Except for the heir, the dragons began to whisper to each other in a curious tone. “By the way, why is that prisoner still here?” 

“I heard Jenkins from Korea brought him here. He’s a witness invited to the Balaur Council, so he didn’t kick anyone out.” 

“But we can’t have a meeting like this, can we? Do I need to be allowed to stay in this sensitive place? Not for use, even as a committee inmate.” 

“But, as it is mentioned in the will, it is also a little bit expelling.” 

Meanwhile, the momentum of the heirs grew sharper. They didn’t say it out loud, but similar thoughts began to run through their minds. ‘Private safes all over New York are like my father’s rare annexes. It’s called a decentralized treasure trove. Without exception, they were all protected by the best barriers, and hiding them there is no ordinary thing. Are you going to hand them over to the prisoners?’ 

‘You can’t ignore the will that was announced at the gathering of all the dragons. You’d better wait for him to take over for now. No matter what accident happens after that, from there it becomes a story that has nothing to do with the will.’ 

‘It’s annoying that he’s a prisoner. He can’t just kill him easily, can he? To avoid a dispute with the committee, we would have to deal with it secretly…’ 

The will of the Dragon Lord continued as they each fell into their own thoughts. 

-The following is the content of the Dragon Lord succession. As a representative of Earth’s dragons, I have been happy to fulfill my duties. The Dragon Lord is an important place to coordinate and gather the opinions of people within the dimension. Therefore, I recommend promptly electing a successor immediately after my death is confirmed. 

-However, it is a pity that there are no fellow citizens willing to take the position on their own. If there are no applicants, it would be quicker to nominate them. 

-I recommend Jenkinson, a red dragon from the genus Hwaryong (12 Pyeongchang 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea) as a candidate for the next Dragon Road. 

He was judged as a talented person who could fill in the gaps that he had shown during his tenure, and he was a great dragon who did not miss out on anything, such as experience, attitude, character, and intellectual ability. He wanted voters to think deeply.

At this, Jenkinson’s eyes grew like they were about to pop out, and between his open mouth. 

Whoops!  A sound came out. He never imagined that Lord would leave a legacy for his successor in his will.

How much more would one recommend themselves as the next load?! A murmur continued among the other dragons. 

“Jenkinson? Why do you have that yangban?” 

“The two of us had similar styles… in a bad way.” 

“You mean the eccentric who calls elves and humans friends? With that logic, even cockroaches can be friends with dragons.” 

“Rod was so old he agreed, but Jenkinson. It’s a little hot.” 

“Then what? will you do it?” 

“…No, that’s a little bit.” 

“It’s a place I don’t like to do anyway. I’m glad that Rod left it like that in his will. You can expect Jenkinson to rush in with a sense of duty.” 

The will went on to the next sentence. 

-Finally, I would like to inform you about the disposition of my body. 

At this, the heirs held their breath. This was the highlight from now on. This was because the dead body was the most valuable among the astronomical properties of that ancient dragon. 

-I want my body to “basically” process according to the Dragonic code. 


“Yeah, of course not.” 

A sense of relief spread among the heirs. Obeying the Dragonic Code meant that children should share it equally. The deceased had a bizarre personality that was difficult to predict, but at the most important part he seemed to follow common sense. 

-For your reference, children born before I came to Earth have given up their inheritance rights by mutual agreement. Therefore, among dragons born after 00:00 on December 24, 1945, GST, anyone who can prove that they are my biological offspring can claim the right to the corpse. The criteria for judging biological offspring will also follow the Dragonic code. 

At that time, no dragon saw Minjun’s strangely distorted expression. This was because everyone was so focused on the will. 

-Ah… And the bombshell declaration that followed. 

-Dragon Hartman is an exception. 

“··········!” The heirs felt betrayed by being beaten in the back of the head several times today.

What? Dragon heart? Why make an exception to that?! Among the legacy of that ancient dragon, it is the most precious…! 

-Once again, I apologize to the children. Due to special circumstances, my Dragon Heart cannot be shredded, and it is not possible to do so. The heirs resisted wanting to spit out harsh swear words. There were too many old dragons around to be ruthless. Instead, they were crying in their hearts. 

