“What the hell is going on?!” 

Those who worked at Raymond’s mansion looked up at the sky in fear. It was difficult to see several meters ahead because of the dark clouds that filled the surroundings. Not to mention, they had no idea what was going on in the high sky. The roof had just been blown off with a terrifying roar, and there were only a few glowing blue flashes in the lightning clouds. 

The fear grew because the situation was unknown. The employees wanted to run away right away, but they were blocked by the barrier and there was no way to escape. 

“···Uh?!” Something hit them over the head.

Bank! Levee! 

Black rain started to fall. At the same time, a terrible fishy smell covered all sides. Under the shadow of the dark clouds, people soon recognized the identity of the liquid that looked black. 

“Blood, blood!” 

Hudders! Patter! It was raining blood from the sky. People were completely white. Still, no one dared move – they knew that they were all stuck here. 


Taylor, who was in charge of Raymond’s costume in polymorph state, vomited. He was a dwarf known for his good taste. The stench of blood rain was unusual. Unlike the usual bloody smell, there was something disgusting that upset the internal organs. Even the sluggish Orcs held onto the ground and poured out tears and mucus, and the elves, who had a sensitive sense of smell, fainted early. 

Little did they know that the rain they were receiving now was the lifeblood of a dragon that contained life force and magical power.



Minjun, who was running on the dragon’s back, eventually reached the end. The shadow tail extending from his lower body grabbed the dagger and meticulously drew it to the end. He turned his head and looked at the road along which he had traveled so far. 

There was a shiny, bloody trail created by splitting scales. The blood gushing there was dripping down like rain. 

‘What a pity.’ The dragon’s scream hit Minjun’s ears as he thought so. 

“Ah! Kyaaaaa!” Raymond continued to struggle. Minjun focused on his pupils. It was a little different from struggling in a state of panic. The hostility towards Minjun on his back had disappeared, and now he felt only pain instead of hatred. The frying pan that turned into a dagger confirmed it. 

=Completely brainwashed.= 

Minjun immediately shouted. “Be quiet!”

At that, Raymond Wong immediately stopped moving. “…!” With his lower jaw blown off and his back ached, the old dragon was so calmly taking care of himself. And as if waiting for the next command, he looked at Minjun with clear eyes. Even in the midst of spilling his blood, he remained calm. 

He didn’t seem to feel any pain. Minjun was sure that there was no need to experiment with this or that ridiculous suggestion against him. That look was proof. Then, Kentius asked with difficulty. “Are you done?” 

Minjun nodded. 

“Okay.” Hearing the answer, Kentius’ eyes closed and his head bent. And then it just started to fall. A black whip extended from his fingertips. Then, it spread like a spider’s web and wrapped around the three-color dragon. Thanks to this, Kentius dangled in the air as if wrapped in his tangled hammock.

Minjun clicked his tongue. “You’ve already exceeded your limits.” He should have fainted a long time ago after being hit by his thunderbolt several times, but each time, Minjun implanted ‘suggestions’ in his head with mental waves. He couldn’t just faint now. 

When Minjun assured him that he could do that, Kentius believed it without a doubt. And moving beyond the limits of the body, he finally passed out as if his thread was cut. 

‘It was a kind of Berserk state.’ It seemed that more experiments were needed to see how far the frying pan’s abilities could be applied. 

‘First of all, treatment.’ Kentius was also a problem, and Raymond also shouldn’t show his face in front of others with his lower jaw smashed. This old dragon cannot be killed. It was also to find the killer of the road, but unlike Changcheon, the problem was that Raymond had not yet committed a mortal sin by dragon standards. Minjun didn’t want to turn all the dragons on this planet into enemies. “Raymond, leave the barrier intact and only let one person I point out.” 

The old dragon did as he was told. =It’s been a while.= 

An alien, avoiding the eyes of others, broke through the black clouds. Floating in the air, he knelt deeply. “It took a lot of work to come. I heard you hid in the cargo hold of the plane?” 

