Feng Qianqian didn't expect that Du Xichun was so crazy that he contacted her with the contact information of Chilian organization.

At the moment of hearing Du Xichun's voice, Feng Qianqian had a feeling that he had been found.

"Du Xichun, you are treason!"

At the other end of the phone, Du Xichun smiled gently, "what evidence do you have?"

Feng Qian's eyes were angry.

She really has no evidence, and now it seems that she is the one with the problem, but who will believe that they should actually be the opposite. In Du Xichun's position, it is impossible to move him just by her.

Du Xichun said, "there's something I should have told you last time, but it's not too late now."


Du Xichun took out a recording pen from the file bag sent by his secretary and opened it.

"Qianqian, it's me, Qiao Sheng."

Hearing the familiar voice, Feng Qianqian froze. Her hand holding the communicator was shaking. She knew that Liang Qiaosheng was dead, but at this moment, Feng Qianqian hoped for a miracle.

"Qiao Sheng, it's me, I'm..."

"Feng Qianqian" three haven't said anything yet, but Liang Qiaosheng's voice came from the other end. "Qianqian, what I want to tell you is, in the future... Don't wear so exposed clothes that don't look good... Also, force me to dress up as a woman. Other men don't necessarily have my good temper... Take care."

Feng Qianqian covered her mouth and listened to Liang Qiaosheng's voice until after the word "take care", she burst into tears.

Du Xichun turned off the recorder and said, "if you want, come to me. You know where it is."

With that, Du Xichun turned off the communicator.

Feng Qianqian squatted down, curled himself up, buried his head, and the choking voice continued to come out for a long time.

This recording was recorded before Liang Qiaosheng died. To death, he didn't say those three words.

Maybe I don't deserve it, maybe I hope she will forget him forever and look for her own happiness.


He Liuyang goes back to he's house to get the information and leaves in a hurry. Qin Ting keeps calling Feng Qianqian, but she can't get through anyway. Just when she was about to give up, ran Xiaoyun suddenly called.

Dye Xiaoyun: "Hey, Qin Ting, is it inconvenient for you to come out now?"

"Now?" Qin Ting looked at the time. It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening. Ran Xiaoyun rarely let her go out at this time. "OK, where shall we meet?"

Ran Xiaoyun said, "my house. I'm a little sick and don't want to go out. I want you to come and help me."

Dye Xiaoyun said this, which made Qin Ting guess more.

Ran Xiaoyun has a private doctor. There's no reason to ask her to help see a doctor so late. Nine times out of ten it's because of something else. Qin Ting hopes it's because of Feng Qianqian, otherwise ran Xiaoyun doesn't have to beat around the Bush, but she can't rest assured that she doesn't see anyone.

Qin Ting drove to see ran Xiaoyun.

As soon as Qin Ting set out, brother Bing at the door told he Liuyang about it. He Liuyang asked them to follow him, and then he quickly rushed there.

Half an hour later, Qin Ting went to ran Xiaoyun's house.

Dye Xiaoyun hears the sound of the car and has come out. He asks the housekeeper to go aside and stay by himself. Qin Ting enters the room. When it was determined that there was no one around, ran Xiaoyun took Qin ting and said, "Qin Ting, come on, Qian Qian is hurt."

"Where is it?"

"In my little attic."

Ran Xiaoyun pulls Qin ting and walks towards the attic. Feng Qianqian is sitting on the ground at this time. She has a wound on her arm. After Du Xichun listened to the recording, she knew that there was an inside story about Liang Qiaosheng's death, so she wanted to go to Chilian organization to inquire about some news, but she didn't expect Du Xichun to still be able to ambush good people long ago.

If she hadn't run fast, I'm afraid life and death would be unpredictable now.

Qin Ting treated the wound for Feng Qianqian for the second time. Her eyebrows were always locked. "Feng Qianqian, if you continue like this, you can't have this arm sooner or later!"

Feng Qianqian smiled, put down his sleeve and said, "don't worry, this arm is very important to me."

It's just that it happened that all the injuries were on the same arm.

Feng Qianqian's face was pale and her eyes were red. Anyone could see what she had done before.

Qin Ting frowned and said, "Du Xichun caught you?"

Feng Qianqian looked at Qin ting and said, "he Liuyang tells you everything. Now, I finally believe that one person will break the principle for another person." just like Liang Qiaosheng, because of the shadow of his childhood, he has always been unable to accept other people's touch, except Feng Qianqian's touch, which is also the place where Feng Qianqian often makes fun of.

Qin Ting said, "how did you come here to dye Xiaoyun?"

"I decided to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Qin Ting frowned, "what do you want to do?"

Feng Qianqian said, "I want to see he Liuyang first. Now I only believe in him. Moreover, only he can deal with the people I want to deal with."

The Du family and the he family are now evenly matched.

If you find someone else, people who are afraid of Du Xichun don't say it, and they don't have enough strength to fight hard.

Looking at the current four families, there are only three except the leader. These three, one supports the leader, and the remaining two are deployed separately, namely the Du family and the he family.

As long as the Du family forces are spread in intelligence, although they are single, they are very important.

The he family has a wide range of power. Whether it is the government or the army, the people of the he family occupy important positions. Moreover, the he family also united with the Wen family, and in many ways, other families could not catch up with it.

"Liuyang doesn't know when to come back." Qin Ting frowned, "if I contact him now, I'm afraid I'll attract other people's attention."

Feng Qianqian shook his head, looked at Qin ting with a smile and said, "although I don't know what he Liuyang is, I know something about you."

"Hmm?" Qin Ting was puzzled.

Feng Qianqian looked out of the window and said, "he must not be at ease when you come out in the middle of the night. The door is full of his people, so I dare to do it. He will appear outside in less than half an hour."

The children who grew up in a hospital have this advantage.

Although they don't know each other, they are sure of the core. This is also the cruelest place for them to fight with each other after they grow up.

Qin Ting looked out of the window and hesitated. She still dialed he Liuyang.

As soon as the phone can be connected, Qin Ting has five points to believe Feng Qianqian's words. She hesitated and said, "where are you?"

He Liuyang looked up and said, "downstairs of the dye family."

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