Qin Ting looked at a man coming towards her from a distance. Looking closely, she didn't know him. A man with such a clear basic outline, if she has seen it, I believe she will not forget it.

Gao Xing saw Qin Ting looking at him with puzzled eyes, walked over with a smile and said, "Hello, which office is Qin Ting's agent?"

Find your own?

"I am, are you?"

Gao Xing looked at Qin Ting's eyes for a moment, then piled up a warm smile on his face, "Oh, I'm here for inspection. My name is Xing Gao."

Qin Ting said, "do you want to check?"

"Yes, I want to enter the special forces, so I came here for routine inspection." Gao Xing smiled.

Qin Ting frowned and said, "you should go to the physical examination room. Walk over here and turn a corner. The third office is."

"OK, agent Qin, thank you." after that, Gao Xing is leaving.

"Wait," Qin Ting looked at Gao Xing. No matter what she thought, she didn't think the man was coming for routine examination. She frowned and glanced at him up and down. Gao Xing smiled and let him look at him, "agent Qin, what's the problem?"

Qin Ting said seriously: "The muscles on your arms are more than twice as strong as those of ordinary soldiers, which is the result of special training; from your walking posture, you have damage to the third section of your cervical spine, which is left by high-altitude obstacles; your right hand is more muscular than your left hand, because you have received high-strength shooting training, and your hands have fewer cocoons than those of active special soldiers, which indicates that you have been transferred. One People transferred from special forces do not need routine inspection at all! "

make love!

Gao Xing smiled and applauded. "It's wonderful. Agent Qin really deserves his reputation."

Qin Ting said coldly, "do you know what crime it is to forge a soldier's identity? What's your purpose here?"

Gao Xing looked at Qin Ting's serious appearance, showed his signature warm smile and said, "agent Qin, don't be nervous. I'm not a spy. It's safe here and no one dares to come in. I came because I wanted to see you, but I made a joke because I didn't expect you to be Qin ting. Hello, my name is Gao Xing."

Gao Xing?!

Qin Ting looked at his hand and didn't stretch it out. She just said coldly, "young master Gao, I'm sorry, no one here is free to play with you." with that, Qin Ting turned and left.

Gao Xing did not stop, but smiled and said, "agent Qin, too soft hearted people can't live in the army. Why don't you tell the facts and let everyone know?"

Qin Ting didn't even stop. She just didn't hear someone talking behind her.

Gao Xing didn't expect Qin ting to be so cold and disappointed, but it also aroused his inner interest. No matter what relationship she had with the he family, he was attracted to Gao Xing.

Gao Xing turned and left the medical department. His appearance caused a lot of commotion.

When Liu Lina was busy, she heard the gossip from others in the medical department and came to Qin Ting, "is it you who swept people out just now?"

Qin Ting was buried in a pile of documents. Hearing this sentence, she joked, "sweep out?" she didn't seem to be such a violent person.

"They said that a handsome man talked to you just now. You scared people away directly."

Qin Ting smiled and said, "I wish I could scare him away. The person who came was Gao Xing."

Li Lina was surprised and said, "it's Gao Xing, the eldest son of the Gao family who has been wandering away?" Gao Xing is an illegitimate son and has not been recognized by the Gao family for a long time.

"Well," Qin Ting closed the document. Indeed, Liu Lina said, "there is no problem with this list of selected soldiers. Please give it to the first division. I signed it."

Li Lina took the document. Seeing that the party was so wrong, she lost her mind of gossip and had to leave bitterly with the document. After Liu Lina left, Qin Ting had no choice but to shake her head.

Gao Xing's facial features are clear and easy to be noticed in the crowd. Coupled with his warm smile, his appearance feels generous, polite and noble, which fully conforms to the image of a rich family and noble childe, so he gives a good impression.

However, she doesn't like Gao Xing.

The conceit and arrogance in his words is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the image he deliberately created, which makes people feel hypocritical. However, we have to admit that Gao Xing's eyes know that he is a man with great city government and strategy.

But it seems that he Liuyang also has these, and he Liuyang makes her feel more magnanimous. Thinking of he Liuyang, Qin Ting can't help rubbing her waist.

"Boss, I heard that Gao Xing came back the day before yesterday." Xiao Liu rubbed over to he Liuyang during the gap of shooting training.

He Liuyang didn't answer. He took aim at the point in front and pulled down his gun.

PA! Three shots in a row, right in the heart!

"Boss, awesome!"

He Liuyang threw it to a soldier nearby and motioned him to shoot. Then he said, "what does this have to do with us?"

Xiao Liu was about to answer, PA! The soldier suddenly fired.

Xiao Liu was angry but hit him on the head. The soldier covered his head wrongly. He Liuyang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the target and missed the target

Before he Liuyang spoke, Xiao Liu hurriedly covered his face. "You're blind, aren't you?! even if you close your eyes, you should hit. What's your eye for!" the soldier was wronged by Xiao Liu. At the same time, the two leaders were around him. He couldn't calm down at all, especially the head was still talking next to him.

The soldier glanced at he Liuyang secretly, hoping that he could help him out.

He Liuyang put down the mirror, looked at the soldier with a smile and said, "here are 100 guns. I want to hit the bull's eye at least 70 times. Otherwise, leave the flying eagle team immediately."

The soldier was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

Xiao Liu hit him heavily and didn't understand his way: "you boy! I'm kind enough to be regarded as a donkey's liver and lung by you! The boss has the strictest requirements for your grades. It's too late to be hidden. You hit yourself at the muzzle of the gun. Practice for me quickly! A hundred guns, do you hear me! If you can't finish the task, you'll die!"

"Yes!" the soldier dared not be distracted and focused on shooting.

Little six made a gesture to No. 7 in the distance. No. 7 just didn't see it.

Miss the target, everyone is sorry for that man. The boss must be in a dark mood now. He doesn't want to die.

Xiao Liu shamelessly continued to rub the past and said with a smile: "boss, let's practice. Really let that high line press on our heads?"

He Liuyang looked at the results of the whole group, then turned his head and said, "otherwise, what are your plans?"

"No, boss, it's not your style to be decisive! We can't afford to lose that person. Anyway, we can't let your Gaojia boy show off!" Xiao Liu said righteously and full of banditry.

However, this sentence did please he Liuyang. PA, the whole group of bullets hit the bull's eye at the same time.

He Liuyang turned his head and said with a smile, "when did the flying eagle admit defeat?"

He Liuyang has been listening to the No. 7 with his ears. When he heard this, he was excited, his hand slipped, snapped and shot directly out!

He Liuyang knew the shooting point when he heard the gunshot. He turned his head, looked at No. 7 and said with a smile: "OK, really give me a long face and miss the target..."

The whole number seven froze.

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