"No, nothing..."

Small light is scared of a shiver, tremble to Qin Chuan Road.

"Qin, brother Qin, please sit down and I'll get the menu."

With that, Xiao Guang ran away, thinking about how the woman brought by elder brother Qin was so horizontal this time? It's not as gentle as the first two.

"I can't see it, Qinchuan."

Wang Ning stares at Qin Chuan with a smile. She can hear Xiaoguang's words clearly just now.

"What?" Qin Chuan pretended to shake his head and pointed to the empty table beside him.

"Sit down and I'll see my friends."

Then Qin Chuan walked directly to Zhang Jianjun, who was baking kebabs under the shed.

"Here you are."

Zhang Jianjun glanced at Qinchuan and handed the roasted mutton kebab to Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan didn't care. He took a bite from his mouth. It was spicy and fragrant. Let alone, Zhang Jianjun's kebab was really good.

"I've been a little busy recently. How are you?" Qin Chuan asked casually, tearing the mutton kebab clean.

"Not bad. Thank you for last time."

Zhang Jianjun put the kebab on the oven and said, looking at it, the previous injury has been very sharp.

"By the way, how do you think of this?" Zhang Jianjun looked up at Qinchuan road.

"Something happened." Qin Chuan thought of Wang Dachuan anxious appearance, can not help but some sigh.

"What's the matter? Would you like to talk about it? " Zhang Jianjun couldn't help saying.

"One of my friends, my son, has been hijacked." Qin Chuan doesn't have to hide from Zhang Jianjun.

"Can't it be Wang Dachuan?" Zhang Jianjun picked the eyebrow.

"How do you know?" Qin Chuan couldn't help but be surprised.

"Hey, it's been spread in Dongjiang for a long time. As soon as the mobile phone is turned on, it's the news that Dongjiang's only rich son has been hijacked. It's hard to hear."

Zhang Jianjun waved his hand carelessly. Anyway, it's not his son, so it's time to watch. It's just that he didn't expect that Qin Chuan and Wang Dachuan are friends.

"Find a place to sit. I'll ask Xiao Guang to deliver the string to you later."

Zhang Jianjun said, then continued to bow his head to bake, and Qinchuan walked back. After a while, Xiaoguang came over with a big plate in one hand and a beer in the other.

Qinchuan didn't have lunch at noon. He was hungry for a long time. His front chest was close to his back. He was not polite when he saw this. With a greeting, he took the lead in eating.

"Well, can these things be eaten?"

Wang Ning holds a roasted pig's large intestine in disgust, opens her mouth several times, and has no courage to bite the roasted large intestine.

"Do you want to eat? No, I'll eat. "

Qin Chuan grabbed it, scratched it in front of his mouth, and half of his large intestine disappeared.

"Well, what are you doing? It's mine."

Wang Ning was a little reluctant. She snatched the kebab back and bit it hard. Let alone, it was really fragrant!

"Haha, roast large intestine is my second uncle's best. I'll ask him to bake some more for you..."

The next little light said, then turned and walked to the shed.

"I said that Laozi have been sitting here for a long time. Why hasn't anyone come to entertain them yet?"

At this time, a voice of discontent suddenly came. Several people in Qinchuan turned their heads and saw that outside two tables, a group of three men were looking at Xiaoguang with displeasure.

"That son of a bitch, come and order for me in a hurry!"

One of the men with big yellow teeth pointed to Xiaoguang and said.

Xiao Guang's eyebrows are twisted. Although he is small, he has a big temper. At the beginning, even he Beiqiang, the big gangster, dared to rush up with a bamboo stick to fight. Xiao Guang naturally won't pay attention to these men who are full of dirty words.

"There's a menu on the table. Check what you want. I'll come and get it later."

Xiao Guang said coldly, but didn't pay any attention to them. He turned and walked to the shed.

"Son of a bitch, you

That big yellow tooth some can't sit still, is despised by a barbecue booth's young fellow, he really is the first time.

"Come on, stop the fuck. After eating, you'll leave quickly. If something goes wrong, you'll get the police. I'll be the first one to kill you." The man with the skull tattooed on his head whispered.

"Hey hey, I know, I know boss, we have to keep a low profile, keep a low profile..."

Rhubarb teeth immediately ingratiated smile, hate staring at the eyes of the small light, sat back on the chair.

But I don't know that their conversation was clearly heard by Qin Chuan.

"What's the matter with you?" Wang Ning saw Qin Chuan holding a glass of beer, and couldn't help asking.

"There's something wrong with those people." Qin Chuan raised his chin to the table of Da Huang Ya.

"Who is it?"

Because of the seat, Wang Ning turned her back to them. When Qin Chuan said that, she would turn around and look at them.

"Don't look at them."

Qin Chuan drank a low, a embrace her shoulder, but inadvertently put the palm on her chest.

