After hanging up, Qin Ting took out the mobile phone in the bedside drawer.

She has two mobile phones, one for work and the other for daily use. It was a working mobile phone that fell off that day. Qin Ting had no choice but to pull out her daily mobile phone card and replace it with a working mobile phone card.

As soon as the mobile phone was turned on, messages rushed in one by one.

Qin Ting turned her mobile phone to filter. In her ear, the telephone in the living room kept ringing, but it had no impact on her. Insignificant people are not worth wasting energy.

Turn to a text message. Qin Ting stops. It's from Zhang Yong.

"Qin Ting, the director knows you've been back. He wants you to come over and call me back when you see a text message. Brother Yong."

The next three in a row were sent by Zhang Yong, worried about her accident.

Qin Ting called back.

"Hello! Qin Ting?"

Listening to Zhang Yong's nervous voice, Qin Ting smiled and said, "well, it's me."

"You scared me to death. I thought what happened to you. Suddenly shut down, you want to scare me to death!" two years ago, Qin Ting was robbed and shut down continuously. No wonder Zhang Yong was worried.

Qin Ting said with a smile: "the mobile phone is dead and forgot to charge. The other mobile phone is at home and I didn't bring it with me."

Zhang Yong said speechless, "just scare us to death. If you don't show up again, I should let my colleagues in the police station go out to find you!"

Qin Ting smiled, "sorry, not next time."

Zhang Yong nodded and said, "by the way, the director asked you to come over when you have time; and the dean of the welfare home over there said let me say thank you."

"What's the matter with the Director looking for me?" Qin Ting looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that coroner Lu is going to study abroad. The position in the bureau is empty. I guess the director wants to ask you if you want to come back." Zhang Yongdao.

Qin Ting thought and said, "I know. I'll go back to the Bureau tomorrow and meet Li Bureau."

"That's about the same." after that, Zhang Yong found a place where there was no one and said, "by the way, Qin Ting, is there any new progress in the case? Has the murderer been found?" recently, it's the time when the promotion changes the most. If he can solve the case as soon as possible, he can just catch up.

Qin Ting smiled helplessly and said, "don't worry, I'm more worried about this than you. There's a breakthrough. You'll be credited when the case is solved."

When Zhang Yong heard Qin Ting say this, he couldn't hide his smile. "Yes, I'm too anxious. Qin Ting, I'll be busy first. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Qin Ting hung up the phone and shook her head. She didn't know whether Zhang Yong really understood or falsely understood. In the future, he was promoted to a higher position. With the help of the power of the he family, he will become a member of the he family from now on.

With factions, you can no longer be as natural and unrestrained as before.

Qin Ting was wrong about this. Since Zhang Yong took this road, he already had consciousness. The most primitive pursuit of men is always power, money and color. Maybe these don't need much, but they must be enough to maintain dignity!

And for Zhang Yong, at this time, he doesn't know who helped Qin ting. He only knows that this person is very powerful, otherwise he would never dare to investigate like this. Knowing this, all he has to do is follow his footsteps and pull himself up.

Many years later, Zhang Yong looked back and always believed that this was the most correct choice he had made in his life.

Qin Ting then called the welfare home and Liu Lina respectively. When these calls were answered, the phone in the living room didn't ring, and she continued to sleep.

Gao Rou angrily threw the phone on the wall, and Meiyan's face showed a bit of malice.

"Yo, who made the second lady unhappy again?" a sarcastic voice sounded at the door.

Gao Rou turned her head. It was Gao Ji who had just returned home.

Gao Rou said coldly, "don't worry!"

Gao Ji pressed the door and wouldn't let her close it. With a sneer on her face, she said, "won't you call he Liuyang again?"

"Gao Ji, who I call has nothing to do with you!"

As soon as Gao Rou's voice fell, Gao Ji hit the door in a circle, which made Gao Rou cry. He said coldly with a gloomy face: "I warn you, I'd better not contact he Liuyang again. Our Gao family and he family are at odds!"

"That's your business. It has nothing to do with me!"

"Ha ha," Gao Ji looked at her sarcastically and said, "this is just your wishful thinking. If it has nothing to do with you, why does he Liuyang treat you like this these years? Second sister, I advise you to be sober. There are many men in the world. It doesn't have to be he Liuyang! You can't be."

"Ah! Ah!" Gao Rou cried madly, "Gao Ji, get out of here!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"You only have Gao Lan in your eyes, and you will always have her! I know that the one you want to die is me, and you all want her to live!" Gao Rou shouted.

Gao Ji's smiling face cooled down, "you're a madman! I tell you, you'd better stay at home and lose Gao's face elsewhere!"

With that, Gao Ji turned and went downstairs.

Gao Rou screamed wildly and slammed the door heavily. Her voice was more than enough.

As soon as Gao Ji came downstairs, his gloomy face became decadent and sad.


Hearing the voice, Gao Ji looked up stiffly and said, "Grandpa."

Gao Shize nodded, looked upstairs, waved and said, "come here, grandpa has something to say to you."

Gao Ji walked over and stood in front of Gao Shize.

Gao Shize is now nearly 70 years old with gray hair, but his mental momentum is still unabated. He is the deputy chief of general staff of the Beijing Military Region and a major general. Although he is only a hanging rank now, he is still the backbone of the military and political affairs of the Gao family.

"Xiao Ji, Grandpa asked you, how sure are you if Grandpa asked you to deal with he Liuyang?" Gao Shize sat on the sofa, leaning on a crutch in his hand and looked up.

Gao Ji thought with a serious face and said, "he Liuyang is just a major of the 23rd army. He can't be compared with our Gao family."

Gao Shize shook his head, patted his hand and said, "Xiao Ji, it's a big taboo for strategists to underestimate the enemy. Moreover, Grandpa asked, how sure are you if you're alone."

Gao Ji pursed his lips and said, "five points." the only difference between him and he Liuyang was his age. He was two years younger than he Liuyang and joined the army two years later. But he is now a major, enough to rival he Liuyang.

When Gao Shize heard Gao Ji say this, he nodded with a smile and said, "well, Grandpa, I'm glad you have this courage. Go and have a good rest."

Gao Ji can't tell what his answer is from Gao Shize's attitude.


He turned to rest in the room.

As soon as Gao Ji left, the smile on Gao Shize's face was restrained, and his expression was cold and serious. Lan'er, if you're still there, Xiaoji may have some suggestions. Unfortunately, you left too early.

Gao Shize stood up with a crutch and dialed a phone.

"Come back, the Beijing military region has arranged a position for you."

Words for readers: sorry, I didn't stay up last night. I'll make it up today. In addition, add one watch today. Finish before 12 o'clock, Mo Mo supports the pro. Ask for monthly ticket and recommendation~

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