Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

Hong Kong’s old dragon, Raymond Wong, felt a strange sensation at the moment. He didn’t know why this sudden feeling of incongruity managed to creep up on him. Not long ago, he could not have imagined that a member of the Korean National Assembly, Orc, had fallen into the same situation as himself. He tilted his head for a moment, then turned his head. 

From there, he called the servants outside to clear the table. Doubts quickly disappeared. In the midst of a feeling of fullness and extreme happiness, Raymond forgot even the promptings of his missing youngest son and helpers and fell into the afterglow. 


Darkness began to wriggle through. Now that the vision was blocked, the Toads couldn’t see Minjun, but Minjun could see them. He thought of what he had just done. He said, ‘Since I became a prisoner, I have never changed my body.’

It was different from other inmates who changed their bodies over and over again whenever they were dispatched. If one were to think about it, except for the dimension that was in charge of escorting the crown prince, the dispatch destination was always a dimension where humans lived. Therefore, he thought only that it was because he did not need to change his human form body. This was because replacing souls takes talent. 

However, what if that wasn’t really the reason? 

‘This body is not fake. The committee succeeded in erasing my memories, but they couldn’t take my body.’ 

Even if the current form was real or artificially intervened to alter the form, this body was still originally Minjun’s body. To prove the hypothesis, Minjun decided to conduct an experiment. ‘If my body is really right, why can’t I show my original ability?’ 

And why did he shed red blood instead of talent when I get hurt? ‘Because this also has restrictions?’ 

One would have to overcome them to regain their strength. Minjun faced the fact that his psychological barrier had collapsed. Then, he contemplated how to utilize the ink-colored sword in his hand, Asif-1.

He was once oblivious to his existence as Asif-1 intended, but was now unaffected. Originally, the instrument was designed to be incapable of defying his will. Nevertheless, being swayed by the suggestion at one time meant that the effect could change depending on the psychological state, and according to Minjun’s intentions. 

Because of this, he tried to break down on purpose this time. Since the wall had already been demolished, he decided to go to the realm beyond it. Minjun remembered that the brainwashed Kentius had gone beyond his limits and confronted the old dragon. He had aimed for a similar effect, this time suggesting to himself. 

Because of this, he stuck to Asif-1 to the scruff of his neck. The suggestion was to cut out any inner and undesired limitations. In short, anything that made him not like himself.

Quarrrrr! Minjun saw the darkness creeping in all directions, a hem as thick and deep as mud. Its identity was something like a concentrated undiluted solution of the substances that make up the shadow monster. It appeared here by breaking through the condensation of space spread by the Toads. 

Asif-1 did not even have the ability to cut the grain of a dimension. What made this phenomenon possible was not the sword, but the wounds it inflicted. Paradoxical statement, but true. It was the power of the sword that caused the wound, but it was the power of the wound itself that connected the rift to a dimension other than the material world. 

In other words, it was what Minjun’s body did. However, contrary to expectations, Talent did not flow out. Minjun realized that that flowing endlessly was also a part of him. That that was his power.

From there, he knew he had to try swinging it.


“Ugh!” The Toads were startled by the sudden change in vision. Minjun could control the darkness and could choose what to hide and what to reveal. As a result, the survivors could now see each other. 

The commander seemed to be going crazy. A fear that could not be explained by reason was imprinted intensely on his form. 

‘…What is this?!’ 

The darkness crawled in a grotesque form. And wriggling, licking the air with its black tongue. The commander felt an unpleasant aura drifting under his shell. It was sticky and damp, and an ominous feeling came up. 

There was no clear expression on Minjun’s face, and that made him even more afraid. He felt an intense thirst. He wanted to wet his dry skin, not his neck. Instinct imprinted from the days of living near the water in the distant past. At that time, this tribe fled into the water when predators or other species that caught and killed them for unknown reasons approached. 

Minjun looked at him calmly. If the other person was more sensitive, he would have noticed the contempt in his gaze. To the tribe that couldn’t read it, Minjun looked indifferent as if he had transcended everything. After an eternity of silence, he opened his mouth. “Harmful things you can’t even eat. How annoying.” 