=I am just happy to be able to serve.= 

Yuntus, a priest who arrived in Hong Kong by a different route than the others, smiled sincerely just thinking about it. 

=Ah, now this is…= The cleric serving Minjun alternately looked at the fainting young dragon and the old dragon waiting with its back wide open. He tilted his head and seemed to have interpreted the scene according to his own philosophy. 

=Are you making an offering?= 

At this, Minjun shook his head. Here, he had no intention of doing anything grotesque in the style of the Dream Land Church. Of course, he had to admit that Yuntus harbored such misunderstandings. 

“Heal these guys. Have you filled up your divine power in advance?” 

=Yes, as you commanded.= He radiated divine power. He then woke up Kentius, who had collapsed from exhaustion, first. The dragon’s unique strong vitality was stimulated by divine power and filled the three-color dragon’s body. 

“Great…!” Kentius woke up within minutes of passing out. Next, it was his turn to treat Raymond. 

‘It reminds me of the old days.’ Even with his jaw blown off, the old dragon stared at Minjun with calm eyes. In the past, when sensitive times such as heat came, males would fight each other and eat their jaws or cut off their tails. Even though they bit each other violently, when the owner approached, they stopped all their actions and became docile animals. Even if one’s skull was cracked and the meningeal membranes were visible, even if the wings were dangling and the scales were burned, they did not feel pain… “Is that possible?” 

Yuntus looked at the wound and said, “My chin hurt a lot, but it’s okay because it’s a small part compared to the body area. After all, the key to recovery is the dragon’s vitality. The vitality itself has not been greatly damaged, so there is no need to worry.” 

He then looked at the dragon’s back and admired it. The state of the incision on that side was so clean that the cut marks would disappear completely if the muscles on both sides were pulled back together. Even though he had no experience in dragon anatomy, Yuntus could tell that it was a great skill. The priest felt the craftsman’s hand in that incision. Seeing that he not only made the dragon like this, but also treated it like a servant, Yuntus once again felt his faith and respect for the incarnation thicker. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

Whoa! After Raymond fully recovered, Minjun said. “From now on, do as I say.” 

The old dragon nodded his head meekly, with dull eyes. 


Raymond, who appeared in front of the employees in a normal state, cleaned up the pieces of his body and blood that were scattered all over him, and declared that this was an accident caused by the ‘catalyst runaway during the magic experiment’. It was an excuse that no one would believe, but there was no one to argue with. 

Kentius, who was watching the situation from behind, suddenly felt uncomfortable. The dragon, who calmly observed the sensations wriggling in his head, soon recognized its identity. 

‘By the way, where’s Leo?’ He didn’t see the dragon he thought was his friend until he found out he was crazy. The dragon who was also Raymond’s son. If he had been in the barrier together, he would have appeared in the middle of a fight. 

This was because it was too much of a mess to ignore. Even if Leo was outside the barrier, he should have been back here by now. The barrier was huge enough to be seen anywhere in Hong Kong. Shortly after his father had a guest, he would have come to find out why he made such a thing. However, what is not yet visible was… 

‘Did you leave by teleport right after you met me? Also, abroad? If it had been right before the barrier, it would have been possible to move. By the way, what’s so urgent…’ 

After ordering the restoration of the mansion, Raymond moved to a place with the visitors. After he informed Jenkinson that he was safe, Minjun began to interrogate Raymond. 

Both dragons were in human form to avoid being seen. Minjun decided to take the question, and Kentius did not raise an objection. In the midst of the tension, he had forgotten his doubts about Leo’s whereabouts.

“…” The air suddenly became heavy. Prisoners asked the most important questions first. The reason he accepted the invitation, even though he suspected there might be a scheme behind it.

However, there were doubts to be resolved. “Did you kill the Dragon Lord?” 

Kentius felt his chest about to burst. He looked at the old dragon in heightened anticipation. Then Raymond moved his lips slowly. The answer that came out of his mouth was… “No, I didn’t kill him.” 

