According to the information, as long as the share of shares can account for more than 5%, you can become one of the directors of the white group and have the right to vote at that time.

But after a while, ye caiman received a reply.

White group does have a large number of retail investors, who hold more than 20% of the shares. As long as we can acquire 5% of them, we can solve the problem.

"What are the possibilities of acquisition?"

"There is a rumor that Bai's group may move its headquarters. The market is not optimistic about this, so at present, Bai's shares have fallen. It should not be difficult to start, but it may not be profitable." retail investors sell off and they recycle, which is a certain risk.

Ye caiman said, "Bai's stock must be profitable and will not lose. You can buy it for me."

"Well, how much?"

"The more, the better."

The other party hesitated and said, "at present, we may not be able to transfer so much funds."

Ye caiman said, "I'll find a way in terms of capital. You just buy."


Ye caiman is a serious second young master of the Du family. The Du family has been rich for so many generations, but it is also considerable. In addition, he also has some skills, so he has no big problem in terms of capital. The only problem is how to make Du Xichun relax and let him transfer the money smoothly.

Ye caiman thought for a moment and called Du Xichun.

"I need money." as usual.

Du Xichun already knows Ye caiman's recent whereabouts, and is not surprised that he wants money. "I can give you the money, but I want half the stock," he said

Du Xichun wants half of the stock, just as he just imagined.

"Deal." the key is to help Baizhu stabilize the situation first. As for this half, there will always be a chance to get it back in the future.

Du Xichun said, "I'll let someone call France, and the account and password will be sent to you tomorrow."


When ye caiman finished, he was about to hang up, but Du Xichun said, "Ye caiman, if you promise not to come back, all the stocks are yours."

"Impossible." then ye caiman hung up the phone.

Du Xichun hung up the phone with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Du Ju, if you don't want the second young master to come back, we have some ways." the Secretary said in a aside way.

Du Xichun glanced at him faintly, with a slight smell of coldness, "Pei Yuan, you're busy."

"... yes."

When Baizhu arrived near manor manor, it was already slightly bright. "Rest here for a while, call the housekeeper of Marino manor and say I want to see count Marino."

"Yes." the Secretary immediately called and arranged accommodation.

At dawn, Baizhu entered Marino manor smoothly.

Count Marino seemed to have expected the arrival of Baizhu long ago, and even ordered to prepare Chinese breakfast. Baizhu looked at the fresh ingredients on the table and was already confident.

"Count Marino, how are you recently?" although Bai Zhu was worried, anxiety often became the key to failure in negotiations.

Marino is a typical Italian man, tall and strong, with charming eyes. Because of inheriting a rich family, Marino doesn't need to worry about making money, just need to concentrate on doing what he is interested in.

In addition to jewelry and diamonds, he also likes art and design, so his nobility and romantic atmosphere coexist.

Marino smiled and said in a gorgeous voice, "it's no different from before, but from today on, I believe my life will be better than before."

"Oh, why?" Bai Zhu smiled faintly.

Marino's eyes looked at the white bead, his handsome face rose and smiled, "of course it's because of Ms. Bai's arrival. After seven years of absence, Ms. Bai is still as charming as before."

"Thank you for your compliment. Count Marino is more charming than before." Bai Zhu smiled faintly.

Marino smiled, stood up, walked to Baizhu, suddenly knelt down and said, "how about marrying me?"

Bai Zhu smiled gracefully, put her hand into Marino's raised hand and said, "well, if the white family can have one more count of Marino, the commercial development in Italy will be more smooth in the future."

Marino looked at Bai Zhu bitterly, "can't you go to hell with the family rules of your Bai family?"

Bai Zhu smiled and said, "No."

Marino stood up, sat back in his seat and said, "that's a pity. Ms. Bai, you're the most attractive woman I've ever seen. I'll regret that I can't marry you all my life."

"It's also my regret that I can't marry count Marino."

Marino looked at Bai Zhu's smile and shook his head with a smile. "Bai Zhu, you are really incomprehensible. You came to talk to me about the board of directors in three days. Unfortunately, someone came to me before you came. I have promised them to vote for them."

The secretary was in a hurry, but listened to Bai Zhu: "count Marino, this is a development plan of Bai's group in the next two years. We will focus on developing a diamond ring for wedding anniversary. If count Marino is willing to cooperate with me, I will invite count Marino as the chief designer of the project and have the decision-making power of the whole project."

Marino's eyes lit up, took the plan, saw the words "Mary's blood", and said with big eyes, "can I still see Mary's blood?!"

Bai Zhu smiled and said, "of course, this is also a part of the plan."

Marino carefully read the plan several times and looked up and said, "I still have the decision-making power of the whole project?"

"If Mr. Marino doesn't believe it, we can sign the contract now. Maris (name of secretary), the contract."

The secretary handed the contract to Marino. Marino looked at the contract and said with a smile: "Baizhu, I knew I had to wait for you. Don't worry. I will vote for you in three days!"

Bai Zhu smiled and said, "thank you for Mr. Marino's trust in us. This contract will come into force the moment Mr. Marino votes for us."

"No problem!"

Bai Zhu took the pen from the Secretary, signed his name on the contract, then handed it to Marino and said, "you can come to me with the contract in three days."

Marino looked at Bai Zhu's signature on the contract and smiled even more. "No problem. It's no problem for me to go to France with you today. Three days later, my vote is guaranteed to be yours."

Seeing Marino's face changing so fast, the Secretary couldn't help laughing.

Bai Zhu was not in the mood. Although Marino agreed, it was not as smooth as she expected. I'm afraid it would be more difficult to persuade the other three people, and they might even have been preempted by the other party.

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