Roaring! There, the darkness shuddered. It was a coincidence that the hem of the night came together and approached the person on the far right. There was cause and effect for typhoons and earthquakes, but no special intention. This is because the subject of the incident does not attach much meaning to the outcome of the incident, or simply did not feel it. 

Minjun’s actions were like that. There was no reason why he shook the darkness and aimed at Toad on the far right, and there was no elaborate plan. This was because all the Toads here were the same to him. They were harmful and should be caught and killed on sight. 

And so, Minjun did just that. 

“Heh, heh… Whoa!” In the face of seething darkness, Toad reacted instinctively. And instinct sometimes leads even highly intelligent creatures to do meaningless things. He hid his head, arms, and legs in the hard shell. Then his sleek torso rolled on the floor. Although it evolved to withstand wild attacks, this was a behavior that has become obsolete in modern times. It was a context in which races that evolved from mammals puffed up their fur in the face of danger. As if to prove it, the darkness is gently divided into five branches. and dug into the hole that hid his head and limbs.

Soon, a terrible sound rang out. Knocking! Quick! Chii!

The screams stopped in an instant. After that, all he could hear was bones breaking and snapping, muscles and organs being torn. Its broad, round body swayed wildly and then overturned. Compared to the back shell, the relatively soft belly skin was simmering. As if bubbles are forming on the surface, then its rounded rose and sunk repeatedly. 

Jureuk! After a while, a mixture of crushed flesh, organs, and blood flowed out of the five holes. Minjun felt disgusted by the scent it gave off, and the darkness sent it out through the grain as if it didn’t want to hold it. 

One died in an instant. The Toads thought they were standing in front of a predator. It was not an accurate judgment, seeing as the other person didn’t want to put them in their mouth. 

“Attack! Attack!” 

Pod! Papapat! Their magic tool began to emit a beam of light. However, the laser cut off in the middle. The darkness covered the strands so that they could not reach Minjun and vanished in vain. The magic dissipated the same way.

The Toads were trembling. They didn’t know why that prisoner suddenly changed, but now it didn’t matter. There was no way to fight and win. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

From there, the darkness moved once more. It was the one right next to Toad who had just died. 

“Uh, uh, aaaaaagh!” He desperately ran away. He believed in the strong body remodeled by his ancestors and ran towards his death. The idea was to try to make an emergency escape by running away to the end of the space condensation barrier. Minjun calmly looked at him without using his hand, as if waiting for a little gap. 

“Ugh! Oh my…! . . . Huh!” 

As he ran away, he faced the sight of his head turning white. “·······?!” He found himself in a cycle, seeing his comrades in front of him when he had just been running away from them moments ago.

Minjun, who was originally facing the back of the fugitive, turned his head. He then raised his hand as if to welcome him approaching from behind. 

“Don’t talk…” Darkness boiled over. The fugitive reflexively hid his head inside the shell. It was useless, but no one could blame him because it was an instinctive act. The dark shroud moved faster this time. His left arm was halfway in, and his right arm and legs were not yet hidden in the shell. Then, like a lever, it was lifted vigorously to widen the gap. 

Blah blah! Wood deok! The intestines twitched under Toad’s back, who had lost his natural armor. 

Shhh! Darkness crushed the torn-off shell as if it were crumpled with a fist. 

Puck! It hit the Toad’s back, revealing his weak spot. He died with an incoherent scream. After the soul-crushing noise stopped, Minjun spoke.

“Just…” He then trailed off after this, realizing that he no longer needed to kill them one by one or test his abilities. 

“Kill yourselves.” 

Although once water-friendly creatures, Toads breathed on land. They were still breathing even after the darkness fell all around. And the darkness gradually covered the inside of their respiratory system. 

From there, the Toads rushed at each other. They attacked with deafening screams. He folded his blunt fingers and struck the opponent’s head with his hard palm like a hoof. In the shock of being hit with a hammer, he slammed his eyes with sharp lips resembling a bird’s beak. He bit into it and tore its flesh apart. 