‘What nonsense! The other old dragons’ dragon hearts were also split and shared… Why can’t it be just yours?’ Without answering the question, the magic message continued calmly. 

-However, jointly owning the Dragon Heart is not effective, and it does not fit the character of the dragon family. Therefore, I hope that only one direct heir will possess the Dragon Heart in its full and complete form. If so, which of the seventeen heirs will occupy it? The dragons wait for the next word without even breathing properly. 

– Among the wills I prepared, the condition for ‘this’ to be activated is that I die unnaturally. Therefore, I want a thorough investigation into the facts of my death and revenge. I decided to donate my Dragon Heart to the direct heir who made the greatest contribution to the process. 

One of the children eventually couldn’t stand it and burst into tears. “Father!”

It was an unreachable cry. Meanwhile, the other dragons were watching as things rolled in unimaginable directions. It was an unprecedented, bizarre will. Even the onlookers could not guess the intentions of Rod. However, up to this point, it was close to the attitude of looking at other people’s houses across the water. It was not his job anyway, so it was interesting. 

However, in the next moment, the psychological distance would be narrowed in an instant. 

– The deadline for investigation and revenge is set 99 days from today. 

– The division and transfer of my corpse begins 99 days after the Dragon Heart owner is decided, and not a single scale must be damaged until then. In case there is an heir who wants to ignore my will, I have a separate ‘caretaker of the body’ and arranged to seal my body until then. If, within 99 days, you determine that none of your immediate heirs have met the conditions or made a meaningful contribution… Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

-The ownership of the Dragon Heart is transferred to the next Dragon Lord. 


It was a moment when the eyes of all the dragons gathered in this place flashed with greed. The heart of the oldest dragon on Earth. Originally, it was a treasure among treasures bestowed only to children who inherited blood. There was an opportunity for even a dragon who had no blood relation to obtain it. 

“Wait, this is nonsense!” The heirs shouted in anger. “Finish the investigation and revenge in 99 days! Impossible. My father was the most powerful ancient dragon on Earth. The existence that can harm such a father is…!” 

He couldn’t continue speaking, but everyone remembered the words he had omitted. Perhaps a committee was involved. “And you give a dragon heart to the person who contributes the most? Who is going to objectively measure and judge it? It doesn’t make sense from the start and it’s not fair. Think about it. What should I do? Should we break into the headquarters of the committee right now and commit some kind of terrorism? Or do I have to kill and get rid of that tentacle monster that’s new to Earth’s representative?!” 

That was then…

“For a moment!” An old dragon stops him. 


The older the dragon, the faster it was to notice the anomaly. Everyone hardened their complexions and looked up over the horizon. ‘No, these old people?!’ 

‘Is it okay for any dragon to cut someone else’s remarks in the middle?! What I’m going to say next is the main point!’ 

In a bit of anger, the heir raised his head a beat late. “··········!” 

At that moment, the young dragon completely forgot what he was about to say. 


=What the hell is going on outside?=

The youngest of four brothers blew her mind with a sullen face. However, the other three brothers remained silent instead of answering. They were somewhere in Hong Kong prepared by Jenkinson’s men. Like a hostel in Seoul, everything the boys needed was prepared, and the brothers did not have any complaints at first. He didn’t know why he was here, but he thought it was. 

This was because everything had worked out this way so far. However, yesterday morning, something strange happened. At that time, except for the youngest, the other three suddenly woke up. It was because he noticed the energy that was ferociously encroaching on the city. Eventually, when an earthquake shook Hong Kong, it only woke up to the fourth. Since then, none of Jenkinson’s employees have returned, except to tell the brothers to stay still. In fact, such a request would not have been possible. The door was locked anyway, and the boys couldn’t get out. 

= A, Mr. Why don’t all three respond? = The youngest grumbled. However, the three older brothers were distracted for their own reasons and could not afford to answer. 