"You, what are you doing?"

Wang Ning's face flashed a touch of shame and indignation. Qin Chuan obviously wanted to take advantage of his carelessness. It was disgusting.

Wang Ning's voice on this side immediately aroused the vigilance of the group of people with big yellow teeth, and looked at several people in Qinchuan with vigilance.

"Keep quiet."

Qin Chuan whispered in her ear, just like a close couple. The big yellow teeth also let down their guard when they saw it, but they also looked here from time to time.

"If you don't have a reasonable explanation, go to hell."

Wang Ning was tickled by Qin Chuan's unreasonable actions, but she didn't dare to do too much.

"The three people behind you mentioned the police when they spoke just now."

Qin Chuan whispered and slowly took his arm off Wang Ning's shoulder.

Wang Ning's face changed, and she turned her head and took a look.

"There must be something wrong with these people."

Wang Ning affirmative tone said, although the appearance of those people look very relaxed, tiptoe smoking, but the eyes are full of vigilance, erratic looking around, as if hiding someone in general.

But even so, Wang Ning didn't connect them with the kidnapping case. I don't think there will be such a coincidence.

"Well, the young master hasn't found it yet. How can I explain to Mr. Wang?"

Next to Li Gang's face depressed under the head, not only he, the other three bodyguards are also gloomy, on the table of the kebab is not a move.

"The more you look for something, the more fruitless it is. It's better to eat first."

Qin Chuan said lightly, picked up a few bottles of beer and put them in front of Li Gang.

"Have a drink. Don't think too much about it."

Li Gang's face changed several times, picked up a bottle of Gudong and poured it down.

It is true that this matter has little to do with him. After all, no one expected such a thing to happen.

Qin Chuan is also drinking beer, but he has been paying attention to the situation of those people. Qin Chuan always has a feeling that these people are probably related to the kidnapping of Wang Dachuan's children.

At this time, Xiaoguang came out of the shed with a kebab of beer. These things were ordered by those men. Xiaoguang walked straight over, put everything in his hand on it, and then said.

"The total cost is 238 yuan. Please check out."

"What The big yellow tooth hammered down the table and knocked down two bottles of beer.

"There's no reason to give money first and then eat, son of a bitch. Are you looking for trouble?"

"I'm sorry, brother. We all pay first."

Xiao Guang smiles without fear, but it's true that the barbecue stall has the rule of paying first and then eating. It's because some time ago, there were always a few gangsters who ran away after eating. Zhang Jianjun made such a decision.

"I don't believe you. Ask the guests around." Xiao Guang pointed to a circle of guests and said.

They are all repeat customers of barbecue stalls. It doesn't matter if they pay first and then. The main thing is that it tastes good.

"They don't care."

Dahuang Ya hummed and pointed to a table in Qinchuan.

"When these people came here, I saw them. First, I didn't say anything about ordering and serving, and then I didn't pay the bill. What do you say?"


Small light Ghost Head swept an eye Qin Chuan, turn a head to big Huang tooth way.

"They are my second uncle's friends. Even if they don't pay the bill, don't you care?"

Xiao Guang is a bit of a prick. He is also aggressive. I don't know who he learned from.

"Son of a bitch, I have to teach you a lesson!"

Big yellow tooth in the heart is angry, raised a slap to small light cheek to clap past.

"Stop it

Just at this time, the man with the skull tattooed suddenly stopped Dahuang's teeth.


Dahuang teeth looked at the tattoo man, if he was normal, the boy would have been cleaned up.

"Put your hands down first." Tattoo man shook his head, looking at the light said.

"If we have money, we can pay first, but only if the person at the table also pays." The tattoo man pointed to the table in Qinchuan.

In fact, he shouldn't have caused trouble, but he was mainly angered by the tone of Xiao Guang's speech and despised by a little rabbit. If he didn't say something, how could he be the boss in the future?

"They, I'm sorry, I'll treat them to this meal." Xiao Guang said, shaking his head.

"Damn it, boss, you want me to clean up this little bunny."

Big yellow tooth full face angry low roar way, almost didn't be small light of words to gas explosion.

"Well, let's pay first."

Tattoo man gloomy forget small light one eye, turn head to rhubarb tooth way.

"Don't make trouble. If there's anything, I'll come back in a few days."

"Good." Rhubarb teeth smell speech is no longer entangled, sharp from the pocket out of a pile of red money fell on the table.

"Boy, here's the money for dinner. You should keep it well. We'll have dinner again in a few days." Dahuang's teeth gave a smile, and his eyes flashed with a fierce look.

"Frighten who."

Xiao Guang disdained to curl his lips. Listen to them, what's the revenge?

However, Xiao Guang was not frightened. He found the change and left without shaking the three people.

"Boss, when I come back in two days, I must throw this boy into the cangyun river." Rhubarb teeth looking at the back of the light said.

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