If the other hid its head inside its shell, it would thrust its beak into it and peck at it. They devoured flesh and focused on breaking each other into as many pieces as possible. Blood and intestines flowed.

Instead of embracing the self-participation type slaughterhouse, it shared its grain and hovered around it. After a while, only one Toad was left there. The commander, unaware that he had a few more minutes to breathe in the world thanks to him, tried to make an ungrateful choice. He was trying to end his life that had barely been extended. 

Fluffy! He floated his ball horse tool over his temple. He didn’t want to end up like his own people. Rather… he closed his eyes tightly. He instinctively resisted retracting his head into the shell with superhuman endurance. 

Weeing! Lasers emanated from the sphere, all aiming at the commander’s head. He was sincerely relieved. He felt he could now be freed…




His beak-like mouth opened. “···Ah.” 

He didn’t know why he was still alive. Just before the laser emitted from the sphere hit his left cheek, the strand suddenly broke off and reconnected on top of a span of his right cheek, moving forward and disappearing into the darkness. Minjun threw his eyes at him, who appeared to be in despair. The reason he left one was because he had something to hear. 

‘Yeah, I need information.’ However…

‘You don’t have to listen to it alive, right?’ 

Phish! What the commander met was a relatively benign death. He died in relief. 

= Kyaaaah! = 

It was only until it was discovered that his soul was separated from the body and was not summoned into an unknown power. The commander realized that he had become a revenant. Many of the souls of the Toads who died horribly, or who died horribly, roamed the darkness in madness. And so Minjun muttered, not missing a single one of them and gathering them all up with necromantic magic. 

“Ah, I am thirsty.” 

The time of salvation was now over as he watched the others left in the dark. Lakefield and Dong-cheol are safely hiding in the barrier. Kentius lay flat on the floor, his ears laid, and the scales set up. Even though he couldn’t see or hear anything, he instinctively felt threatened. And Yuntus… 

Minjun checked the priest who had passed out in the basement, his blood flowing like a waterfall from the third eye between his eyes. It wasn’t in bad condition. 

Once he had made sure that everything was all right, his throat-cutting thirst grew stronger. Minjun thought to himself as he began to gather the specter in the air. A strange light was still shining in his eyes. 

He longed to quench his thirst. That young dragon crouching beside him wouldn’t even be able to hold his tongue. 

‘I don’t ask for much. However, it would be nice to have a dragon around 2,000 years old.’

He felt a deep longing that stirred his spirit. He was indeed thirsty. 


Jenkinson fell into the deepest trouble during his two thousand years of life. He has just received an urgent report from Hong Kong.

 “Inais’ Rare is on fire?!” 

Blair nodded. “Yes, it is. It is in a state where no one has access.” 

What the hell was going on? He couldn’t guess other dragons willing to help. The child she harbored in her egg and her heirs, who were related to her by blood, would rather rejoice. At this time, the Dragon Lord, who would gather his own people and come to the aid, was vacant. 

Jenkinson felt again what a great loss the Lord’s sudden death in the absence of an heir was to their race. And he was in agony. He was not close to Inais and had no ties. However, he couldn’t help Rod’s lover and the child he left behind was in danger. In addition to this… 

“Minjun hasn’t answered?”

“Yeah. It’s also impossible to contact him.” 

‘Am I trapped?’ Jenkinson, who could not directly grasp the nature of darkness through his senses, could not imagine the identity of what was hounding Minjun. It wasn’t even a form he knew, and there were types of magic that dealt with darkness in other types of magic other than black magic. 

Jenkinson was agonized. He was the bereaved of the deceased he admired and the same dragon, Inais, and her child. He had been sharing friendship with the other for hundreds of years, but Minjun himself was not a dragon. 

Who should he help first? What was the right choice for a dragon aiming for the next Dragon Lord?


After moments of intense thinking, Jenkinson made his decision.

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