He Yao did not expect that he escaped from the laboratory duty once and was caught by Zhou Yongheng.

He Yao hardened his head and said, "I just went out with something. Now I just go back on duty."

"At this time, the experimenters should have gone?" Zhou Yongheng has a talent for preciseness and accuracy in experiments. He had to read the arrangement and design of the experiment once to ensure that he remembered it clearly.

He Yao said, "Professor Zhou, I'm wrong. I won't do it next time."

"No next time." Zhou Yongheng frowned. "I'm not satisfied with your recent performance. From today on, you'll stay every night to do the experiment. The experimental results should be satisfactory to me."

He Yao's heart suddenly became bitter ha ha, "yes, Professor Zhou."

Zhou Yongheng nodded and said, "come to my laboratory tomorrow morning. You need to meet someone."

"See who?" he Yao wondered.

Zhou Yongheng moved his mouth and said, "you'll know tomorrow."

He Yao looked at Zhou Yongheng turning around and was surprised if he was wrong just now. It seemed that Professor Zhou was in a good mood. It seemed that the people who were coming tomorrow were very important. Who would it be? He Yao patted her head. She was still free to care about who she was. Her experiment!

He Yao hurriedly opened the door of the laboratory for the unfinished experiment.

At ten o'clock the next day, he Yao received a notice and asked her to go to Zhou Yongheng's laboratory.

He Yao just had the experimental results to give to Zhou Yongheng. He simply took them to him together. As soon as I got to the door, I was about to knock, when I heard a familiar female voice inside.

"Why does it sound like an aunt's voice?" he Yao wondered.

Dong Dong Dong.

He Yao knocked on the door.

It took Zhou Yongheng about half a minute to let he Yao in.

As soon as he went in, he Yao really saw Qin ting and was about to shout happily when he saw a strange man next to Qin ting.

"Professor Zhou, are you looking for me?" he Yao gave Qin ting a look, and then looked at Zhou Yongheng.

Zhou Yongheng nodded at her and then looked at Liu Yihang behind Qin Ting: "consultant Liu, if you have any doubts, let my students answer them for you. I have something else to say to Qin ting."

Liu Yihang noticed Zhou Yongheng's address. He glanced at Qin ting and saw her nod before going out with He Yao.

Before he Yao closed the door, he gave Qin ting a mouth and gesture to the effect that "little aunt, wait for me."

Qin Ting smiled and nodded at her. He Yao went out at ease.

Zhou Yongheng saw the smile on Qin Ting's face, and the amazement and emotion in her eyes flashed by. Even after seven years, Qin Ting was as beautiful and outstanding in his eyes as when she first met. After giving birth to her child, her whole body exudes a kind of brilliance and warmth, less alienation and indifference.

"Professor Zhou, didn't Yao trouble you?"

Zhou Yongheng said slightly, "there is some trouble, but the qualification is very good."

Zhou Yongheng can't change his directness and frankness for many years. There's something awkward, and it hasn't changed for many years. Others may find this temperament difficult to get along with, but Qin Ting always appreciates it.

"Yao Yao is still young. When he grows up, he will have a good temper." Qin Ting said.

Zhou Yongheng said, "it doesn't matter whether you accept your temper or not, as long as you don't become stupid. If you become stupid, I'll drive her back."

Qin Ting smiled and said, "don't worry about this. I believe Yao won't."

"Of course." after all, he chose the students himself. Zhou Yongheng has absolute confidence.

Qin Ting smiled helplessly. This week Yongheng really let him talk about good and bad alone. Now she has become a nosy outsider.

"Anyway, thank you for deliberately arranging Yao to come." Zhou Yongheng has three students, not necessarily Yao.

Zhou Yongheng said slightly, "she is different because of you."

"Hmm?" Qin Ting smiled.

Zhou Yongheng's ears were red and his face was expressionless. "Because you're coming today, there are some things I want to tell you about Yao, so it's different." Zhou Yongheng has been very careful about his mind.

Qin Ting doesn't feel it at all?

It is absolutely impossible, but some things are better not to poke than to poke, especially for Zhou Yongheng.

He was careful enough to expose or refuse, which was an insult to him. So Qin Ting would rather pretend that she didn't know anything and just regarded him as an old friend. It is worth mentioning that Zhou Yongheng is also the only person he Liuyang acquiesced in and didn't mention more.

"What's wrong with Yao?" Qin Ting wondered.

Zhou Yongheng has never deceived Qin Ting, except that he likes her, so Qin Ting asks, and he doesn't intend to hide anything.

"She has been distracted from her research recently. If she has been in this state all the time, it will only waste her talent."


"Well, for example, there was her experimental supervisor tonight, but she ran back without permission." Zhou Yongheng said, "although it was not found by others, it is a matter of attitude, and I don't think it can be despised."

Qin Ting nodded, frowned and said, "I know. I'll deal with it."

"Well." Zhou Yongheng looked at Qin ting and saw her thinking. He looked at Qin Ting confidently.

After talking for a while, he Yao and Liu Yihang came back outside the door. Looking at Liu Yihang's expression, it should be that most of the problems have been solved. Liu Yihang smiled and said, "Professor Zhou, you are indeed a famous teacher and an excellent apprentice. The students do their best."

Liu Yihang spoke highly of He Yao's performance. At first glance, it was a teenage student. He didn't pay attention to it. After listening to the introduction and explanation and answering the questions, Liu Yihang was completely convinced.

"Qin Ting, it seems that there is no problem with our new materials this time."

Before Qin Ting spoke, Zhou Yongheng opened his mouth. He looked unhappy and said, "the new material has not passed the test, and whether there is a problem can not be determined. Although there is no problem in the preliminary test, I will never allow it out of my laboratory until it meets the requirements of practical application."

Qin Ting already knew Zhou Yongheng's smelly and hard problem, but Liu Yihang didn't know it.

This is because the Ministry of health and the military have a cooperation project, so it will intersect with Zhou Yongheng's research. Liu Yihang and Zhou Yongheng only met for the first time.

Qin Ting smiled and said, "Professor Zhou, don't worry, we won't put them into use until we get your permission."

Zhou Yongheng nodded with satisfaction.

Liu Yihang was still unhappy. Seeing Qin Ting's attitude, he had to press down first.

"Professor Zhou, I'm sorry. I said the wrong thing just now."

Zhou Yongheng said, "it doesn't matter. You're not the first."

Liu Yihang: "

He Yao secretly laughed, she just had a bad attitude of Liu Yi Hang's query, if not not to want to give aunt aunt trouble, she directly taught, Professor Zhou awesome!

After he Yao snickered and looked up, he saw Qin Ting give her a meaningful look.

He Yao's smile was stiff and he felt as if he had got into trouble.

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