“You lie!” A shrill shout reverberated. With his face shattered with anticipation, Kentius huffed. “How dare you tell a lie in front of someone! You killed Rod. Otherwise, it can’t be explained as to why the artifact disappeared!” 

He thought he was on the verge of obtaining the Dragon Heart, but it was a momentum that he couldn’t easily accept because that expectation was betrayed. He swore continuously and shoots at the old dragon. Minjun thought he should calm him down.

“Abandon false hope and confess right in front of us…!” 

Minjun sighed. “Kentius, that’s not a lie.” 

“Oh, is that so? He must’ve killed me instead, then.”

However, it did the trick. Kentius returned to a calm expression as if he had never been in a riot in the first place. After giving the young dragon peace of mind, Minjun continued his interrogation. “Then do you know who killed him?” 

The other replied with an innocent expression. “I do not know.” 

Now, Minjun also felt annoyance and disappointment creeping in. “Then why did you try to steal Lord’s legacy?” 

“Because I guessed that there would be an artifact of an ancient race in it.” 

At least that wasn’t a lie. However··· “After thinking about it, it was a pity, so it must have been a lie that I planned to revive it.” He confirmed Minjun’s guess without moving an eyebrow. 

“Of course it was a lie.” 

“Why did you try to retrieve it again? Did you play a trick on the artifact and try to destroy the evidence?” 

“No, it’s not like that. I really forgot there was such a thing in the warehouse until Lord asked for it that night.” 

Then why? The old dragon told him the answer. “Because I witnessed Lord cast a spell on the artifact the day before he died.” 

“…What magic?” 

“It was magic that responded to dragon blood.” 

“Some sort of dragon finding magic?” 

This was the magic that Jenkinson used to find Jang Tae-jun in the past. It was a spell that could not be used unless it was a creature with dragon blood flowing in its body. “It’s a spell that has been refined more precisely. It was a magic that only reacted to the children who inherited Lord’s blood, allowed only them to use items, and helped in the process… by searching for and identifying the location of the children.” 

Minjun’s expression changed slightly. 

Thud! Thud! His heart beat slowly. A magic that could find the son of a lord? That, in principle… was magic that only the Dragon Lord himself could compose. Other dragons of his bloodline could cast similar spells, but the oldest of the Earth’s children was Kentius, who had not yet reached 100 years of age. It was not the stage to touch advanced orders that intervened on a gene basis. It would be difficult to convince the person concerned and it would take a long time to go through committee approval to find and bring another child from outer space, so this was the most realistic way. 

“Why do you need that enchanted artifact?” 

“Because I guess that Rod has a hidden child.” 

“…!” Minjun urged the next words with a sharp gaze. “Give me more details.” 

Then, what he said was something that Minjun could not have predicted at all.

“Rod told me a long time ago. He’s looking for a way to escape death.” 


“It is a pity that a noble being like a dragon perishes at the end of its lifespan. It is certainly a research subject worthy of attention.” 

Recalling the past, the ancient dragon revealed a secret. “Nevertheless, the reason I was horrified when I heard that was because I was also looking for a way. I was working on it pretty seriously. Investing a lot of money and time.” Being a close friend of the Dragon Lord means that Raymond is also an old dragon. “But I did not reveal the fact and skillfully questioned Rod. I asked him, ‘how are you researching?’” 

“Why? Why bother hiding the fact that you are also under research for the same purpose?” 

“Because the facilitators I joined hands with for the study… made it difficult to inform others. Especially Rod.” 

The moment Minjun was about to dig into that part, he decided at the last minute to stop and listen because of Raymond’s words that did not stop. “Rod told me it was a secret. I never tried to tell you. So I shared this fact with my helpers. Then they… guessed that Rod was conducting similar research in the same way as we were. Perhaps Rod alone. It wasn’t a coincidence, it just had to end that way. There is only one way for long-lived races like dragons to overcome their lifespan.” 

“What is that?” 

He replied calmly. “It is to prepare a body that is most genetically similar to oneself so that there is no rejection, and then transfer the soul into that body.”

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