistake. He saw dragons as domestic animals and he had an old dragon as a friend, but he was not yet fully engaged. After he blamed himself for coveting the blood of his close friend, he made excuses with a lowly voice. “…My throat is a little dry.” 

Jenkinson tilted his head and continued the explanation. “Anyway, the experiment with my blood didn’t work, so I changed the method. It was to stimulate the blood of monsters with magic waves. I thought that life and genetics magic must have been mobilized to create such a monster and that footprints would remain.” 

Magical traces had no choice but to respond to magic. However, it was very difficult to cut the key to precisely fill the gap. Unless one had committee-level equipment, a machine could not do it for you, and you would have to create a three-dimensional pattern close to infinity and proceed with matching. As such, it was an impossible task without a dragon-like creature that assigned an entire enchantment to one of its six brains. And Jenkinson just did it. 

He said, “We’ve found that blood responds to certain magic wave patterns. Yes. There were artificial traces left.”

His prediction was correct. However, he couldn’t interpret it. “This is the first time I’ve seen anything like that. Do you understand it?”

When he gestured, the magic wave was concentrated inside the container. Blood reacted with it and reflected the transformed magic wave. The computer read the reflection and displayed it on the monitor. “It’s like a painting, it’s like a sign… I’ve never seen a race using such a symbol. I’m just guessing it’s a fragment of the blueprint left behind during the genetic manipulation process. how about Can you see something in your eyes?” 

“…” Minjun, looking at the monitor, was speechless for a moment. The computer was drawing a diagram of the magic wave reflected by the blood. It was simply copied without understanding the meaning. The pattern could not be recognized by Jenkinson’s database. However, Minjun could read it. 

He thought to himself. ‘I can’t tell Jenkinson this…’ 

He then spoke after a moment’s silence. “Have you ever shot the same magic wave that stimulated it into your blood?” 

“It wasn’t intentional, but my blood was exposed to that magic wave during the experiment. But there was no response. It was pretty normal. Why are you asking?”

Jenkinson believed that these were traces of the creators of the monster. But Minjun thought differently. Those were the footprints left much earlier than that. Perhaps… Perhaps this was information contained in the dragon’s genes used to create monsters.

Minjun read what the monitor reflected on… 

View livestock product history management system information 

-Individual identification number: Unknown 

-Place of origin: Unknown 

-Slaughterhouse: Unknown 

-Slaughter end date: Unknown 

-Processing plant: Unknown 

-Genetic information Variety 1: Hwaryong-241 (Creeding history: Ratuma, year of registration) : 6,210 years) Variety 2: Arthropods (detailed information unknown) 

※Accurate information access is restricted due to severe genetic damage. 

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