The water rushed down and Qin Ting was drenched.

"He Liuyang!"

Qin Ting couldn't open her eyes because of the water. Her hand was tightly against her hot chest, and the heat spread all the way from the palm of her hand to her face.

He Liuyang untied her hair, and the smile at the corners of her mouth was evil and aggressive. When he took off his military uniform, his slender and powerful posture showed itself. At this time, he was more like an elegant lion seeking a mate. He was full of fierce masculinity, but he was not in a hurry to swallow people.

Just grinding and provoking bit by bit.

Qin Ting's back was firmly pressed against the wall, and the cold on the wall gave her a thrill.

Qin Ting's hands are set up, and he Liuyang ambushes her neck and gnaws constantly. Qin Ting opened her mouth and the water rushed in. The whole person could only struggle to be slaughtered.

"Long enough." the magnetic voice was dull.

Qin Ting was angry with he Liuyang's bullying, but she really couldn't struggle. She could only say, "give me more time."

"Then?" he Liuyang bit her earlobe, "you are my wife..."

Qin Ting didn't start, avoided the current, "I, I know."

"This is my right."

Qin Ting wants to say that he lied to her, so there is no obligation at all, but now is obviously not the time to say this. As he Liuyang is now, he can't stand the slightest provocation.

"I know... Give me some more time..."

He Liuyang didn't answer, but looked up at her, and then looked down a little. Under the scouring of the water, the thin shirt can't hide any shame, and any outline has nowhere to hide.

Qin Ting was afraid, "he..."


Clothes were thought roughly directly. Qin Ting couldn't believe that he Liuyang still had this hobby at the moment when clothes left her body!

"My clothes!"

He Liuyang groped behind Qin ting with his big hand, and her small clothes fell to the ground. She was stripped clean. Qin Ting didn't have time to have half a silk of anger. Her hands had been pulled down and directly attached to the hot place.


He Liuyang blocked her mouth and kissed her rudely, without stopping. At the thought that soft hands are relieving themselves, the body can't help giving a happier response.


He Liuyang bit Qin Ting's lips and accelerated his movements. He pressed her all over and opened his mouth next to her ear. His thick breathing and her breathing were messy.

"I'm going out... I'll be back in five days..."

Qin Ting didn't respond. All her attention was taken away by her hand. She listened to what he Liuyang said, but every word was in her head. The whole person was almost steamed.

Is it really time to talk

"Qin Ting?"


"Qin Ting?"


"If you don't speak, you agree with me now."

"I'm listening!"

He Liuyang's laughter was broken and hoarse. He bit her ear and said, "give it to me when I come back, huh?"

Qin Ting was so ashamed that she wanted to die. When things got to this point, they said that nothing had happened. Can anyone believe it... Qin Ting buried her head tightly in he Liuyang's arms and nodded her head very gently.

He Liuyang successfully forced Qin ting to sign a deed of betrayal and immediately bathed them.

"I'll do it myself!" Qin Ting gritted her teeth.

He Liuyang was not forced this time, but his eyes made Qin Ting stand on his back. Qin Ting quickly finished washing. When she wanted to change her clothes, she found that she had no clothes at all. The suit she was wearing had been torn!

He Liuyang said magnanimously, "you can wear mine."

Qin Ting clenched her teeth and glared at him. She took he Liuyang's pajamas and put them directly on her body. He Liuyang came out of the fog and his whole body was completely exposed to the air. Qin Ting saw it so three-dimensional and clear for the first time. As soon as her nose was hot, she quickly put on her clothes and ran out.

"Don't forget to bring me a suit of clothes." he Liuyang shouted in the bathroom with a smile.

Who cares!

Qin Ting gritted her teeth, but after changing her clothes, she still brought him clothes. With the narcissistic degree of he Liuyang, Qin Ting has no doubt that if she doesn't give it to him, she will see an exposure maniac walking in the room the next moment

Thinking of this scene, Qin Ting decided to retaliate in another way.


When he Liuyang dressed up and sat down at the table for dinner, there were five dishes on the table, but he could eat balsam pear as one dish.

Qin Ting is very "kind" to serve the rice for he Liuyang.

He Liuyang looked at the dishes with serious eyebrows and eyes, like a great enemy, "I'm not hungry."

Qin Ting directly took a chopstick and put it into he Liuyang's bowl. "You have to eat if you're not hungry." when she cooked these dishes, did she serve him!

He Liuyang's thin lips pursed slightly, "there are other dishes."

"This dish is the only way to reduce the fire."

"If you give it to me, my fire will be gone."

"Cough! Cough!" Qin Ting almost spewed out a mouthful of rice. Her cheeks flushed and glared angrily, "he Liuyang, can there be anything else in your head?"

He Liuyang thought that only this thing is the most important at home. But looking at Qin Ting's appearance, he picked up the bowl and said, "if you meet me, I can think of other things."

Qin Ting lowers her head to eat and ignores him.

Qin Ting ate quickly. He Liuyang saw that she finished eating and planned to put down the bowl, but Qin Ting stood up and said with a straight face, "the rest is yours. If you don't eat, I'll take it as if I didn't promise anything just now."

When he Liuyang heard the second half of the sentence, his perfunctory attitude suddenly became serious. He said seriously, "you mean you will fulfill your promise."

Qin Ting just didn't see his erotic eyes and said, "this is you, not me."

He Liuyang nodded and began to fight with balsam pear seriously.

Qin Ting didn't believe that he Liuyang would really eat all five plates of balsam pear, but when cleaning, she was angry and funny to see that there were no balsam pear in the plate and trash can.

At night, he Liuyang sleeps with Qin ting in his arms. Qin Ting surprisingly didn't refuse, which surprised him.

Qin Ting moved and automatically shrunk into he Liuyang's arms. Her ears were slightly hot, "good night."

He Liuyang kissed the top of her hair, "good night."

He Liuyang left Beijing early the next morning. When he left, he took away Qin Ting's latest clues and the photos of the crime scene. Judging from the traces at the crime scene, the man is an old hand - that's what he wants to cover up.

He Liuyang can be sure that the person who killed Ni Qiang and his wife had at least received special forces training in China. It can not be ruled out that he committed the crime himself.

The plane was safely located in Myanmar. The cabin door opened and two tall and straight people in civilian clothes appeared at the airport.

He Liuyang and Lin Yue did not make a deep disguise, so the news of their suspected entry into Myanmar immediately spread.

The golden triangle was in an uproar, and Li Shakang stood up. "What is he doing back now?"

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