After a while, the first one who was focused near the door opened his eyes. = I can’t hear her mother’s voice. It must have been that the barrier was shaken for a while.=

They had no idea until dawn that their mother had been transported here with them. It was the first to detect a faint mental wave. Immediately after the earthquake at dawn, he sensed a familiar feeling and cried out. = Mom, it’s mom! =

Thanks to her, her brothers knew she was close to her. But after that, nothing was heard. Disappointed at her first answer, the youngest turned her gaze aside. There, the second and third were concentrating with their eyes closed. They were examining the outside situation with each of our abilities. The fourth, who saw it, stuck out his lips.

 ‘When will I ever have that kind of ability?’ 

It was the third time that I opened my eyes first. = Whoo.= 

He sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead. In addition to this, he shook his head. 

= It’s no use. There are too many barriers around. It’s like the one that blocked the mother’s place = 

The third sent her spirit to look around. However, something powerful was blocking the approach of the spirits, both in the place where her mother was supposed to be and in the vicinity of the earthquake. In the end, they were isolated from both things they wanted to know.

Now there was only the second place to put hope. The eyes of the brothers gathered. After a while… 

=···Huh!= The second opened his eyes. His expression wasn’t serious. 

The brothers began to ask urgently. = How are you? Do you see something?= 

=Did you send the beast around your mother? Did you see it? = 

= Or, what else happened out there? = 

The second replied without a moment spared to breathe. = No, I can’t send a single rat close to her mother. She’s completely blocked off by a wall. = 

= So? What did you see? = 

Second, you have awakened the Druid trait. Like the third spirit sensitivity, it was an ability that had little chance of being manifested in dragons. For dragons, other beasts were nothing but meat. In addition to this, the desire to listen to the voice of meat was difficult to nurture. The second, who broke through the rare probability, reported the situation that the animals outside had conveyed. 

=Out now….=

Hong Kong’s relatively mobile animals, such as sewer rodents, mountain bats, and coastal seagulls, had already run away when the building collapsed. Nevertheless, there were leftover animals all over the city. Most of them were pets kept by citizens. The second was to connect with them. The animals, who had been trembling in fear after a terrifying dawn, were now in a state of frenzy again. 

Dogs, cats, and pets were screaming in fear all over the city. Their sensitive senses caught something. The second who interpreted the meaning moved with trembling lips. 

=Something… Something very big and dangerous… is coming here!= 

At that moment, darkness fell outside the window. 


There was a sudden twilight over Hong Kong in the middle of the day. A huge object approached from afar, erasing the horizon. Instead of suddenly appearing in the sky above the city, it chose to appear far away. The point where the teleport spewed it out was above sea level, several tens of kilometers from the city center. 

After that, an honest and very fast movement followed. The aircraft crossed the sea, passed through Hong Kong Island, and approached the Kowloon Peninsula. It was amazing speed. It was to the extent that he felt confused by the sense of distance. The flight left a huge trajectory that no one on the ground could miss. 


“Hey, what is that!” 

“Report, report!” 

Spots resembling the eclipse’s shadow covered Hong Kong’s skyscrapers one after another, then vomited under the sun after a while. There were beings who were as shocked as ordinary citizens who witnessed the scene. 

Pot! Papa Pat! 

A reflex reaction followed. Most of the old dragons soared into the sky as soon as they saw the existence. In their minds, that flight remained as a memory close to a scar. Dragons jumped up in succession like salted live loaches. After going through the war, they instinctively released the polymorph and returned to the main body. The sky was covered by winged reptiles. 

In addition to this, the aircraft slowly approaching from a higher altitude than them finally stopped in the sky where the body of the gold dragon was lying on the site of the collapsed ICC building. It was a mass of tentacles with a radius of 6 km. 


From a distance, the people of Hong Kong watched the scene with bewildered eyes. They had already suffered a series of massive earthquakes and the collapse of Hong Kong’s tallest building. The scenery of dawn was reenacted in a terrible sense of unreality. Countless number of dragons covered the sky. It was a sight that darkened his eyes and made his head dizzy. 

Even this time, one thing was added. A bronze tentacle monster wriggling above the reptile swarm. An abyss-like sphere in the middle of the fuselage looked down on the ground. With emotions that proved to be hard to imagine. 

“···Oh God!” Citizens who looked at the sky felt the coolness of the back of their necks. It was a pale foreboding that perhaps today would be the day of the annihilation of Hong Kong.

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